So tired!


Gold Member
So I've heard lots about energy levels soaring but I'm going the opposite way. Exhausted & needing more than 8 hours sleep a night. I know er are only on a few calories per day but I'm so jealous of anyone with extra energy! Anyone else suffering?
Hi Annie

I was one of those who had a real energy zap after going in to ketosis and felt all lively and springy.

Into week 8 though and feeling totally drained and exhausted, literally like someone has pulled out my batteries. The only thing I have changed is my activity level, been mucho busy at work and started doing some very light toning exercises so this must be what's knocking me off kilter.

Could it be the same for you? Do you have a really active job or lifestyle? TBH I don't think I could have made it to 8 weeks feeling like this so lots of sympathy for you. Fingers crossed you will perk up very soon.

K x
I find it hard to get out of bed but once im up im full of energy.. Loving not having the post meal sluggish crash x
I'm shattered all the time, definitely need a lot more sleep on this diet!
I'm one who is knackered for the first couple of weeks, then all of a sudden I get an energy zap & I'm fine! :)
Day 30 today & whilst I'm loving the feeling of not being bloated & having specific energy slumps, I'm definitely not experiencing the extra energy. Jealous of those who are!
thank goodness im not alone, last few days have been horrendous, ive two young kids and my little baby is still waking for night feeds i am totally shattered =( im used to being sleep deprived by paired with lack of energy im totally zonked x
I'm shattered too. I can't remember feeling this rubbish on it before, but I have no energy at all. Horrible.