Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Hey Sian!

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad I hope that you are feeling a bit better about things.

How are you doing with the fasting? I just don't think I could function on that few calories. Does it get easier? Xx

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Hey Sian!

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad I hope that you are feeling a bit better about things.

How are you doing with the fasting? I just don't think I could function on that few calories. Does it get easier? Xx

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Thanks hun. Firstly, congratulations on your nuptials! How are you finding being a married woman? Things are a little easier now, but I'm still a bit up and down emotionally. We collected the ashes from the funeral director today which was a sad moment :(

It's only my first fast day today so it hasn't been too bad. I'm not sure I'll be able to stick to it long term though as I enjoy my food too much. I think I may end up back on SW, but maybe doing one fast day the day before weigh in :) xx
Yeah I had loads of fluids to try to distract me from feeling hungry. I'm not sure whether 5:2 is going to be feasible in the long run. I just have to much marking and planning to do for work in the week to spend half of it tired :eek: xx
Boooo! That's a bit pants!!!
Matty's got an inset day on Friday so he's only got a 3 day week... Jammy s0d!! Lol. And because of no school I have to work all day as that's where one of the kids from work goes... Poor Matty will be home alone or at his grandma's... It's days like that I'd love to spend with him.... Oh well.
How's the marking going?? Xx's not! I've dragged it out and put it on the table, but there it will probably sit until this evening! ;) Hate working in the holidays :( I'm sure Matty would love spending time with his grandma...grandmas always spoil their grandchildren! :) xx
I've just made a chocolate orange scan bran cake with my latest discovery...chocolate extract from tesco! :D Best thing is it's a water/alcohol based extract rather than an oil based one. Happy days!

I added an orange muller with chocolate sprinkles to give it more of a Terry's chocolate orange taste. I'll have some of it later to try it out :D

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TMI alert!

I'm feeling really fed up this evening :( I had a run in with one of the receptionists at my doctor's surgery earlier. I called to make an appointment for a smear test (which is more than a year overdue due to their stupid rule that it needs to be on day 21 of your cycle!) and I asked whether the results are sent to my GP as my address isn't correct on their records (as I didn't want to change doctors when I moved to Pembroke Dock). She then proceeded to tell me that I could be taken off the list if I didn't respond to the smear reminder, and that if I'd changed address I must change doctors as it wasn't fair that people in the catchment area couldn't get onto their list when people from outside the catchment area were taking up places.

I mean it's not like I'm permanently in the doctors...I'm on high blood pressure medication, which has to be reviewed every 6 months, but apart from that I'm very rarely there :( The thing is, I work 26 miles away from Pembroke Dock, and you can't book appointments in advance so I'd have to take a day off work just for a doctor's appointment :(

I'm a bit stressed out now to be honest...can a receptionist strike you off the list or does it have to be a doctor? Do they have to wait for me to find a new doctor before they remove me? :confused:

The main reason I want this smear and a doctor's appointment is that I've been having quite a bit of irregular bleeding...I've been having periods every 2 weeks or so (which means I never seem to get to day 21!) and when I was with Mike I quite often used to bleed after sex. Sometimes it was light but then other times it would bring on what seemed like a proper period. I know that my mum had cervical erosion in her 20s and had to have cryotherapy (or something), and I know that cervical cancer is obviously linked to odd bleeding :( It also could just be irritation from my coil - I just don't know!

I want to insist that they do my smear test as I'm a bit worried about it, and I don't really want to change my doctors as I just can't get there. I have spoken to my doctor about moving out of catchment area before, and how difficult it would be to get to the doctor in PD, which is why he said I could stay with the practice :sigh:

I don't really know what to do :(
Hugs Sian.

First off, it's a well known fact that you have to have had a HUGE personality failure, before you can become a GP receptionist. It's like some kind of law!!!

Secondly, ring the practice back tomorrow, and insist on speaking to the practice manager. Make sure that a formal complaint is made about the snotty ***** from today, and explain your predicament to the practice manager (and that you live at your parents weekends and holidays so didn't think it was an issue ;))

Finally, ask about this day 21 rule. I've never heard such a crock in all my life.

