Team 2 !!!Slate your weight!!!

Welcome to the team Claire. BTW I love your screen name. It's so cute. lol. 35lb before August is going to be super easy for you while your here with all these lovely, helpful, motivated wonders of the forum. I have stuck with it for 6 weeks and I can honestly say I think I would have quit after week two if it wasn't for the help they have all given me. We got the good guys to help us out. lol.

NN89 - I will deff make an appointment to see the nurse especially now you pointed out it will shut my leader up lol. Thanks for all the advice, and I'm so happy we got a health insider on our team, no doubt I will bug you every once in a while with questions. lol. I bet I could roll out loads now but I wanna break the ice gently and not take a sledge hammer to our potential friendship pmsl. Thanks and now I have been fed I am in a much better understanding mood. lol. x

Lol don't bug me too much! I'm still a student and have 18 more months till qualification- and am usually found in the supplies cupboard crying when i have to do something i don't know at work lol :D
Hello everyone - I have been put in team 2. Lucky you lot ;)

My name is Hannah and I am daft as a brush. I am 24 and I work with vulnerable women. I am a bit of a bridget-jones-type i.e. often falling madly in love with total horrors of the menfolk breed, smoking and drinking too much. Singing 'All by Myself' very loudly at 1am after consuming bottles of vino etc etc :rolleyes:

I started with weight loss January 2009. So far I've shifted 33lbs but I've still got quite a way to go to get to my target weight of 10st. I am only quite little (5'3) so I am still 'obese' according to my BMI. My goal weight is based on being in 'healthy BMI' bracket.

I started with WW in January this year and I'm doing it by myself with the support on here. I have also signed myself up to the 26 mile Moonwalk in May so I a training for that a lot.

My March challenge is 6lbs and my WI day is Saturday.

Good luck everyone and thank you for having me in the team. I am VERY excited!!!

Thank you for having me Meike :)
Hello Hannah and Welcome! Best of luck and welcome to the best team ever!
Aww Hannah so we pleased we have you too, not only do we have the best team we have three of the funniest people i've ever know lol
Nikki, Becky and Hannah.
Well i hope 35lbs by aug is easy!! Looks easy on paper, but had first slip up today. Had ordered lunch for a meeting with my dept today, despite a major resistance (i love buffet food!!!) i did cave in and eat 4 profiteroles!!! Wouldn't know where to start with pointing that???

he he he my screen name has a funny tale - my bf once described me as being more-ish like the 'little pieces of cheese' they give away in supermarkets, so that stuck where usernames are concerned, no one else ever has it!!!

Well done to those who have lost or STS this week, gotta wait til monday for my first weigh in :-(
Being described as morish is a bit rudey :p Cute tho ^-^
te he he, dunno if he'd still use the same description, not with the 35lbs gained while we've been together, lol!!!
firstly a biiig :welcome2: to Claire!
secondly a huuuuge :happy096: to Anna and Becky for their loss!!

I just came back from my meeting and I am sooo glad that I can announce a small loss of 1lb myself *phew* a gain or STS wouldn't have gone down well!! :eek:

Kally & Mr. G @ Inter Team Challenges: I thought we would ease into the being a team and gather everyone in before starting with challenges etc - but if you're so eager, please feel free!! :D remember, we're a :gen126: and although I am the whip-carrier :D, I'd love you all to participate with ideas, challenges etc!! And am pleased that Mr G offered to do our buttons/banners and badges/rosettes etc :D
Re the slogan: everything, as long as it is not directly related with Eastenders.. :mad::D

Just updated the first post, we already have :party0049: 9 points!! :party0049:for this month!! am so proud of you my beloved team!! Well done!!
(also could everyone please have a look and let me know if I missed anything and/or add whatever you want me to add!! Many thanks!!)

So long, back to catching up :D
Hi Meike, Congratulations on losing 1lbs this week, and it is great that we have 9 points already,and welcome Hanna to the slaters team
well done on the 1lb meike! i had a baaaad food day yesterday, basically just went off plan! I had loads of meetings, and a night out with friends- and think I just deserved it, as am under a lot of stress at the moment! Back on track today tho!
well done on the 1lb meike! i had a baaaad food day yesterday, basically just went off plan! I had loads of meetings, and a night out with friends- and think I just deserved it, as am under a lot of stress at the moment! Back on track today tho!

Thanks Anna :rolleyes:
We all have days like that and as long as you're back on track the next day you're forgiven :D
We all need these days every now and then but seeing these days as the exception and our days-on-track are the rule (unlike what we've done all the time before WW :() - we're all good :D
Hey all, well I am Tobii-Rhea, I am 27 years old and mother of 5. I am getting married in a couple years too (yay). I have about 11st to lose and am following WW. I have lost nearly 5st although gained a bit back since. I have just stopped going to classes to save some money so I need to find a set date to get weighed either at the doctors or Boots or similar. I am hoping to weigh in at Boots tomorrow if this one has scales so I will post my loss then as I haven't been to class for 2 weeks now. I don't know what else to put lol. xx
:welcome: Welcome to the Team Tobii-Rhea - good that you have found your way to us!

Many thanks for your intro as well, it's always good to know who you're talking to! :rolleyes:

Do you have a target for March? The average in this team seem to be around 7lbs - let me know if I shall put you down on something :)

M xx
Just an idea- aswell as losses, what about every day we post our basic food diary for the day? Mine has been:

Breakfast: 30g of cheerios, 1/2pint of skimmed milk and a banana
Snack: Mint options hot chocolate
Lunch: John west tuna light lunch, with a 25g milky bar and a diet red bull
Snack: 2 slices of WW bread, toasted and with nutella
Dinner: WWFH lasagne, with 'chips' made with fry light and roasted, salad and 2 medium glasses of wine
Total: 26 points!
Well hello teamies x hows have you all been today.

Me? I went over, yet again.

I havent had a day on track for about 3 weeks, I am such a complete failure. I go over by about 3 points average each day.

I am going to do a fast start week next week and see if i can give everything a boost. I know I will have gained this week coming as I have been a pool dodger and not been to aqua fit and the dvd is still waiting for me to pop it in the dvd player. It's that time of the month... sorry I don't know why but when it's that time I always turn to chocolate. In my defence though i have traded in a huge big family size block of wholenut for 1 or two club biscuits but still I have to have that fix! I have the implant so my visit from Aunt Flo is more like once a season but still I fail miserably at trying to diet when she does knock on my door.

Hmph... thats my feelings today. My bank balance is looking bleak today and my patience has gone on holiday and i just feel like complete crap. I have been needing a shower since yesterday and seeing as I just havent had the time I feel rotten. Must get me some me time tonight.

Another problem... I make birthday cakes for people and have a lovely waybaloo cake to make for Sunday and I am really up for doing it but I know I will end up picking at the cake leftovers when I am doing it. What do I do about that! I always feel like i deserve it when i do it. I could always just leave it for the kids. 'I wonder if i could resist that kind of temptation?'

Well i think i just needed a grumble. I can't wait to be back to jolly old me. I hate feeling like crap. Ok how are you lot doing today?

Welcome TobiiRheaStarr and best of luck on your weight loss.

ATM welcome back a day early! lol. xx

Meike - WOOOOP WOOOOOP on your 1lb loss!

Well done to all of us who have contributed to the 9 points so far and to all of you who stayed the same WOOP WOOP too!

Are there any challenges set then? Is the slogan idea one? Are there any rules apart from the eastenders one? lol

Ok I will shut up now.

Love to you all for Thursday! x
Can I be Stacey? I'm pretty unhinged and I reckon I could develop a penchant for gingers, they'd be an improvement on my usual menfolk-dates.