slower losses


Silver Member
i'm due to weigh in tomorrow and after having a sneaky weigh in this morning i think i'll have lost 1-2lbs (2lbs if im lucky). i lost 2lbs last week and although i'm not expecting losses of 5-7lbs every week, i'm starting to worry that my losses will slow right down soon. i stick to SS, about one day a wek I have an SS+ day so didnt think that would affect weight loss substantially.

has anyone else found that they're not losing as much as they want to as the diet goes on?
lumpyandbumpy said:
i'm due to weigh in tomorrow and after having a sneaky weigh in this morning i think i'll have lost 1-2lbs (2lbs if im lucky). i lost 2lbs last week and although i'm not expecting losses of 5-7lbs every week, i'm starting to worry that my losses will slow right down soon. i stick to SS, about one day a wek I have an SS+ day so didnt think that would affect weight loss substantially.

has anyone else found that they're not losing as much as they want to as the diet goes on?

I did. I got over the first three months and lost about six lbs in five weeks. I was really disheartened and jumped ship. For the last three months I've managed to yo yo on skimming world despite being 100% on plan. I started back yesterday. Stick with it it'll balance out in the end. You may need to start working up the steps to give your body a change maybe. Speak to your CDC but stay focused x
I did. I got over the first three months and lost about six lbs in five weeks. I was really disheartened and jumped ship. For the last three months I've managed to yo yo on skimming world despite being 100% on plan. I started back yesterday. Stick with it it'll balance out in the end. You may need to start working up the steps to give your body a change maybe. Speak to your CDC but stay focused x

yes u may be right about moving up the steps, it could boost my metabolism if i follow something like 810 for a week, maybe i'll mention this to my CDC tomorrow and see what she suggests. i dont want to end up throwing my hard work away by starting to cheat on the diet but some days i feel like its ages til i'll be able to have proper food again and for 1-2lbs a week i wonder whether its worth it. hopefully moving up a step for a week might help!
Yep exactly the same has happened to me! I have lost 2lbs for the last 3 weeks now. My CDC suggested having SS+ or 810 to try and boost my metabolism! xxx
lumpyandbumpy said:
yes u may be right about moving up the steps, it could boost my metabolism if i follow something like 810 for a week, maybe i'll mention this to my CDC tomorrow and see what she suggests. i dont want to end up throwing my hard work away by starting to cheat on the diet but some days i feel like its ages til i'll be able to have proper food again and for 1-2lbs a week i wonder whether its worth it. hopefully moving up a step for a week might help!

Def try it first. I felt the same and got nowhere in the last three months. Ended up that fed up I gorged for three weeks and here I am back to Cambridge again x
I notice your stats..My CDC reccomended I not do the SS or SS+ as I don't have a lot to lose. We're both similar in stats, do you think maybe moving up to 810 might help? I can't really say how much I've lost yet as I'm in my first week dued to be weighed in for the first time on Saturday! My clothes def feel looser.
yes i think i'll try 810 for a week soon, i've got 6lbs left to get to my 2 stone loss point so maybe i'll see if I can get to that on SS/SS+ and then go onto 810 for a week. I'm in London for 2 days the week after next so i'll have to have some form of a higher step by eating chicken/eggs/fish to limit the damage when i'm away but if i start 810 earlier that week it might help to boost my calorie intake and hopefully shift a bit of weight. i'm happy with my loss so far but i'm getting worried that if it slows down too much that i'll get disheartened so i'd rather prevent myself going off the diet completely by upping the steps. there's lots of recipes on 810 too so that'll be something to look forward to!!
I notice your stats..My CDC reccomended I not do the SS or SS+ as I don't have a lot to lose. We're both similar in stats, do you think maybe moving up to 810 might help? I can't really say how much I've lost yet as I'm in my first week dued to be weighed in for the first time on Saturday! My clothes def feel looser.

chubbybunny, obviously its up to you what u decide to do but if i was in your position i think i'd stick to SS to begin with, only reason being is that I lost 12lbs in my first fortnight on SS and looking at your stats if you manage to lose a similar amount of weight, you might only be on the diet for 4 weeks max, maybe less! i would have loved to have only wanted to lose a stone so personally i would have opted for SS as a kickstart. do whatever you feel is right for you though, you might decide to bring food back in sooner but hopefully you'll see a good loss this saturday anyway so that might help you decide what to do next :) let me know how you get on this sat!
chubbybunny, obviously its up to you what u decide to do but if i was in your position i think i'd stick to SS to begin with, only reason being is that I lost 12lbs in my first fortnight on SS and looking at your stats if you manage to lose a similar amount of weight, you might only be on the diet for 4 weeks max, maybe less! i would have loved to have only wanted to lose a stone so personally i would have opted for SS as a kickstart. do whatever you feel is right for you though, you might decide to bring food back in sooner but hopefully you'll see a good loss this saturday anyway so that might help you decide what to do next :) let me know how you get on this sat!

I did originally want to do SS but I don't know if I could actually hack it! By the time dinner comes around I'm absolutely ravenous and that is with the 3 products....Depending on how well I've done this week (I have nibbled on some chocolate oops..) I'll see how I feel. Thanks though and I will let you know!!!
I did originally want to do SS but I don't know if I could actually hack it! By the time dinner comes around I'm absolutely ravenous and that is with the 3 products....Depending on how well I've done this week (I have nibbled on some chocolate oops..) I'll see how I feel. Thanks though and I will let you know!!!

are you in ketosis yet? maybe thats why ur feeling hungry although my mother says that she could do with an extra shake every day too, think its coz she did lighter life before and that was 4 shakes a day rather than 3. you could always split the shakes and mix half up at say 9 a.m. then have the other at 11 a.m. and do the same throughout the day so you're not feeling you have to go for a few hours in between each one. i find since i;ve been in ketosis that i dont need my first shake until around 10.30 - 11ish then the next at 3.30 and the last one at 6-6.30ish and i'm ok. i would never have eaten like this before so it helping me deal with stopping boredom eating!! if you struggle with SS, defo try either SS+ or 810, far more options for you but still low calorie enough for you to keep losing weight. hope you do well on sat!!
I need to get some ketostix. I'm a bit pissed off atm, I've weighed myself the last 2 days (bad I know) at exactly the same time and I've STAYED THE SAME. How is that even...I have lost weight since my first CDC meeting (according to my scales) but seriously...I hope some more comes off by Saturday.

In a way it's made me even more determined to stick this rigidly until Sat.

Oh and I only have shakes and 2 tetras left now, so I'm going to being experience a mini SS hehehe but I'll still be having my light dinner as well I think.
Don't waste your money on them. You'll only get more stressed x

You won't lose weight every day remember and some weeks you'll have bad weeks. I've had 2 weeks where I only lost 1lb but it still evens out over the month

Hang in there
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What's the point. If you stick o the plan you'll be in ketosis. Once you're in ketosis you stay in it til you eat carbs etc

If you're just starting and not in ketosis there's nothing you can do to speed things up

Add to that that the sticks are notoriously unreliable and frequently give false readings. So many people use them regularly then come on here totally stressed cos the damn sticks say they're not in ketosis when clearly they are

I think Boots have the right idea not selling them to VLCDers they've obviously seen people on here ;)