Serialslimmer's journey back to bohemian slenderness

Never mind. New day today Serial. Hope it turns into a good week x
Thanks, Susie. My resolve has been weak for a while now. An inevitable response to living on VLCD packs, no doubt. I hope I make it through today successfully. One day at a time is all it takes x
Yes I know how you're feeling. Hang on in there though and you can get a new set of clothes for summer x
Hiya, hope your day is going well.
Nobody fails unless they give up and you are not giving up so good on you xxxxx
So far, so good BMe. The only way out of a bad patch is through and it's not like I've been eating non-stop from morning 'til night LOL. I'll be fine. You have a good day too x
Found you.... Will have a read through later :)
Tough times for us all serial. You'd be super woman if you were able to resist hot cross buns! yummmm
Sounds like you're back on track today, good job :) x
Yesterday went very well. Here's hoping I can repeat that success today. Just had a raspberry porridge for breakfast. I'm getting used to the taste. Even so when I can afford to re-order I'll go for apple and cinnamon!

Have a good day, everyone x
Just read through your diary. Can relate to a lot. I actually miss when I used to live alone as I loved when I had the urge to eat a lot but didn't have any unhealthy food in the house. I can totally relate to the hot cross bun scenerio. To be honest i think you've still done so well despite having a few of them: still a good calorie deficit and I like your attitude of - accept, move on. It reminds me of whenever I had people over and I bought extra food in or they brought things like cakes over. I used to say please take them home but they wouldn't (I always like to pretend I have no issues with food so never tell them why) but from then on all I would think about was that food until it was eaten by me, and then sometimes thrown up or sometimes not.

I must say the sweet packs you mentioned on here sound delicious. I too an growing bored of the meals from when I did exante before but I only have a two week supply left anyway. Perhaps after that I will buy some of the new flavours.

Oh and I do love an Oscar Wilde quote!

I love the plain porridge. Its the one pack that I have every day.
Hope today is another good one Serial x
I think those hot cross buns would've been screaming at me to eat them (until I did) as well. Those sort of unexpected ambushes with food are not good! It's hard enough this time of year anyhow, with all the yummy Easter goodies about. Anyhow, it's over with now. Onwards you go :)
Hi Serial, did you WI today? Dying to hear :)
I didn't dare WI. Lately I've been doing an unintentional JUDDDD - one TS day, one slip day, and so on. Don't know what's wrong with me but I've definitely lost my commitment to TS. Fed up with packs. Fed up with restrictions that in practice permit very little food. So I'm taking two weeks off. During this time I intend to follow my veggie version of Atkins. The hope is that I'll get my ketosis back and enjoy a few eggs (!) on the way. Half-measures are no good. I need to commit to a weight loss plan I might actually be able to stick to. I'll WI twelve days from now, on the Wednesday, and see how things are. If I can't stick to low-carb either I'm in trouble!

I'll still be here to wave the flag for my homies LOL x
That sounds sensible to do a plan you can stick to. I might join you in weighing in 12 days as am also not in a position where I want to weigh myself! Hope the plan works out for you :) enjoy your eggs hehe
I will LOL. Twelve days to get my eating 'clean and lean'. It's a good job I love eggs! Any diet takes perseverence but you can't really muck about with a VLCD/total food replacement plan. You're either on it, or you're not. I need this break. Once I'm in ketosis low carbing is mostly fine. Sure I'll get cravings but I'll be able to eat something permitted (boiled egg, anyone?). Ha Ha x
Hiya, how are you getting on today? I love reading your posts xx

Thank you, hun! If my honest ups-and-downs can entertain as well as maybe advise, I'm happy. The support we give and get here is wonderful.

Hopefully I'll be back on Exante two weeks from now. By that time I'll be desperate for a lemon bar - and for some apple crumble and custard LOL x
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Sounds like a good plan, it's important to be happy along the journey and I think discovering what works for you can only benefit. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. You can do it xxxx
Sorry to hear you're finding it so tough serial. Its your diet and you can do it how you want xx Its great that you're finding a comfortable medium for the moment and enjoying the change from the 3packs a day. Exante is a tough tough road. Extreme dieting at its best! All the best will in the world and we are going to slip and get up multiple times, it's all part of it unfortunately.
Stay strong xxx