Slaj's diary

Thanks ladyfelsham, enjoyed a cheese omelette, decaf coffee with cream this morning. Off shopping now to stock up on fish, cheese and eggs. Thinking of trying creamy fish chowder for tea! X
Jim said:
Hi Sandra,

I live in the midlands as well, Sutton Coldfield just outside Birmingham. I know how you feel about heart attacks and stuff but my Dr is convinced I'm at less risk than I was before Atkins, mainly because of the vastly improved Blood test results and also because of the weight I've lost.

You have done so well jim, an inspiration to us all.
Hi there , braved the snow to go shopping, bought a celeriac but haven't a clue what to do with it, any ideas gratefully received! X
Sounds lovely, will try it tomorrow. Just made creamy chowder and loved it. Would never have tried it if it wasn't for Atkins diet :)
rhubarb.....yummy.....whiped cream on top......mmmmmmmm:D
hi by the
Hi roosnanny, think I am getting addicted to rhubarb and cream, can't believe how delicious it is!
i have to be careful with the whipped cream,i can
make up a litre bit with splenda and eat it all before i
know it.:eek:
Morning Sandra... celeriac is great! and I really must get some rhubarb now that I know it's legal!! x
A group of idiots decided to have a very noisy snowball fight at stupid o clock this morning! So I'm a bit drowsy today... Lol c
Just enjoyed celeriac mash, haddock and hollandaise sauce, savoy cabbage and broccoli now as full as a bed tick!
slaj said:
Just enjoyed celeriac mash, haddock and hollandaise sauce, savoy cabbage and broccoli now as full as a bed tick!

Yuck to the bed tick quote !! Ha ha xx
LOL, not heard that expression before Slaj, morning :)
Hi jim, my lovely late mom used to say it a lot! It's funny when you say an expression that you grew up hearing, all the happy memories come flooding back :)
Evening slaj - celeriac is great isn't it. Didn't know it existed before!