Slim and Save on My Fitness Pal

Really? That's good to know. I used my fitness pal last summer and loved it. The tracking thing really worked for me. Then I got ill and stopped for a few weeks. Never got back on it but I know that's what I'll be using to eat 'normally' when near goal and will use when at goal too. It's extremely useful. Even better that I can use it here too :)
awesome, as i was on 810 cambridge diet and swap over to sns tomorrow this will really help - just tried it though and noticed that the carbs are missing for the hazelnut shake, i need to work out how to let them know as it was another member thats added them, and not done it fully, that woud be great to have them all in there will the full nutritional info
Thanks for the info! that's going to be really helpful, i downloaded the Blackberry app too as i don't always have reliable internet access.
Ive had my fitness pal for ages but never really taken much interest in it! I have tonight though! Wow I am quite enjoying it. Thanks Phoenix if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had a clue I could list my s&s meals
added :)

I know its awesome , its like the ww one i used to go on but much better and free
i like how it has a newsfeed so you can keep up with your friends, although i only have you 2 at the moment lol
i like how it tracks carbs and protein and not just calories so it is really going to make me think about my food choices
yeah it's really good. I used it all the time last year and I liked how it tracked protein, carbs etc..made me re-think my choices too! I really got into the healthy eating and I look forward to doing that again in a few months time. Right now though, I'm loving my vlcd.
The best thing is - it's free. Yay :)
I'm going to give it a go - haven't tried it before...

My username is weaseytoo if anyone wants to add me.
Wow - this is fantastic! I love that I can keep an eye on my total carbs so easily and adjust amounts if necessary!
OMG! There's even an app for it! I have no idea why I'm so excited - but I am!
im 'weemink' on it, i'll also have a go today at getting the right carbs put in :)
Hi all, I have my fitness pal too but only really been using to track my weight until now. Going to start entering my S&S packs now to keep tabs on it all. So thanks for the tip!
My username is laurazeman if anyone wants another friend :)
and i'm WildPlace