Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

afternoon, hope you have had a more restful day :D

i certainly have, burst of energy this morning which didn't last long :giggle:

have a lovely evening xxx

Hey sweetie, I have had a more restful day, I made sure of it lol...I too had a burst of energy early on but that fell by the wayside very quickly :giggle:
Have spent a lovely evening with my daughters friend, her fiancee and their little boy who is 6 months old and so cute I could just eat him, he's at that age where everything makes them burst into fits of laughter lol. He also found out a couple of days ago he could blow raspberry's, so spent the entire evening doing just that...hope you had a lovely evening too hun :hug99: xxxx

Thank you so much for your reply!
I'm going to take your advice and start my own food diary as of tomorrow, so glad I found this forum as everyone seems so nice and its amazing how much having others (outside of class) in the same boat as you helps you out, look forward to following your journey from now :)

Hey sweetie, good to hear you're starting your own diary.....the majority of people on here are amazing, I find this such a support too alongside my class, we have the best of both world's here lol
I look forward to popping into your diary too, just pop by and let us know when you've started it hun.
Take Care :hug99: xxx

It's been lovely having you back on here more today Lily. Made me realise how much I was missing your wise words. :)

Aww Patsy, what a lovely thing to say, I have missed you guys the last few weeks what with everything going on here I just can't keep up, but I have missed you all a heap and hope to get back on here and pick up where I left off :hug99: xxxxxx
Hey everyone, for all my wise words I am on a big downer today....don't really know why, it's usually cos I'm tired and have more time to think I have been told by my daughter that I have to get my butt over to hers and she is taking charge of me today....she's a good girl and knows not to let me wallow, so I will catch you all tonight, have a great day everyone :hug99: xxxxxx
Oh no not you too Lily. I've sort of fought my way out of mine for now.

Not sure I like the new minis site I miss the old one. Still finding my way around this one. Not good that they had a security breach though.

Hope your day brightens up a bit for you. Good on Kelly for taking you in hand. :)

Thanks hun, it happens and while I may sound like I am being brave I'm not, I am sitting here balling my eyes's a bad day and right now I hate everything about me my life etc etc :blahblah: :blahblah: and am feeling really sorry for myself. I know it's a combination of things ...tiredness normally sparks it off....I mean real exhaustion tiredness, did too much at my sister's last week and paid the price, lack of money (join the club eh?) frustration over things that need doing, Mal trying to help and just making things worse cos as much as he tries to help he is probably the most tactless man on the planet and his good intentions normally come across as criticisms.
While I am feeling low and struggling to pull myself up, I have had enough experience of being like this to know a good day crying and having someone else take charge will put me back on track...I guess what I'm saying is I need someone else to be strong for me just for today, I haven't lost sight of my goal and I have no intentions of giving up or giving in, but I do need to go lick some wounds....I will be back and I will be strong....I actually think I need this to make me refocus.

Oh and yeah I'm not liking the new site too much right now but I do believe I'll grow to love it and get used to it....cya later and :fingerscrossed: for your WI tonight :hug99: xxxxxx
Sending big huggys Lily xxxx:hug99:
hope you feel a bit brighter soon. i'm on a downer today as well. maybe it's this nice weather lol. hope the WI goes well for you tonight :hug99:
Resubscribing xx

Hope you can bring yourself up soon xx
Get some family time out in the sunshine embrace life

Big hugs :bighug:
Hi Lily :) hope you had a good day with your daughter and that you are soon feeling more yourself :bighug:
Hey everyone, not staying ...look a frightful mess, big blotchy face, red stinging eyes and a pounding headache to top it all off.
Wi wasn't as bad as I anticipated ...I did gain a lb but I really thought it was going to be at least 2 to 3lb even with all the BM this week, with being tired I have been snacking on stupid rubbish...but even then I still think the lb gain was more to do with the 5 pints of water that I drank between 1pm and 5.15pm when I left for group, than what I ate, cos I came home from group and my scales were showing a 1.5lb loss and they are fairly accurate.
Anyways I am going to have a nap as I feel like carp still and I will catch you tomorrow or later :hug99: xxxxxxx
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