Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Hello everyone...well it's the last few hours of my holiday just awaiting to check out and then fly home. Had an amazing time and loads of fun!

i have no photos on my iPad but will move some over and load them on over the next few days once I am home.

i weighed myself at 3am on the day that we flew and nearly fell off the scales as they read 9st 13lb...never been that's for 10's of years. Weighed in the hotel this morning and they said 10st 4lb so put on about 5lb. I'm ok with that! I ordered my next box of Exante yesterday to arrive the day after I get home! I will get back down to the 9's now I know I can!

bought some jeans while I have been away...and I know the US sizes are bigger but I bought a size 6 (OMG!)'and a couple of 28 inch waist Levi's.....

i have aver been running but not as much as I should....but they where in the most beautiful places...great memories!

write more soon and post photo's
Can't wait to see your photos and that was brilliant getting into the 9s before you went. 5lb is nothing. You'll soon lose that!
Fingers crossed Lynne...sounds like you are doing so well
Welcome home. Sounds like you've had a fab holiday. And yes, you'll be back down to those 9s in no time.
Sounds like you will have some great memories from your holiday especially as you can say you fitted into a size 6 lol.
How was the ranch ?

5lb is an excellent gain considering Shrimp, well done x
Thank you everyone for your lovely messages.....I got back about 11 last night after 22 hours travelling and a flat tyre on the motorway...I will put some photos on when I am not so tired and thinking straight.

decided not to weight this morning..thought I would give my self a chance to get back on track and do my post holiday weigh in on Saturday morning but might have a little look before?!

had 2 x pieces of toast this morning as no bars or shakes and did not think I could face mushroom risotto for breakfast!
bar for lunch as my pack had arrived
shake foe tea....not been hungry at all so far...and pleased I have got straight back on the wagon.

i have a meeting on 18th August and I would love to be in the 9's by then (on my scales!)
Welcome back Shrimp. You must be exhausted. I'm sure you'll be back in the 9s in n time.
Its nice when you can get back on track without too much difficulty. Good luck Shrimp x
Hiya Shrimp, sounds like a fab holiday was had. Well done for only putting 5lbs on too!

I'm sure you'll be back in the 9s very soon xx
That's a fabulous holiday gain Shrimp, very well done! Glad you had a wonderful time xx
Thank you Ladies

yesterday was not so good food wise or sleep wise!

i was up from 2am early yesterday morning and at 4.30 in the morning the 3 of us where sat on the bed eating toast for breakfast. I then had a two hour drive to a team building day with one of my shops, taking place near Berwick! Great day but had fish and chips for lunch! On the 2 hour drive home I was nodding off ..asleep not good on the A1. Got in at 7.30 and went straight to bed...slept 10 hours!

but today back on track 2 x shakes and a bar!
I had a bad day yesterday too Shrimp! Am also doing OK today - have had an exante fruits of the forest shake and a slim and save chilli con carne.
Oh Lynne..that's good. We are both back on it today!
Good luck for today Shrimp - let's both stay on track!
Got on the scales this morning and I was done to 10st 1lb...will do official WI tomorrow
You'll be back into the 9s in no time - maybe tomorrow. :cross: