Slimprincess's Weekly WIs

Thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread for my weekly WIs, help keep me motivated!

So week 1 over and lost 7lbs! I'm chuffed with that as I was low carbing pre S&S so wasn't expecting a very big 1st week loss. So far so good, I'm loving the meals and bars and I'm confident can stick with it till I get to goal.
Great loss especially since you were already in ketosis!
Excellent well done :clap:
Hi all, 2lbs off in week 2 and 3lbs this week, so 12lbs off in 3 weeks!! I'm well chuffed with that! My loses are just as good as when I did CD but S&S is so much easier to stick to and the meals are definitly a bonus. Hope everyone is having good loses too x