Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

lily you should be so proud, you have a sports inj :giggle:

no seriously take the dr's advice and rest up, you can ease back into the exercise when it settles, probably need some hamstring stretches it sort it out, apparently prolonged sitting in one position can exacerbate it so try to change position regularly xxxx

:bighug:hope you get some relief soon honey, i will be thinking of you xxx:bighug:
Thank you ladies, I had a good cry this afternoon, it's by far the most painful thing I can recall having, I can't sit, stand or even lay tonight I will be on the sofa with my back against the back and on my left side ...when I am in bed I sleep on my right side which is the side that's injured, even if I lay on my laft I always turn over in my sleep, being on the sofa might combat that :fingerscrossed:
To be honest all the pills are making me feel sick and I am struggling to go to the loo....feel really :yuk:

Mandy, I can't sit too long at any time it really does exacerbate with that ladies I am off to have a little walk and see if I can find a way of getting comfortable tonight.

Take care...although I may well be back here yet tonight :(
TTFN :hug99: xxxx
I really feel for you lily, I hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself xxxxxxxxxx :bighug:
Lily Northwick Park is a complete and utter crap hole
I wouldn't even let them take me to that crap hole on my
death bed so glad you got a second opinion had I known
you'd gone to NP I would have told you to get a second
opinion straight away
Lily Northwick Park is a complete and utter crap hole
I wouldn't even let them take me to that crap hole on my
death bed so glad you got a second opinion had I known
you'd gone to NP I would have told you to get a second
opinion straight away
Hey Kally, I only went there cos my dermatologist was there, and it was convenient, I normally go to Watford General, NP is a dive and I really wouldn't go there if I had a choice, having said that my Consultant wants me to see another doc about my psoriasis and she is based at Watford General, :fingerscrossed: I am going to try and get transferred across there, they have a much better dermatology dept anyway...Kia my granddaughter goes there and has had some really good results, having said that I can't knock my C at NP she's really good. I just don't like the hospital in general, again having said that I also can't knock the maternity unit, I had my girls there and it was amazing, Kelly had her 3 there and actually transferred there from Watford as their maternity unit is dire, and Kirsty is under NP with her pregnancy and is happy ...I certainly wouldn't use any other dept and as for the casualty dept that's a joke.

I had my oopherectomy at NP was on James Ward, all was well, went home and then 5 days later was back in there with an abcess in the wound that had burst, I was in a right state. Was told they had never had any problems with abcesses before, which was strange cos when I went back in another lady was in there for the same reason as me. The day before it burst I had been checked by one of their nurses who said everything was fine...:hmm: I have often wondered why she couldn't feel the abcess, it was huge...still lesson learnt, I'll never go there for any more ops, too many bad experiences and bad stories about the place too. Hope you're well hun :hug99: xxx
Ooh lily take care , I've been reading ur diary but not posted on any even mine for a while as been doing sooo bad ,
Given myself a talking to and pp said I could join her challenge of 100% days , started yesterday and it went well , I'm glad I'm back coz I need all the support and telling offs ( where needed lol ) have a good day xxx

Yvonne xxx
afternoon lily how are you doing ? i would imagine not brilliantly as these things take time:(

make sure you take the pain killers regularly, and remember how many prayers and good wishes are coming your way.

a mental picture to provide a distraction :D

i have "piles!:eek: and can't sit down with out jumping back up :rolleyes: :giggle: and am walking like a cowboy :giggle: but :secret:sshhhh its our secret xxxxxx

thinking of you honey :bighug:
Hi Lilly... I am just catching up on diarys, after being AWOL for the last few weeks!

I am so sorry to hear that your poorly and in pain!! I really hope the pain starts to ease a little for you soon!

Take care Hunny xxx

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Hello lovelies, went to my docs yesterday and had a good chat with him, Crumble I said exactly those words to him, if it's not one thing it's another...his first words were ...that's one of the joys of getting older lol....he seems to think the Bursitis might be a throw back to my psoriasis, it's apparently athritis and I was told donkey's years ago I would suffer from arthristis as a result of it, hence the back condition....but a little bit of good news is it's nowhere near as bad today, I have had it for the last 6+ weeks but it was bareable till a week ago.
I am on Tetralysal for the acne and the main ingredient is Lymecline, apparently the main ingredient in arthritis treatments are monocline, all from the same family of meds I googled it and found a site where it says that they may both help with the treatment of acne and arthristis, so maybe that's the reason it's not feeling nso bad today...what do you think? Seems strange that yesterday it was unbearable and yet today...touch wood, hardly bothering me at all :hmm: not saying anymore in case I jinx it lol

Anyways I am off to weigh in shortly, so I will catch you all laters ...enjoy the sunshine and be good :hug99: xxxx