

Full Member
Hi All!

Just wondering what kind of snacks and things you eat during the day to keep you going before lunch etc that are easy to have at work etc.
I work in an office and the only thing I really have in my draw is mugshots and although I love these I think they might get a bit boring :)

syn free SW quiche is always great to have.
salad boxes with HEA of cheese included.
carrots and homemade tomato salsa
fruit salads and mullerlights
fat free yoghurts

thats all i can think of at the moment. xxx
Mainly fruit but sometimes that sneaky box of Mikados makes it to my desk draw!!

I just snack on fruit and a muller light throughout the day...and also keep a few alpen lights and mugshots in my drawer just incase i get tempted by the cake and chocolate from the vending machines!!
Every day I cut up an apple or 2 and maybe 1/2 melon and take it with me in a lock & lock box, perfect for eating at desk, then just in case i also bring with me a mini baybel and alpen light bar. chopped up veg like peppers or carrot would also be good!