Slim n Save 100 day diet

Good night :) into the forties I go tomorrow.... The last stretch to the half way line.... Ooh yeah!
You are doing really well!
Morgan1 said:
You are doing really well!

You too!! Well done on the weight loss! Good luck with the cauliflower rice :)
I've just updated my signature and stats (but not my weighin details as its not wednesday) but I'm less than 2 stone from my target! Yay!!

30% of me has gone since April 2011!! And although I've been this close to target before - I think it means more this time as I'm more aware how easily this can all go wrong. Got my eye on the ball this time tho! And this ain't over til the fatt lady has left the building!! FOR GOOD! :)
Playing silly bugger today! Being on the laptop instead of the phone or iPad makes getting around on here so much easier. I have setup my signature for the end of my diet...Seems a long way off...but had decided IF (big if) I don't get to target before the December deadline I might adjust it rather than stop early and spend christmas going backwards ...Will have to my calculations 60 days to go means 8 3lb a week ( no meals out that would mean mind ;)) would be 24lb off and my target is 26.5lb away so it would be an extra week??

We'll see :)
I want to run around the block 100 times!! I'm desperate to see my weigh in the 11s!! Hurry up body and get there!!!!!!!

I know it's silly as it would only be a 3lb weigh loss and by next weekend I should be there but psychologically be to in the 11s instead of the 12s would be fab. Last time I weighed 12st 2.5lb was April 2012 and that was on the way up... February was my lowest ever of 11st 7.5lb and I can remember the 11s and the boost/smile it gave me. Stupid stupid me for letting it escape but this time I know how easily it can go wrong if I don't keep a handle on things. I actually think if I'd got to target the first time on a VLCD I might not have appreciated it so much as first time round I found it easy- too easy maybe as when I stopped it was like Christmas with the food! At least this time I am a bit more realistic! And next time I'll be even more realistic and the time after that and the time after that as I know I'll never be free of the weight issues I just plan on being super aware of my weight and keep a close eye on the scales.....
Annie updating your signature like that is really helpful for giving focus! If you don't mind I think I will be a copy cat and do that! I do have that on my personal journal which I have next to my bed and write in each night and sadly update with my daily post pee naked weigh in! I just can't help myself! It does help me though!

I think you'll be in the 11's in the next week or two going on your previous losses. You will definiely get to target at this rate!
Annie updating your signature like that is really helpful for giving focus! If you don't mind I think I will be a copy cat and do that! I do have that on my personal journal which I have next to my bed and write in each night and sadly update with my daily post pee naked weigh in! I just can't help myself! It does help me though!

I think you'll be in the 11's in the next week or two going on your previous losses. You will definiely get to target at this rate!

I am obsessive! I have a tracker on my phone and I update my weight on there everyday! I also have a countdown and every morning I get up, weigh, jump back in bed update my weight (even if it stays the same) and then go through my countdowns to see the days gone and days to go!

I like your snowy ticker! Con't see these things when you're updating by phone!! I wish my target was 8st 7lb - but I'd look awful with all my baggy bits ;)
Ha! Ha! I do a very similar thing! I don't have a tracker on my iphone as I am rubbish at stuff like that but I may look into doing that. Instead I use the littel Notes think and tap in my daily weigh on that (yes on top of writing it in my journal!) I think it's the obsessive thing that keeps me going on this plan as otherwise is really is hardgoing especially when socialising. I even have to take account of the ounces!
Well to bed I go..School tomorrow and I've spent the day talking bedrooms and bathrooms for our extension- always thought I'd enjoy choosing everything from scratch but it's not fun it's exhausting! The responsibility involved in deciding where walls go and £££!!! Not fun :(

Day 40 draws to a close... weigh day looms on wednesday and I'll be in meetings after school til about 6. Hubby away in Fracnce Thursday/Friday...another mad week!

C'est la vie!
Almost halfway there Annie! Hopefully mad week means you will be so busy it will whizz by and you won't feel any hunger, deprivation or find the plan hard. I love it when it feels like that! I'm doing a similar thing with our house, and I have a dislike of architects and the constuction indstry generally I don't trust them! And if I have to look at another brick catalogue or sample of roof tile!! I feel for you! Have a great day today!
Kira said:
Almost halfway there Annie! Hopefully mad week means you will be so busy it will whizz by and you won't feel any hunger, deprivation or find the plan hard. I love it when it feels like that! I'm doing a similar thing with our house, and I have a dislike of architects and the constuction indstry generally I don't trust them! And if I have to look at another brick catalogue or sample of roof tile!! I feel for you! Have a great day today!

Thank you. Days gone super fast! Yeah I'm with you for the house stuff not so much fun when your shopping for everything at once- I love decorating but this is a whole new level :(

Busy week will mean no time to worry about eating! People used to comment- about the lack of eating during the day but they gave up on me months ago :)
Day 41 nearly done- a porridge and a set of yr 9 books before bed mmmmm um!
Well done on another great day! Here's to completing another successful day tomorrow you are on a roll! Yeah!

I don't envy marking schoolwork before bedtime but I guess it's a job that has to be done come what may! X
Weigh day tomorrow- not sure how I feel- I want more! More weight off quicker! Now!!

Day 42 today a dim getting bored- not tempted- not yet- just bored... Stuck in a routine I guess... And extra busy dont help!

Family n friends shopping in my OH store tomorrow and open evening in my school Thursday! They've changed my sons swimming to Thursdays from next week- awkward!!!
Well done on another great day! Here's to another completed one tomorrow! Loser to the halfway point! We have try to ignore the boredom! X
Kira said:
Btw way hope weigh in is a whoosh! Tomorrow!

Whoosh!!! Thanks ;)
Mmm not so much whoosh :(

12st 1.5lb this week- hopefully under 12 by next week yay!

Have a good day everyone :)