Soooo many questions loll!!

Hi all :) new to mini mins and new to weight watchers. I joined online on Friday and so far so good.....but I'm confused. I've got the IPhone app so that takes care of all my tracking but......

Can I eat as much of the 0 point fruit and veg as I want? And can we reeeeeealy use the 49 weekly points and still lose...? I'm actually sat here really full today and I've only used my dailys. I've got a 9pp bag of mini malteaser bunnies here my OH has just bought me and I'm flipping terrified to eat them......! It can't possibly be ok.......?!!!

Lola xxxxx
Sort of, but I'd limit yourself on the fruit, especially bananas(very starchy), melons (high gi).
No more than 2 or 3.
Mostly, veg should be fine I think?

Yes, if you want to spend your weeklies on things like chocolate,etc, it is allowed.
Personally, I wouldn't eat the whole bag at once but spread the portions out over the week so your glucose levels won't spike too much.
Some people lose better when they eat their weeklies, and some don't.
I try to find a balance and use some weeklies but none of my active points from exercising.
Well I've got 8 active points since Friday - I don't know of that's any good or not? But I don't intend on even touching those points ever.! Unless it's a complete chocolate emergency but hopefully should have weeklys for those.

I have max 1 banana and like today i had the banana and also ate 2 apples and an orange.

I had plenty of veg but I pointed the sweetcorn. I'm wanting to lose 2 stone 8 pounds by may. Not too sure if this is realistic.

I've just jumped on the scaled - I know I know - stupid idiot woman Rnt I.!!! But WHY THE HELL and HOW ON EARTH have a gained 5lbs since Friday.? I've only used my dailys and about 18 of my weeklies!

Lola xxx
You are definitely eating too much fruit.
Pointing the sweetcorn was a good idea though.
I really don't know why you've gained 5lbs, could be the fruit, could be water retention, could be hormones, etc.
Only weigh youself in the morning, after taking a pee, and before you eat/drink something.
Well I did think that after my 2nd apple today....I'll just have 1 piece a day until Wi on Friday.

Could it be because of Time of the month?? And because it's the end of the day after Brek/lunch/tea and lots of diluted pop.!!! :eek:

How long have you been doing ww.? Have you lost much? Thanks for all your help by the way :) muchly appreciated xx

Lola xx
Oh yes, it can definitely be the time of the month, hormones can really effect weightloss.
That is why I didn't lose much in my third week, at least that's what I think because I was really good and eating well within my point limit.
I've just entered my 4 week last friday and so far lost 4,2 kilo's (9,2 lbs).
Wow that's fab well done.! I'm just going to eat all my weeklys and dailys and see How I go on on Friday. If I havnt lost then I know it's the weeklys cos I do feel like I'm eating alot but in the first week I suppose you should have them all and see what happens. My goals obviously a realistic one though judging by your losses. Do you eat all your points and your weeklies? xx
Thanks :D
Setting realistic goals are good, and sometimes when you don't get a good loss, just carry on like nothing bad happened!
I used to beat myself up over things like not losing an x amount of weight or burning x amount of calories during a workout, which would make me so frustrated, now I've learned that when I set realistic goals and that it takes time to lose weight.
As long as you're losing weight, you're doing good no matter how little or much it is.
I don't eat all my weeklies, but try really hard to eat all my dailies.
So far, I haven't eaten many of the weeklies each week, mostly under 10, never more than 20 though.
Sometimes I use them to eat higher pointed meals that make me go a point or 2-3 over my 27pp limit, or so I can eat a piece of chocolate.
I also love plain greek 10% fat yogurt with honey which I use as a healthy treat (plus my cat gets to lick the bowl = win!).

I think you need to try things out a bit, see how much you lose in 1 week eating all your points including weeklies, then try the other week with only eating a few of the weeklies, compare the weight loss & decide what you prefer.
so... calm down and take a breath.

