Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

If I ever get to meet you Lily, remind me not to even look at your feet lol:D.

Good luck for you WI...........


:giggle: Wouldn't that be fabulous, who knows what will happen Sue....and if we do I promise not to make you look at my feet lol :D :hug99: xxxx

Hope you've had a good time at group this evening by the time you red this :)

Always have a good time at group sweetie, they are such a great bunch and always end up having a laugh no matter what happens on the scales lol :hug99: xxxx
Well done in advance!xx

Well done on the sts Im sure it will catch up next week! Enjoy your exercise xx

Thanks hun I am sure I will get a fair loss next week....I did enjoy my exercise, sat down after and promptly fell asleep :giggle:, shows how hard I worked eh ;) :hug99: xxx

Well our bodies are certainly odd aren't they my lovely. Did you measure Lily? Just wondering if the inches have gone and the scales remained stuck, like mine :confused: I mean I've maintained since July :giggle:

I am sure its going to catch up next week my lovely twin as you've been so good. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey sweetie, not measured as yet as I fell asleep after my exercise lol...but going to in a moment...I do feel lighter and smaller which is why I was surprised by no loss tonight, but I am good with that it's only a number after all.
Will take said measurements and update soon :hug99: xxxxxx

It will be gone next week and a sts is perfectly respectable xxx

cling film is a fab treatment sort of assumed you already used it:eek::eek:

traps in all the moisture and helps the healing glad it worked for you:D
I admit i giggled at the thought of you sliding around in your clingfilm booties:giggle::giggle::giggle:

have a lovely evening xxxx

Thanks sweetie as I said before did my exercise and just conked out lol
Nope never used clingfilm before just assumed it was another crazy no good idea.
Foot peeled again just a few minutes ago so going to wrap my feet up again see how they feel tomorrow, not going to give up at the first hurdle, wouldn't be me if I did lol :hug99: xxxxxxxxx

Well done on the STS lovely Lily. As everyone says it'll be moving by next week cos you've been so good.

Enjoy your exercise hun. :) I would put socks on over the clingfilm as then you would only slide in the sock and not down the stairs. :)

Thanks sweetie, I am sure the scales will show a good loss next week too
I did enjoy my exercise, tired me out though lol
I can't wear socks at the best of times, I have hot feet all the time and they are just too unbearable with socks, can't stand hot feet, even in the coldest winter nights I put my feet outside the quilt when I sleep...just can't bare it lol If I am careful I'm sure I won't have any accidents :fingerscrossed: xxx:hug99: xxx
Well done on the sts :)

As the others say, those scales will be moving again by next week

Hope you have a good day x
Well done on the sts Lily
Sorry to read the feet are still in a poorly state
hope wrapping them helps

hope you have a lovely day hun xx
well done for the sts. good to hear the feet r a bit better too
good evening, how are your feet today, hopefully settling down.

hope you have had a good day xxxx
Well done on the sts :)

As the others say, those scales will be moving again by next week

Hope you have a good day x

Hey hun, had a very busy my sister's today and there again going to be unable to get on here till god knows what time tomorrow....Mal is going fishing for the day so my sis is picking me up at 8.30am :eek: so yep had a good day so far even if I am shattered lol
Hope you had a lovely day too :hug99: xxxx

Well done on the sts Lily
Sorry to read the feet are still in a poorly state
hope wrapping them helps

hope you have a lovely day hun xx

Thanks sweetie, feet ...:hmm: the jury's still out, gonna see how they feel, after a few more days....Monday night I couldn't put them to the floor, today I am able to walk even with yet another peel last night, so maybe it's working.
Had a good day thanks hun, hope you did too :bighug:xxxxxx

well done for the sts. good to hear the feet r a bit better too

Thanks hunni, feet are a lot less sore, but still look a bl00dy mess lol...we'll see how they go :hug99: xxxx

Hope you're having a good day Lily and that your feet are continuing to improve. :)

Thanks hun, these things never get better overnight, so gonna see how they feel in a few days, they are a lot less sore, but still peeling quite badly :hmm: good job I see my doc next wednesday :hug99: xxxxx

good evening, how are your feet today, hopefully settling down.

hope you have had a good day xxxx

Hey sweetie, as I said feet still sore but able to walk on them, gonna hold judgement and see how they are in a few more days.
Hope you're having a good day lovely :hug99: xxxxxx

hello lovely hope your feet are much better today, whats on the menu today? :bighug: xxxxxxx

