SITC's diary

sliminthecity said:
I've had the best day, I love the sunshine!got out really early and went a drive to loch lommond. The dog had his first proper swim( he only paddled before, was too afraid) he was loving it! I was in the water paddling with him then just soaking up some rays. After that we went for a carvery style lunch( I had turkey and allowed veg but ignored the potatoes etc) so feeling quite pleased with myself!) home now and me and the puppy are knackered! Wish it could be sunny all summer! I wore shorts and a vest top and didn't feel half as paranoid as I normally would! I even got a whistle off a guy( shame he was about 70 and probably half blind!)

Well done on a good S&S day xx
Helllllo y'all :)
Work today was a bit of a skive... Jubilee celebrations have taken over and work has gone by the wayside.... Suits me :)

Lunch was chicken tikka with spinnach leaves.

I'm replacing a pack with some chicken as I'm out just now and won't be home till later.

That leaves two packs for this evening :)
Day 47

Is it Friday yet? I have a long weekend off work and it can't come quick enough! Between report cards and application forms I'm completely scunnered! Finishing the reports tonight so I can see the back of them tomorrow :)

On the food front it's been another 100%day :)

Lunch was plain chicken slices with a mixture of spinach and green leaves.

Dinner was 2 x mushroom pasta.

I've had some come zero and gonna have a coffee now with a couple of sweetners as I'm craving something sugary!

Have a hazelnut shake for later :)

Scales haven't moved so far since Friday, let's see what tomorrow brings :)

How's everyone else getting on today?
Day 47

Is it Friday yet? I have a long weekend off work and it can't come quick enough! Between report cards and application forms I'm completely scunnered! Finishing the reports tonight so I can see the back of them tomorrow :)

On the food front it's been another 100%day :)

Lunch was plain chicken slices with a mixture of spinach and green leaves.

Dinner was 2 x mushroom pasta.

I've had some come zero and gonna have a coffee now with a couple of sweetners as I'm craving something sugary!

Have a hazelnut shake for later :)

Scales haven't moved so far since Friday, let's see what tomorrow brings :)

How's everyone else getting on today?
Day one again for me!!! Managing ok.... but day 2 is usually my tough day!!!

Roll on the weekend and ketosis!! X
Woke up with a headache!!!:rolleyes:

Lol.... I'll be fine though thanjs chick!!

Have a great day!! X
Feeling p@#%ed off, tired and fed- up today. So glad it's a holiday weekend. Went to a course after work- ended up eating 2 sausage rolls and 1 triangle sandwich. I'm so annoyed at myself. I've probably put back on the weight I lost over night and will
No doubt have a sts on Friday, I realise I only have myself to blame! Why can't I get my willpower back?!!! Fed up...........
Feeling p@#%ed off, tired and fed- up today. So glad it's a holiday weekend. Went to a course after work- ended up eating 2 sausage rolls and 1 triangle sandwich. I'm so annoyed at myself. I've probably put back on the weight I lost over night and will
No doubt have a sts on Friday, I realise I only have myself to blame! Why can't I get my willpower back?!!! Fed up...........

Just get right back at it!! If they were only small it may not affect you at all!!! Dont be fed up!! Your only human!! Just dont give in!! X
Honestly don't know if I have the will to get right back at it. Scales not moved since yesterday which is a relief. I shall see what today holds.... Thanks for your support. X
sliminthecity said:
Honestly don't know if I have the will to get right back at it. Scales not moved since yesterday which is a relief. I shall see what today holds.... Thanks for your support. X

Come know you can do it xx
I'm gonna have a few days off slim and save, my hearts just not in it right now. I'm planning on sticking to low carb with the odd s and s meal. I'm just fed up of feeling constantly drained of energy. I want to exercise more but I've found it hard on a VLCD! I'm so delighted that I've lost 18.5 lbs :) and I don't intend to put it back on!! Its an amazing diet but I feel my time on it is gradually coming to an end!
Welshtigger said:
Come know you can do it xx

Really can't at the moment. Will take a few days out and see how I feel. Best of luck for tomorrow :) I'll be checking in on you first thing!
sliminthecity said:
Really can't at the moment. Will take a few days out and see how I feel. Best of luck for tomorrow :) I'll be checking in on you first thing!

Thanks hun! Keep in touch