Sedentary Lifestyle -affects losses on LT?

My chemist said we are already in starvation mode.. and said exercise is no prob just stick to mainly cardio and not to hardcore ? xxx
Hmm... there's definitely a lot of mixed messages coming from different pharmacists. I guess you just listen to your body and do what feels right for you in the end. There's no chance I'll be doing any *hardcore* cardio workouts anyway hehe ^.^
my mum goes for a walk up hill and back down just four times a week she has lost 4 stone 7 lb in 11 weeks on LT she has done amazingly well so far i am going to start doing some exercise just lightly as well to help as long as we don't do excessive cardio i am sure we will be fine xx:)
My chemist said we are already in starvation mode.. and said exercise is no prob just stick to mainly cardio and not to hardcore ? xxx

We are most definitely not in starvation mode we are in ketosis they are not the same thing. Starvation mode is wen the body holds onto all nutrients and fats so you dont lose weight. Ketosis does the opposite it uses fats to produce energy. You prob wud after a while lose weight if you were starving yourself but thats not wat we do. It is not the same ting. An im shocked she said you can stick to cardio, she sounds like a dope to me sorry if this sounds harsh but she really sounds like a non believer saying you are in starvation mode.