So I am back again!

silencemylips said:
Didn't know what JUDDD was, just looked it up. So basically you could do most of the week cd and then up your calories for the other days but need to exercise these days? It sounds ok tbh! But think for me id need just as much control when going on to a down day after having more cals and food. You usually do really well over the week so you could continue with cd and then up the calories on the weekend?

Totally understand the pull of cd, it just claws you back! Your OH seems to be the one to pull you off track sometimes though, haha! Does he still do cd with you?

How it works you cant do two 'down days' in a row, so you'd have to either do one up one down etc, or up and down in the week and have the weekend as up days too. I'm considering it!

He does, but we are both as bad as each other to be honest!! He's used to cheering me up with food when im down, so it's sort of ingrained in his head. He's sort of half doing the diet, but he's a bugger and loses weight so easily and doesn't gain it back easily either so he's only got a little bit to lose!
Ok got back on track today! OH was woken up this morning to a phone call from his Mum saying they are having to put his dog down today :( they took him to the vets this morning. OH is absolutely gutted as they have had him since he was 10, but he was really poorly so he's in a better place now. Feel so bad I just want to give him a hug but we've both had to go to work! He keeps saying he never got to say goodbye to him :( here's a pic, he is the black cocker spaniel, poor guy :(


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Felix said:
How it works you cant do two 'down days' in a row, so you'd have to either do one up one down etc, or up and down in the week and have the weekend as up days too. I'm considering it!

He does, but we are both as bad as each other to be honest!! He's used to cheering me up with food when im down, so it's sort of ingrained in his head. He's sort of half doing the diet, but he's a bugger and loses weight so easily and doesn't gain it back easily either so he's only got a little bit to lose!

So that's why he'll go off track, caus he can still lose even if he does, caus he's a man and gets things like that easy! You've got to both be supportive of each other if you both want to do it, whether he cheats and doesn't bring you down with him or you both stay golden and 100%. I know I'd be tempted to eat if a partner on the diet was doing it too. Think about your birthday and bestial! And think those trousers you've so brilliantly gotten in to could be a 12 soon!!!
Ok got back on track today! OH was woken up this morning to a phone call from his Mum saying they are having to put his dog down today :( they took him to the vets this morning. OH is absolutely gutted as they have had him since he was 10, but he was really poorly so he's in a better place now. Feel so bad I just want to give him a hug but we've both had to go to work! He keeps saying he never got to say goodbye to him :( here's a pic, he is the black cocker spaniel, poor guy :(

Oh so sad :(
Back on track... Hardly had any water at all today, maybe a litre? 2 shakes and a choc orange bar. Not hungry at all but headachey. Looking forward to my 3 day weekend. Going up to OH's parents on saturday because they are apparently having a BBQ, so will stick to meat and veg, then it's OH's bday on Sunday so I think we are going out for tea before we go out drinking. The place he wants to go to looks amazing! It's a Brazillian buffet grill where they come round with every type of meat you can think of and then they have a massive buffet with loads of sides. It's pricey but the quality is meant to be so good so it will be a nice birthday treat if we do. I'm not sure if he's 100% on going yet though. I sort of want to go but then I keep thinking I could save myself a million calories and just have a sarnie or something to kick me out of ketosis for the evening of drinking... Not looking forward to going up to his parents on Saturday because of his poor dog being put to sleep, he will be so upset when he gets home and he's not there to greet him :( I really want to go because I haven't visited for a while and it's always nice but the doggy business is putting me off!

Oh and I weighed myself and I've gained 5 frigging lb's off the weekend!!!! Wtf!!!! I never ever gain that much when I go off plan! Serves me right though. I'm so bloated!
Ugh ive come on again! 4th time in around 2 months! So annoying. I guess that will explain why I've gained so much more than usual and why I'm so extra bloated! What a pain in the bum :(
Coming on is probs a big factor, definitely for the bloating. After eating and coming on you're probably holding a lot of water so you need to force that water back in and flush it out! A pinch of proper sea salt in your water can help with getting rid of water retention.
That or try the salt water flush which makes you have a bowel movement and this may help with being bloated
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Thanks for the tips! Going to try it out tonight!

Been 100% again today. A bit headachey but drank loads of water at work. Just realised I haven't had any since I got in! Sat and wrapped my OH's birthday presents :) I love giving presents I'm so excited for his birthday! Listed a pair of black converse I've never worn on eBay. Need to make some money, I've totally overspent again already! £90 to last me until payday which is 3 weeks away and still got £60 of my credit card bill to go out :( oh well!

Scales looking a lot more reasonable today. Still 2lb heavier than I was though..
My converse are at £10 already and there's 5 days to go!!! Woohoo! Got really bad period pain, I never usually get it so I dunno why! Painted my nails in candy colours to take my mind off it :) (ignore the state of my cuticles!!)

Had grilled chicken salad for tea. Was yummy :D


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Ahh love those! I might paint my nails multicoloured haha been wanting to do it for a while but don't have the colours I want, I'll do it at work haha.
How're you doing today? Cramps any better?
I'm doing alright. Work went quickly today for some reason. My cramps are still happening and it really hurts! Got home and straight in to bed. My throat fees a bit sore and my nose is runny so hope I'm not coming down with a cold :( but apart from that I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow!!! 3 day weekend WOOHOO!!!!
Oh god I feel so ill! Nose is runny and my head is still all fuzzy and horrible :( hope I'm better for the weekend because I'm really looking forward to OH's birthday on Sunday!

Just trying on clothes for Sunday and I really need someone's help. I've taken a million pictures! I hope no one minds giving me some advice! (also really chuffed because half of these clothes didn't fit until recently :D) It's not a proper dress up dressy night so im trying to look a bit casual but not.. If that makes sense!

Please ignore the mess and some of my clothes need ironing haha. Please help me!!!!!!!


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You look amazing! So slim!!
I vote for that first playsuit, it's so nice! Or that jazzie top combo! These pics have stopped me wanting a picnic bar!
Thank you! Looking back at the pics I don't look as bad as I think I do actually. Im still 13.4 though :( I think the heels help haha! I think I'll go for the first play suit cos that's the one I liked best too :) dunno how I'll cope on a night out wearing a play suit though!!
You definitely don't look 13.4, maybe you just hold it well! Your legs look lovely and slim to! Ahh yes, never experienced a playsuit out drinking but can imagine it beig eventful haha, just don't wait too long to go to the toilet!
Oh god I am so ill this morning :( all groggy and horrible I feel awful. Can't go out tomorrow if I'm still feeling like this. I'm so gutted, we have booked to go to this amazing grill place tomorrow which is really expensive and we've wanted to try it for years and I've now lost my sense of taste because of this cold :( haven't been on a night out for months and I've been looking forward to this for weeks! Arghhhh :(
my oh my u look slim, slim, slim u really do id say pic 6,8 :) how u feeling this evening? hope u manage to feel better for tomorrow x
Thanks Shanny! I'm sure I look loads bigger in real life though! It's a toss up between the first playsuit and the coral dress (that's if I'm even well enough to go!). Feeling really ill still. Was meant to be going up to OH's parents for a birthday BBQ for him but he's had to go without me :( its given me a chance to catch up with all the stuff I've recorded on telly though haha. Diet wise I've been crap. Had cheese on toast earlier because I felt so weak and crap, and just baked some cookies for OH for when he gets home tomorrow, and hopefully I won't stuff them all in my face before he gets back haha!!