Secret to shaping up

Mis-behave said:
Did kettlercise class last night!! I worked really hard, sweat loads! Going from 3 mins of leg exercises like squats into star jumps, then more star jumps with a chest push - really gets to you!!
I also used my 4kg more last night than normal Burnt 515kcaks in 60 mins

Wow Mis-behave, that sounds intense; good on you!
KW Wk 4 Resistance: liking those windmills (disco side bends) and over-shoulder ball catcher thingies!
KW cardio week 1 done and survived. Where did those mountain steppers come from? And I couldn't even get off the ground for the alternate push ups! Does he even consider that some of us might be a tadge overweight!! Having said all that, I managed everything else and feel great. Certainly worked up a sweat!
What do others do in between KW days? I feel I need to keep the momentum going but as a consummate couch potato not sure what to try. Ideas please? Classes not really an option for me here in Vienna as they are way over my budget.
KW cardio week 1 done and survived. Where did those mountain steppers come from? And I couldn't even get off the ground for the alternate push ups! Does he even consider that some of us might be a tadge overweight!! Having said all that, I managed everything else and feel great. Certainly worked up a sweat!
What do others do in between KW days? I feel I need to keep the momentum going but as a consummate couch potato not sure what to try. Ideas please? Classes not really an option for me here in Vienna as they are way over my budget.

Hi Daisy - well done on completing the dreaded Wk1 Cardio! It really does get better from now on. And don't worry about not being able to do everything straight away. You'll be surprised at how you progress as the weeks go by. :)

I do nothing on my rest days. Never have and never will!
getfitnana said:
Can you be more specific on how you use the ketterballs and how often?

Hi Nana, depends on what programme you're following. Many of us do the Kettleworx programme which is 3x a week (e.g Mon, Weds, Fri).
daisybell18 said:
KW cardio week 1 done and survived. Where did those mountain steppers come from? And I couldn't even get off the ground for the alternate push ups! Does he even consider that some of us might be a tadge overweight!! Having said all that, I managed everything else and feel great. Certainly worked up a sweat!
What do others do in between KW days? I feel I need to keep the momentum going but as a consummate couch potato not sure what to try. Ideas please? Classes not really an option for me here in Vienna as they are way over my budget.

Hi Daisy (I posted a similar response over on the May Challenge thread), I do stat bike sessions. I plan to do actual cycling outside now that the weather is warmer. Jogging is another idea.

PS: wk 1 Cardio is generally found to be the toughest of the programme, so well done for getting through that. Mountain climbers are hard! As for the alt press ups, I try to do about 4 on one side and then 4 on the other as otherwise I spend most of the time trying to switch sides!
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trimlee said:
Mountain climbers are hard! As for the alt press ups, I try to do about 4 on one side and then 4 on the other as otherwise I spend most of the time trying to switch sides!

It's good to know its not just me. I was so proud of myself until he started these two. A bit like the Kettlercise hip extensions - I couldn't get my butt off the ground the first few times! Maybe if I persevere I will be able to do the mountain climbers
A nice way to start a Saturday, just did fast abs and loved it. Lots of moves from core which was always my fav! Window wipes :) and hip crunches and half get ups( killers!) so effective though. Size 10 here I come :)

Is any one else doing a work out today?
A nice way to start a Saturday, just did fast abs and loved it. Lots of moves from core which was always my fav! Window wipes :) and hip crunches and half get ups( killers!) so effective though. Size 10 here I come :)

Is any one else doing a work out today?

Morning - I like Fast Abs too. Its very effective. Its an exercise-free day for me today. Although I will fit in a little bit of housework so I suppose that counts a wee bit! :)
HIya All

I've just started on Round 2 week 1 Core this a.m. :) Had a gorgeous smoothie for breakie with fresh banana's and strawberries also those new frozen yoghurts YOO MOO they are on offer in tesco and really yummy on their own or in a smoothie - shall be buying some more of those for sure!

Off out for a walk later with DD and then hopefully catch some rays in the garden with my kindle or could be persuaded to go to the pub with OH :p
Kettlebell free day for me too today. I haven't tried the fast abs yet. Might do it tomorrow evening as I have week1 core for the morning.
Hi Trash - do you know how many points the YOO MOOs are? They sound nice. :)
Cat Lover Sue said:
Hi Trash - do you know how many points the YOO MOOs are? They sound nice. :)

Hi Cat Lover Sue. I make my own instant frozen yogurt and it is gorgeous. A generous handful of frozen raspberries and fat free Greek yogurt blitzed with a stick blender. It makes a light whippy icecream that is my daily dessert fix. Also works with frozen banana, strawberries, blueberries etc - just make sure they are cut into fairly small pieces before freezing. I never knew SW could be so delish!
Hi Cat Lover Sue. I make my own instant frozen yogurt and it is gorgeous. A generous handful of frozen raspberries and fat free Greek yogurt blitzed with a stick blender. It makes a light whippy icecream that is my daily dessert fix. Also works with frozen banana, strawberries, blueberries etc - just make sure they are cut into fairly small pieces before freezing. I never knew SW could be so delish!

Mmmnnn sounds lovely, Daisy. Will dig out my blender! x

I just checked the back of the pot and put it in my WW'er calculator and its 3 points per 100grams. The pot is a 100grams :)

I just checked the back of the pot and put it in my WW'er calculator and its 3 points per 100grams. The pot is a 100grams :)

Cheers Trash. Thought you were doing WW the same as me. Might go and sniff these out in Tescos! :)
Phew just about cooled down from Wk6 Cardio! Its a great session and boy does it get you sweating! So decided to reward myself by sniffing out some of the new YOO MOO frozen yogurts Trash was recommending earlier. Better still they are half price in Morrisons. Will have one this evening for pudding. Also just enjoyed six (yes that was six) crumpets with strawberry jam - to be fair it was WW jam! :D Think I might be over my points allowance today! Ha Ha. Bl00dy gorgeous though. Just a bowl of zero point soup for tea with my YOO MOO then! :)