So, today's the day...

Ah well heart burns not nice, so good choice!!i know i feel like i want a peice of fruit sponge cake thats downstairs with a nice cuppa!!

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs
kerrys86 said:
Ah well heart burns not nice, so good choice!!i know i feel like i want a peice of fruit sponge cake thats downstairs with a nice cuppa!!

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs

Nooooooo! ... It may look nice but you'll regret eating it. (I know you won't) I've got my tail between my legs for caving in.
I might try whisking egg white before adding yolk.. I saw that on tv once, yes good choice!
I did it, oh god couldnt resist!! Two thin slices. I think its because ive only had about 1 ltr of water today as ive been out allday. Oh noo it was so nice, ill have to walk to burn those calories off tomorrow !!

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs
kerrys86 said:
I did it, oh god couldnt resist!! Two thin slices. I think its because ive only had about 1 ltr of water today as ive been out allday. Oh noo it was so nice, ill have to walk to burn those calories off tomorrow !!

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs

Hahaha.. Good girl for thin slices. Bloody food!
I know, cant live with it cant live without it (kinda)

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs
If all else fails always blame the weather!! :). Must admit I'm ever so slightly very muchly jealous Kerry. Love cake <3
Haha, it was so hard not to just go and eat the lot!! Although did have to.take another thin slice last.night as i had such.bad head and taking tablets on an empty tummy really effects me, ok so i.could have used somethin healthier to line my tummy haha going to be 100% today and drink my water and think i take a dulcolax again my tummy v bloated. I have weigh in tomorrow

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs
Although did have to.take another thin slice last.night

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs

Why not lol,if our having an off day ou may as well make the most of it! I know I would!

For the first time n about 8 months I've got my totm, UGH UGH UGH I feel like crap! I'm so bloated and my stomach feels so heavy I hate it. Plus it's made me have a small gain omg I'm so p****d off :(

Feel like eating chips and cheese.....
Yes my totm made me gain, plus this diet made me have reallt bad cramps something i would nevet get.
Keep your chin up :) put some hot water in a choc shake and have a hot.chocolate!!

starting weight 13,10; total loss; 10lbs
Ooooh good idea :)
It's been so hard today. Totm is making me feel rotten and tired. My stomach feels heavy and my legs ache even. Ugh

I seem to have become obsessed with watching food programmes... ESP Jamie Oliver. Can't wait to start eating proper food again.

Managed 20 mins on the cross trainer...umm maybe that's why my legs ache lol

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Thats great going on the cross trainer!!
Hope your.feeling better tomorrow!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs
Thanks Hun. I've turned into s moaning old woman on this diet haha x
Me too!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs
kerrys86 said:
Me too!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs

Hi all
I should be asleep.. But thought I'd say hello. I should be in ketosis again now. Really hope so!
I wonder if women have totm sync via Internet as it's mine too! That's why my weigh in only showed a 2lb loss on Friday.
You could be right willow!!
I always.find it hard to.get to.sleep on this diet!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs
I did to start with to. Not any more though. My CDC said my body would be so tired from not putting much in that I should sleep like a baby, I didn't for about the first week but I certainly do now!

Ive got p with a really sore throat this morning, no idea where that has come from. My youngest daughter has got up with a horrid croupy cough aswel. V odd :(
It's 12.20 and just realised I have t had my first shake yet! Oops. Choc orange here I come!
Rachel :) said:
I did to start with to. Not any more though. My CDC said my body would be so tired from not putting much in that I should sleep like a baby, I didn't for about the first week but I certainly do now!

Ive got p with a really sore throat this morning, no idea where that has come from. My youngest daughter has got up with a horrid croupy cough aswel. V odd :(

Oh dear Rachel.. Hope you both feel better soon. This weather can't help, changing temperatures the way it is. X