Oh and ps, worrying won't help, so try not to do too much of it xxx
I've never heard of that rule either hun... I have had treatment for cervical erosion too... You're doing the right thing getting yourself checked out as the more you worry about it the worse it gets, for example more irregular... Definitely call them back tomorrow and explain the situation about having to take a day off work etc... I know you're on school hols at the mo, but they don't! Keep us posted hun... And (((hugs))) xxx
Hugs Sian.

First off, it's a well known fact that you have to have had a HUGE personality failure, before you can become a GP receptionist. It's like some kind of law!!!

Secondly, ring the practice back tomorrow, and insist on speaking to the practice manager. Make sure that a formal complaint is made about the snotty ***** from today, and explain your predicament to the practice manager (and that you live at your parents weekends and holidays so didn't think it was an issue ;))

Finally, ask about this day 21 rule. I've never heard such a crock in all my life.

Oh and ps, worrying won't help, so try not to do too much of it xxx

Thank you for the reply hun. I am going to phone then back tomorrow and try to arrange a meeting with the practice manager to explain the situation. Maybe they'll be able to have a team meeting to discuss it. I've never needed a home visit in the past, and I live with people who could drive me to the doctor or hospital if needs be, so that shouldn't concern them. When my mum and dad moved is out of the catchment area of their current doctor they were allowed to stay as they'd never needed a home visit for any of us :rolleyes:

Until I change my address at the doctors I don't see how they can actually do anything, as for all intents and purpose my registered address is still in their catchment area.

I'm going to try not to worry about any of the bleeding though, I've got enough stress in my life without thinking about that too! :) xx
TMI alert!

I'm feeling really fed up this evening :( I had a run in with one of the receptionists at my doctor's surgery earlier. I called to make an appointment for a smear test (which is more than a year overdue due to their stupid rule that it needs to be on day 21 of your cycle!) and I asked whether the results are sent to my GP as my address isn't correct on their records (as I didn't want to change doctors when I moved to Pembroke Dock). She then proceeded to tell me that I could be taken off the list if I didn't respond to the smear reminder, and that if I'd changed address I must change doctors as it wasn't fair that people in the catchment area couldn't get onto their list when people from outside the catchment area were taking up places.

I mean it's not like I'm permanently in the doctors...I'm on high blood pressure medication, which has to be reviewed every 6 months, but apart from that I'm very rarely there :( The thing is, I work 26 miles away from Pembroke Dock, and you can't book appointments in advance so I'd have to take a day off work just for a doctor's appointment :(

I'm a bit stressed out now to be honest...can a receptionist strike you off the list or does it have to be a doctor? Do they have to wait for me to find a new doctor before they remove me? :confused:

The main reason I want this smear and a doctor's appointment is that I've been having quite a bit of irregular bleeding...I've been having periods every 2 weeks or so (which means I never seem to get to day 21!) and when I was with Mike I quite often used to bleed after sex. Sometimes it was light but then other times it would bring on what seemed like a proper period. I know that my mum had cervical erosion in her 20s and had to have cryotherapy (or something), and I know that cervical cancer is obviously linked to odd bleeding :( It also could just be irritation from my coil - I just don't know!

I want to insist that they do my smear test as I'm a bit worried about it, and I don't really want to change my doctors as I just can't get there. I have spoken to my doctor about moving out of catchment area before, and how difficult it would be to get to the doctor in PD, which is why he said I could stay with the practice :sigh:

I don't really know what to do :(

Good grief Sian - that's ridiculous - MrsS says many of these receptionists have big problems - but how rude and inhuman to treat u like that - as u mention that ur GP was happy for u to stay on his books I'd have thought that was the end of the matter.

I can't add to the good advice u've been given here - hope u contact them soon and get seen - u've been under a lot of stress and cd do without all this hassle - take care of uxx