1) what time you got weighted on Friday and what time you weighted yourself today?
2) did you EAT before getting weighted on Friday? Food in your body WEIGHTS! Try weighting yourself before and after drinking a glass of water and you'll see what I mean
3) you got weighted at a completely different scales than yours on Friday. You shouldn't get weighted at different scales or the result won't be accurate
4) NEVER weight yourself in the middle of the week, you should weight yourself ONLY once a week, unless you can take the normal weight fluctuations of your body. Every day your body weights something different depending on water retention, food still in transit, how much salt you had the previous day, general bloating and such
5) time of the month has a HUGE impact on your weight, so that could also be a reason

Ultimately, you shouldn't have too much fruit: too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Too much fruit is sugar, fibre and water, which means that you would have a VERY bloated tummy and a lot of air in your guts, and need the toilet much more in the next few days.

One last thing: if you feel full after having eaten your dailies you don't *HAVE* to eat your weeklies, they are FULLY OPTIONAL. So don't worry and eat until you're full. Try to go for 3-4 portions of fruit and 3-4 portions of vegetables. yes, I know it's more than the 5, but up to 8 it's a good recommended amount. If you like them, have blackberries or blueberries. A pack of 150g from Tesco or Sainsbury's or ASDA contain over 7 grams of fibres, more than 30g of all-bran! Limit yourself to 1 banana a day, not only they're starchy but they contain a lot of potassium and although one is good for you every day, more could give your body too much potassium ;)
Oerba_dia_Vanille said:
You are definitely eating too much fruit.
Pointing the sweetcorn was a good idea though.
I really don't know why you've gained 5lbs, could be the fruit, could be water retention, could be hormones, etc.
Only weigh youself in the morning, after taking a pee, and before you eat/drink something.

I really don't think it's the fruit at all.

Fruit gets me through the day and whilst I was loosing I sometimes had 3 small apples chopped, grapes and maybe an orange in a day and I never had any probs!
Ahhhhh....breath taken lol

I weighed myself on day 1(Friday 3rd) the morning after a wee (sorry tmi) it was bang on 13st - and I still had my pj's on! About 10pm Friday night my monthly friend arrives.

Today......I weighed myself tonight :( after tea I had a bath, and I was conveniently in the bathroom - next to the scales and naked - lol - so I though ohhhhhh I wonder if I've lost anything yet.....and BAM!!! 13st 5lb (throws scales across the bathroom in a fit of rage)!!!!

I weighed myself in exactly the same spot on the same scales (I'm doing it online)

Could hve cried.! Flippin ECK!!! xx
Hiya.....don't will most likely ALWAYS weigh heavier at night than in the morning (take into consideration all you've drank and eaten etc as stated above during the day). I would weigh up to 4lbs heavier at night. Fluid will also cause fluctuations and espesh if you've got your TOM.....If you have to weigh more than once a week...always do it on same scales at same spot on floor, after your wee and wearing roughly what you usually weigh on.....

Bodies are such strange things....;-)
your weights fluctuates of around 2 lbs during the day, so in the exact same conditions (8 hours after a meal, pj on and after a wee) in the evening you would weight an average of 2 lbs more than in the morning. That's physiologic. Then, OK that you were naked as opposed to wearing your pj, BUT what you ate during the say today is probably responsible of another 2 of the extra 5 lbs that you have "put on". TOTM is probably responsible for another 2 lbs at least. Which means that probably you have stayed the same (I'm counting your pj as being at least 1 lb in weight), so that when TOTM will be gone you'll definitely drop at least a couple of lbs...

if you want to weight yourself during the week, always do it at the same place (check even exactly which spot you put your scales on, I use always the exact same floor tile :D) at the same time and at the same conditions. To make you an example, if I have a day off I normally weight myself a couple of hours later in the morning than usually because I have a lie-in. Sometimes I have woken up when my husband was going out for work in the morning and then gone back to bed. If I weight myself at the usual time I'm always 0.5lb/1 lb heavier than 2 hours later... For example today I weighted myself at 7.30 am when I went for a wee (I know, TMI!) at 8st 2.5 and then I weighted myself at 10 am when I woke up, after another wee, at 8st 1.6! Since I usually weight myself at around 10 am on Sunday morning, I counted the 8st 1.6 as my weight :) But if I was to weight myself now after having had dinner, I would probably be at least 8st 7!