Shaza Diary ~ Happy new year all ~ I'm off to Ireland tomorrow wey hey

Hi Shaza, so glad that you are back in control. Sorry about your RA, there's no rush about the shopping, as long as I get enough notice so Steve can book a day off & have the boys, that way I can stay as long as I like without rushing off. If we are both really good we might be able to treat ourselves to something in a smaller size!
Thanks for being so understanding Sharon ~ I find my RA very embarassing at times as I would love to be "normal" just for one day !! Nah if I had one wish it would be to have my lovely Mum back for just one day ah

I am sticking to the plan like an angel and I feel I am in the groove, been to see Ann and put 3 on since her hols, but really I have lost 5 since Monday so I put 8 on in two weeks ~ well that cant continue Shar Shar !!

Worked out I put 20lb on altogether since my hols I have been messing around since June and been very very naughty since August ~ so I suppose it could be alot worse !! Back on track now though so really motivated to loose as much as I can before xmas. I was 18 stone on my scales this morning and my goal is to be 15 stone on xmas morning ~ I think its doable but I need a couple of really good weight losses to give me a good start. I even out at around 4lb a week on SS after the first couple of weeks so might be a bit tight getting to 15 stone by xmas but I will give it my best shot !!

Have you been to Ann yet ~ let me know your weight loss for the 2 weeks

Cant wait to be in a smaller size and I will defo treat myself to something new,I vowed not to buy myself anything else until I got back on the plan.

Just cooked hubby black pepper steak with pepper corn sauce mushrooms onions and chips for his dinner ~ never had a morsel so dead proud of me

Been hosp today about an embarassing bladder problem I have ~ yuk

Speak soon

Hi Shaza, saw Ann, got weighed no loss, but no gain! I felt so ashamed, still it went on fast, it'll come off fast, I hope! lol Hubby's dinner sounds nice, well done keeping away from it! I'm back on ss tomorrow, I feel too crap at the mo to stay the course but I am getting my head in the right place ready for Thursday. Another good reason is that hubby has been great with me feeling icky but said if I don't get myself back on it properly he won't pay for it any more so I HAVE TO!
No probs about RA, why should you be embarrassed? It isn't like you made it happen or it was caused by you doing drugs or something else silly, it just happened to you.xxxxxxx
Hi Shazza,
glad to see you are getting back on track, kudos to you, once i really fell by the wayside, try as i may, i couldn't do SS again, hence my WW journey.
Thanks for your support on my diary, its appreciated

Made porridge for brecky ~ scrummy

Oh hello all

I made some really scrummy porridge this morning out of vanilla shake packet

Put shake powder into bowel and add 2 teaspoons phyliss husks stuff, then just add boiling water and mix mix mix with a teaspoon. It goes lumpy and is the same colour and consistancy of ready brek ~ then when you eat it really really delicious. Also gives you a lovely warm "full up" feeling if you know what I mean ~ the kind of full up when you eat carbs

I do think this porridge is going to save my life ~ no really its fab

Have a go on a cold miserable morning you will love it

Love Love
Forget getting back on the wagon tomorrow!

You have had your blip and that's that so continue again from now ;) :D
Shaza, it must be the weather, lol!:p I was bad most of last week, really depressed & :cry:grotty. I'm back on SS since yesterday but got on the scales today & NO CHANGE AT ALL!!!:eek: I almost ate something BUT I didn't!:eek: I hope your RA is not too bad & you're able to concentrate on ss-ing.xxxxxx
Oh Sharon

Maybe it is the weather ~ sorry you fell of the wagon and its a bummer for no change on the scales but big big pat on the back for not eating

I am totally off the wagon again ~ OMG I just cant do it at the moment. Dont know if to give up on SS on CD and go to slimming world again. i am slowly slowly creeping up the scale and I need to sort it out. It dont help that I am so so immobile at the moment and even little bit of walking is so painful that I am just sitting around and not doing much at all

Any way moan moan groan groan ~ sick and tired of feeing sick and tired and in pain. Sick and tired of decorating and house being a bit fat mess. Its freezing cant walk fed up to the teeth of having a weight problem. Sick of going to the docs and hospital ~ all in all I think I am bit fed up !!!!!!

Got to go cause I am depressing myself !!!

Love Love

Miserable Not Got A Life Sharon
Sending these angels to you Sharon


and (((((((hugs)))))))
Hi sweetheart

For what it's worth I think you should really think hard about not trying to SS at all and instead look at the other programs like the 1000cals a day... it's really liberating and you get lots of food to choose from plus the benefits of CD packs too... have a chat with Ann as soon as you can hon, I really think when you get to the stage you are at, and having lost loads and suffering as you do... well, I think you will still lose oodles of weight (average woman needs 1900 cals a day to maintain) as the 1000cals is still significantly lower... just try not to be too hard on yourself, if you follow the steps in the yellow book and work your way up them for now 'til you feel more able to SS again (if ever, as it really isn't the right way for everyone).. and see how you go.. but do talk to Ann at the very first opportunity.

Hoping tomorrow (today) is much better for you.

