Snow's healthy living ramblings

Well done on the step count!
Glad you're enjoying dance fit , the new trainers will help too :)

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yeah they were much comfier. 2 people from my slimming world group are going now. They are both much fitter than me but none of us are co-ordinated so we do flail about a bit but I am sure it is burning calories and it is fun.

Well done on the steps! Glad you're enjoying dancefit :)
Always hard when youve used all your syns- I get a bit panicky too lol but your food sounds tasty and filling so I'm sure you'll be fine! X

I should be okay as really looking forward to dinner. They didn't have enough salad in the canteen for salad box so I had a sandwich on wholemeal bread - I pulled the crust off as it wasn't 400g loaf and so that should be a HEB and you get two on SP only problem is that means I shouldn't eat my banana. Might have to log it in the occasional free food column.
You can count it as a syn though can't you? Good thinking to take the crusts off :)

I have no syns left! And I did read you aren't meant to syn free food on SP> Though if i count it like you syn cooked banana then I'm at 25 synswhich some people say you can have at over 20 stone but I stick with 20 to account for any slippage of measuring etc (the 6 syns for the fairy cake is guess work at best) >.>

I don't like the crusts anyway haha so win win (unless it is proper crusty white bread) I have always blamed this on the fact that when I was little my nana said crust made your hair curl and I was scared mine would get even curlier and it's already mad.
Haven't done pictures in ages. Here's tea


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Going to try another SP day! I am meeting a friend at nando's for lunch

B: Nothing as I only just got up. Had some green tea.
L: Nando's chicken (no skin) 3 syns for marinade. mixed salad no dressing, grilled haloumi (HEA plus 3 syns) luso beans 2 syns
D: Still considering - have both HEB's but may do breakfast for dinner with one HEB for bread and have some nuts for the other.


Lunch 8

1 x jug of sugar free ribena (1 litres)
2lt water
coke zero at nandos


Steps (yest)

9140 /9000
That's a good plan for SP days!

Lunch was yummy. It is my place of choice for eating out now as you can be on plan so easily there. I had a bit of a weird day though as when I got off the bus in town I managed to step off and clang my head on the metal that holds the bus's wing mirror - I don't know how I did it really as it's in the same place on all the buses and I get off about at least four buses a day (it takes me 2 or 3 buses to get to work and the same back) it really hurt and the bus driver was asking if I was okay but I just rushed off because I felt silly and I knew I would be okay if I ignored it but that if I thought about it I would burst out crying. Anyway it faded after a bit and I felt fine so I went for lunch (about half way through lunch I mentioned what I'd done to the friend I was meeting and she was like oh is that was that big red mark on your head is.) But about half an hour after I came in I had to go and lie down because i had a bad head and I still feel a bit sick so I didn't have any tea. Also feel a bit stupid.
Oh honey you poor thing, how are you feeling today?

I know the 'silly' feeling, I got up from my bus seat to press the stop button a while back, he braked suddenly and I went flying - a bruise or two, but mainly hurt pride :eek:...

Like the idea of B for D by the way, I do that occasionally too :)
Oh honey you poor thing, how are you feeling today?

I know the 'silly' feeling, I got up from my bus seat to press the stop button a while back, he braked suddenly and I went flying - a bruise or two, but mainly hurt pride :eek:...

Like the idea of B for D by the way, I do that occasionally too :)

I'm okay today. No nausea or sickness just a bruise!

Going to have breakfast for dinner today instead. I love a cooked breakfast and rarely have time between work and other plans so just have it for dinner instead.

I am going to a consultant opportunity event in about 10 mins. I am nowhere near ready to be a consultant (don't have the money or the time) but it is something I'd like to consider for future (when I finish my open uni degree, and can drive and magic up the franchise fee somehow) My consultants team manager or whatever the job title is is always asking for people to come to the events so I said I would go if it would get her off her back and I'll have a bit more information for future.
Ouch to the bashed head snow- how's it feeling today? Nandos sounds lovely, halloumi is so delicious. I bought it once but found the hexa portion too small :-( probably because its so dense!
Interested to hear about the sw consultancy too- I wouldn't be one but OH & I own a franchise so its interesting to see how it compares to others! X
Ouch to your poor head. Hope you're fully recovered now. Its so awful when things like that happen cause all you think is OMG how embarrassing get me out of here rather than making sure you're ok.

I love Nandos too but everyone else getting bored of it!

Hope the consultancy event is good. Its not something I'd ever have the time to commit to but could imagine its a satisfying job :)
The event was interesting! It was about 2 hours about the committment (and the leafleting) and the history of the company and then about 10 minutes on the money - my consultant said they were more upfront abuot the costs since she started but it's also gone up about £500 since she signed up. I would be interested in future but I would have to be further along in my weight loss journey and finished uni before I went for it.

Didn't have breakfast for dinner as my oh talked me into a bacon sandwich when i got in from the event.

B: Apricot wheats (HEB) 100ml milk (2 syns) raspberries (S)
L: Bacon(P) sandwich (HEB) no fat 1 syn ketchup, 2 apples
D: Salad (half a plateful!) (S) refried beans (P) ostrich burger (P) and heck burger (P 1 syn), tbsp extra light mayo (0.5 syns) tbsp bbq sauce (0.5 syns) philli light cheese cake (HEA plus 3.5 syns) with strawberries

coffee and hifi bar at the event (6.5 syns for hifi and splash of milk)

hifi 6
milk 2.5
melts 4
monster claws 4.5
hifi light 3
choc shot 0.5

2 x jug of sugar free ribena (3 litres)
1lt water

apricot wheats

philli light

Steps (yest)

9167 /9000
Here's tea. I meant to put some homemade salsa on it but but the spoon in the wrong pan so it has a spoon of sw chilli on instead whups.


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looks nice hun x x
my consultant said they were more upfront abuot the costs since she started but it's also gone up about £500 since she signed up.

Gosh is it really expensive to do it? I know our consultant is always looking for people to help leaflet (although she offers incentives to do it).

And what was the ostrich burger like???