Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

I have been brave today! I will never put the weight back on as I have just thrown everything that is size 14 in my wardrobe out!

Excellent! Funny you should say that as finally plucked up the courage to put my 10s on eBay! Ain't no going back now! Xxx

Well done to both of you. Hope I'm as brave when I'm in your position - not that I'll ever be in a position to be getting rid of size 10s! LOL.
Cate I thought that about the 10's but once I got to the 12's I dropped a size quite quickly. I'm only a 10 on my bottom half as the weight is only coming off my boobs very slowly. I now look like blooming Katey Price. 10 on the bottom and 32G on the out of proportion it's unbelievable ...and difficult to find a dress that fits!
Morning Katie! That made me laugh. I've never had that problem as I've never been particularly well endowed! That must feel great getting rid of all your size 14s! I can't wait to do that with my 18s! Will do that when I'm in 14s so I'll have to lose a couple of stone first!
Morning Katie! That made me laugh. I've never had that problem as I've never been particularly well endowed! That must feel great getting rid of all your size 14s! I can't wait to do that with my 18s! Will do that when I'm in 14s so I'll have to lose a couple of stone first!
You can do it Lynne.

the boobs are a blooming pain though!
So today so far
1 x shake for breakfast 200 calories
7 mile run
3 mile horse riding
1 x small bread roll with cheese 250 calories

and now need to do gardening...over 20k steps already
I'm only a 10 on my bottom half as the weight is only coming off my boobs very slowly. I now look like blooming Katey Price. 10 on the bottom and 32G on the out of proportion it's unbelievable ..!

Ha I wish. My hips far outsize everything else about me :sigh: x
What a busy day you've had today! With those vital statistics it's no wonder you had lots of male attention at the races ;) xxx
Ha I wish. My hips far outsize everything else about me :sigh: x
It would just be nice to be in proportion! But it must be in the family as Liv is the same...god love her x
What a busy day you've had today! With those vital statistics it's no wonder you had lots of male attention at the races ;) xxx
It's does work to my advantage sometimes..they do draw attention! Xxx
You're doing brilliantly, can't wait to see you hit the 9's :D xx
Hi Shrimp. How's it going?
Hello Everyone...I have been away with work, out with friends and had people over to my house for dinner all week. I have drunk 6 out of 7 nights....but did make good choices for food to compensate for the wine!

the result thank goodness is just a pound on...and the plan is to get rid of that straightaway.

only 5 days to go to get to the 9's before my holiday next Saturday (that could be a big ask!) but I am going to give it my best shot

will catch up on diaries later
That's really good to only put 1lb on! I really hope you are in the 9s for your holiday.
Excellent food choices to only gain a pound, well done!
Excellent food choices to only gain a pound, well done!
Thank fact at most meals I was full with my starter. In the end I just ordered 2 starters
1046 calories today so slightly more than I wanted to eat. Just been for a 3 mile run so that will have helped
You did really well to only put on 1lb. Nines are just around the corner.