Snugasabug's ity bity diary.

Well here goes I've said in another post I'm not following a particular diet but my cupboards only contain low fat/fat free products now so I don't feel the need to count calories or point so I'll just be writing my meals down-
Breakfast - rice krispies with a splash of skimmed milk and a swirl of activia pouring yoghurt.
1x rice cake topped with cream cheese. And a coffee.

Lunch - lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, 4x crackers topped with hummus and colslaw , ham, pickled onions, guerkins, cheese.

Mini feast for a after lunch dessert. As sitting in the garden enjoying the sun.

All the above are sainsburys be good to yourself range or low fat/fat free other than the mini feast and salad/veg.
Continuing from earlier post-Dinner today was - a chicken breast wrapped in bacon, a mini sausage and mini sage ball, small roast potatoes using frylite spray, veg.

Think I'm doing quite well supper/dessert will either be banana and low fat squirty cream or cereal with skimmed milk.