Much love
Jennie xxxxxxx
Thanks Jennie

Oh just checked out your skydiving photos they are brilliant ~ but I must admit when I saw the pic of the little yellow plane I took a sharp intake of breath as I thought you had jumped out of that ~ silly me

On the diet thing ~ I have spoke to Ann on numerous occasions about this one and she has given me support and a fabulous plan to stick to. Jennie nothing is working for me at the moment but I have got my eye on the creeping weight thing.

I just (if I was really honest) dont want to do it at the moment and feel happy in my skin (if you know what I mean). I am truly disapointed about my pain levels as I thought I would have least got bit better with my weight loss so far but I have had a long chat with my consultant who told me that my weight loss will not decrease my pain levels or improve my health as I have not got the wear and tear arthritis, mine is progressive chronic illness and basically ~ strong drugs to halt the progression of the damage to my joints and anti inflammotory to reduce swelling and pain. He said not to expect any improvement in my condition due to weight loss as that is unreallistic (he did say I would probably get around better without the weight though) and to forget any improvement in my health ~ bit of a bummer that but at least I know

As my main incentive to loosing the weight was for health reasons I need time to get my head around this one. Am I making excuses ? probably yes but at the moment I cannot see any advantage to loosing the weight.

I am very spiritual and believe when its our time to go we are taken so I really dont believe that loosing weight will lenghten my life span. I cannot have a goal like horse riding or sky diving as this has already been taken away from me by the permanent damage to my joints.

I need to sort my head out as just to why I need to loose weight as my mind is a big melting pot of mixed up feeling about it at the moment. If I decide to be happy and stay at 18 stone (sorry I know that sound disgusting to some of you with just a couple of stones to loose) then that is what I will do ~ but and a big but need to stop once and for all the yo yo dieting as at the moment I am either SS or slimming or eating like a condemned man. Looking into all sorts of healthy eating plans at the moment.

Sorry for the ramble (seem to be saying that alot just lately)

Thank goodness for Minimins !!!!

Love Love
Hiya Shaza

No worries about rambling... blimey.. that's what this site is for isn't it ;)

I understand what you're saying and you know what, if you're happy then that's the bottom line. End of. We're only here the once and if we are happy then yehharr!!! :D (know what I mean?)

The key is to know yourself, like yourself and be true to yourself. Goals are only good if they are achievable etc... my goal wasn't the skydive it was the weightloss... the skydive was a part of my hopes... but I totally understand what you're saying because you have such a dreadful dreadful time of it health wise....

My darling, if there's any way in which I can help then yell... for now though I reckon you need to relax, kickback, and definitely try and stop the yo-yo thing... been there done that for the last 20+ years! I'm so sorry that your pain hasn't been reduced by the weight loss... that sucks to be honest... :(

I hope you have a lovely day today and give yourself a break, no more beating yourself up over things... just see if you can figure out what it is you need (and want) for you.... there are other health benefits to weight loss... but as you say... your main one seems now to have been made null and void and that is so de-motivating... hopefully you will get some peace of mind and an answer that suits you and your life and your body will present itself to you.. and soon :)

Sending you loads of positive vibes and hugs and hopeful thoughts

Love Jennie xxxxxxxxx
Shaza, you poor thing, pain can get the strongest of us to give up, so be gentle on yourself. As others have said there are plenty of CD options and other ways to lose or maintain weight, have you tried South Beach, it's FAB!! I tried it this Februray & lost 11lbs in my first week, 3lbs more than when I started CD!!!! It's low carb, loads of low fat cheese, lean meat & veg, I was never hungry & I'm a total PIG!!!! I got bored as our shops have limited supplies of stuff, being in Derby you might fare better. If you're interested I can bring the book & cook book with me when we meet so you can see if you'll like it. You're welcome to borrow them if you are interested & there's no mad rush to meet, wait til you feel a bit more mobile.xxxxxx
Oh thanks Jennie and Sharon

You are lovely to me and I really really love that I have found this site ~ where else could you be so honest and open about your feelings on all matter of things

I am feeling so low and lonely and let down ~ a (what I thought was !!!) good friend of mine has shown her true colours and is "too busy to text, talk or meet me". I feel rejected and feel like I have lost a friend. I am only feeling so low because my pain levels are high at the moment and funerals and friends letting you down when you need them the most but you know what

It could be worse

Sod it ~ thats it

No more negative from Shar Shar ~ its not me I cannot be negative ~ its no good for my soul. I am truly blessed and have a very easy life compared with many people, there is so much suffering in the world especially little children its heart breaking and puts my drama queen antics to shame

I am going to look at what I have got not what I have not got and make the best of my life ~ so what I cant sky dive ~ I can watch someone else do it and get just as much pleasure. I am one of lifes "watches" I know an old friend whose daughter at 31 got meningitis and lost all of her sight and most of her hearing ~ how awful can that be but you know what ~ she is back to work after 2 years and living independantly as best as she can

I am not going to run at life but walk slowly with my trusty stick in my hand, head held high, lippy on and hair looking gorgeous with a sparkle in my eye that my grandchildren bring

ps sorry if this is rambling ~ I have took mega strong painkillers and I am a bit away with the fairies today ~ wey hey

Catch you later

Going to take the dog a walk make a big pile of leaves and then jump in them (well sort of jump)

Love Love all who want to live and not moan !!!!!!