should I do the Cambridge diet??

Hi. I 've just started the diet toady. Water intake was my big problem too. I just don't drink. But I have downloaded an applivation on my iphone and I record every glass I drink. And I drank 3.5l of water today. Unbeliavable. I and it has been fun>
75Lb? WOW!!!!! Congratulations!
HI kimchen

I had hair loss last time round (but i did lose masses quite fast). Yes it was horrid every time I ran my fingers through my hair another load would come out - started about month 3/4 and carried on until about 6/7 months (even though I had to stop the diet for an operation at month 5)and i really noticed it but a good haircut from a decent hairdresser and no one else was aware of it.

It has grown back (grew back curly initially which really shocked me but now gone back to straight). I expect i'll lose a load again this time too :-( but it will be worth it - weight comes off and hair grows back.