Hey sweetie, feet are doing ok, but will let you all know exactly how they are in a few more days ...a bit too early to make a proper judgement on them.
Menu all gone out the window today although I am well within my syns ...will put up menu shortly :hug99: xxxxxx
So my lovely's ....what a day....I have come to the conclusion that me and Mal are just really accident prone whether that's got something to do with old age setting in ...god only know's :giggle:
There I am last night preparing dinner and what do I do I take the chopping blade out of the food processor and slice the back of my hand...a plaster and I am good with that one....then after a nap after my exercise I wake and can't get back to sleep so I am still sitting here at 6.15am, but prior to that I decided at 4am-ish that I felt a little peckish and went and got myself a banana.....there I am sitting at the kitchen table peeling said banana and it breaks in half so the natural reaction is to reach out and try and grab it, which I did, forgetting there was a solid oak table in front of me and I whacked that table with my 2 middle fingers on my right hand and bent them right back, boy did I scream god knows how no one woke I now have a cut on the back of my left hand and a lovely bruise across the knuckles of my right hand that really hurts, and now to top it all as I began to write this Mal came running into the house cursing under his breath and holding his right hand (we're both right handed too :eek: ), he was packing his gear in the car for his fishing trip tomorrow and just shut the boot on his finger, gonna have a lovely bruise right across, under and around the whole finger......I am on my way to the shops gonna buy a bulk buy of cotton wool to wrap us both in :8855: xxx
Menu for Wednesday 2012


2 x Wholemeal Bread Hexb
1 x Tbsp Peanut Butter 4.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint


Tuscan Bean Soup (from the new SW Mag) yummy yum
Plums x 2
Water 1 pint

Late Dinner :

Chicken Chow Mein (Take Away) 4 syns (shared it)
Boiled Rice
Sweet and Sour Sauce 2 syns
Water 1 pint


Mullerlight Greek Style Vanilla and Coconut Yoghurt 0.5 syns (not impressed, prefer the ordinary mullerlight yoghurts that are free )
Fruit throughout the day
Cup of Tea 1 syn
Milky Coffee Hexa

Did 1 hour of exercise this morning and loads of moviing furniture this afternoon and drank
4 extra pints of water

Syns for today =
Oh my lord , lily sorry for giggling but I couldn't help it ,
Please try to get through the rest of the night safely, big hugs xxx

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So my lovely's ....what a day....I have come to the conclusion that me and Mal are just really accident prone whether that's got something to do with old age setting in ...god only know's :giggle:
There I am last night preparing dinner and what do I do I take the chopping blade out of the food processor and slice the back of my hand...a plaster and I am good with that one....then after a nap after my exercise I wake and can't get back to sleep so I am still sitting here at 6.15am, but prior to that I decided at 4am-ish that I felt a little peckish and went and got myself a banana.....there I am sitting at the kitchen table peeling said banana and it breaks in half so the natural reaction is to reach out and try and grab it, which I did, forgetting there was a solid oak table in front of me and I whacked that table with my 2 middle fingers on my right hand and bent them right back, boy did I scream god knows how no one woke I now have a cut on the back of my left hand and a lovely bruise across the knuckles of my right hand that really hurts, and now to top it all as I began to write this Mal came running into the house cursing under his breath and holding his right hand (we're both right handed too :eek: ), he was packing his gear in the car for his fishing trip tomorrow and just shut the boot on his finger, gonna have a lovely bruise right across, under and around the whole finger......I am on my way to the shops gonna buy a bulk buy of cotton wool to wrap us both in :8855: xxx

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: you should both be wrapped in cotton wool immedietly:D:D:D

your far too precious too be injuring your self so much :D
Tuscan Bean Soup ( for those that don't get the magazine)

Free on EE and Green Days

1 Large Onion, finely chopped
3 Garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp Tomato Puree
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
Handful of fresh Basil
400g Can Cannellini Beans, drained and rinsed
110g plain dried macaroni

Place a large heavy based pan over a medium heat and cook the onion and garlic in 4tbsp water until softened. Add the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes and 3/4 of the basil. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Stir in the beans and add 1.2l of water. Pour half the imixture into a blender, leaving the remainder in the pan and whizz till smooth. Return the puree to the pan and stir well.
Return to the boil over a medium heat and add the macaroni and remaining basil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered, for 10-12 minutes. Season to taste.
Oh my lord , lily sorry for giggling but I couldn't help it ,
Please try to get through the rest of the night safely, big hugs xxx

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Hey hun, don't worry about giggling, I am too....I can't believe it, we are both such klutzes lol , should definitely stay wrapped up in cotton wool :8855: xxxx
Hey hun that soup sounds gorgeous ive not got my magazine yet goin wi tomoz so gunna pick it up! Im so in love with soup at the min i cant stop eating speed soup its gorgeous :) the first time i followed the recipe on here and the second time i added more veg and its delish :)

Hey hun, I love soups too, my favourite is Minestrone or Pea and Ham :drool: but this one is really nice too.
:fingerscrossed: for your WI tomorrow :hug99: xxxxx