Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

I must go to Sweden for Midsummer one year. There's been big celebrations in London too. There's a Swedish food place in London I follow on Twitter that has me drooling every day lol!

You didn't go IN to the tourist places?! Hardly counts :p
Hahaha we were too cheap for that. We just took pictures by the entrances ;D

Didn't see any midsummer stuff here except the odd reef in someone's hair; apparently everyone flees the city to party in the country side! The city was pretty dead compared to today; an area that was empty yesterday was flooded with people today, sort of cocked up the start of our photoshoot as we were taken by surprise with that!


B- Natt FF yog, frozen blueberries, banana, kiwi

L- Yesterday's leftovers padded out with more veg and a tiny bit of G's left over pasta mixed in (perhaps 1/4 of the usual pasta amount I'd have) but pretty veg heavy and with HexA cheese.

D- Red style meal apart from some black beans for super speed; chicken, rocket, spinach, tomatoes, fried onions, red peppers.

Snacks- Apple, 1.5 bananas, HexB Alpen Light, 2 mini milks (3 syns)

Syns: 3

Nice low syn day today; could have been a green day but I realised that if I made it EE and had a Red type meal for dinner it would probably do me better. I might start doing that sort of thing more; EE with one Green style meal and one Red style so that I feel like I'm still putting in the Red effort but having an enjoyable carby meal too.

Starting to worry about how much I can stay on plan in Florida *sigh*, we wandered around for AGES yesterday trying to find a menu with things that weren't awful on it... though most places were closed. Though right now I am trying to lose to meet my goal, while in Florida I'll just be trying not to gain. I think there will be more options, too. Most of these places were small pubs and such with only like 8 things on the menu, where America is huge about food so will probably have more options. I guess I'll be having lots of salads with dressing on the side :rolleyes: might literally bring salad cream light with me to reduce the mass of syns in salad dressing. I know this sounds silly and obsessive but I really feel like I could screw myself over on that trip if I don't try and attempt to be on plan; eating out 3x a day for 2 weeks with American sized portions could be lethal. At least if I can keep my snacks in control and have alpen light's and bananas instead of loads of ice creams and hotdogs and such... *sigh*

Post Stockholm Dubai trip hasn't been confirmed yet and I have a feeling that they are having issues with the client so it might not happen after all. Either way, will be being GOOD in that period to make up for the time missed after the gain last time in Dubai :(
Massively snacky/sugar crabing today :/ wonder if because I bought aspartame based sweetner for my nat yog at breakfast, stick to Splenda at home because it isnt as craving producing... Kept it red though, woop!


B- yog, blueberries, banana, kiwi

L- chicken, onions, peppers, tiny bit of honey (1)

D- cheese (hexa1) on one piece of small white bread (3.5), bowl of chilli sort of veg mix from yest, had a pinch of rice left from previous mix as I basically added veg to leftovers then had those leftovers today, lol. Also had some red kidney beans (hexb1) +1 for pinch of rice on red.

Snacks- 2 bananas, apple, 2 choc sweets (1.5 each = 3), bunch of mini meringues (4~), porridge (hexb2+a2)

Syns: 11

Feel like I have eaten sooo much crap but it is just that Inhave snacked a lot. Lunch and dinner were both quite small, wanted sweet stuff even though I wasnt hungry :( really think it is from the aspartame! The squash here too makes my teeth feel all sticky and gross, loaded with sweetner :/
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Had a chilled day today as we were both knackered from yesterday and feom generally feeling lethargic all week :/ really think it has been a bug! Not as bad today though. Another shoot tomorrow afternoon.
Spent most of the afternoon reading the second half of A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K Dick. Now we are re-watching the film which I love too! Book was great, less confusing and more artful and deep than the film, but both are awesome :D
If the weather is good tomorrow we will shoot with the model floating in the water hopefully :) have wanted to try that sort of thing for some time!
Hope it brigtens up for our return! We have had 3 days of awesome sun here and 4 days of overcast but mild/warm out- apparently unusually good for Swedish summer!

Water shoot was from above water, sadly dont have proper underwater equipment- so expensive! Like £3000!
Shoot today wad awesome! Model was very professional and make up artist very friendly, had some organisation hiccups at the start (model's fault) but it went really perfectly! Will share pics as I edit them.

Food today- Green:

B- fruit + yog

L- pasta, onions, pepper, cougette, hexa cheese

D: N/A (dna lololol)

Snacks- 2 bananas, fee bites of G's cheese baguette and two mini baguettes with cheese (about an inch long each!) with a tiny bit of butter maybe 6 syns? Sugar free jelly (0.5)

Feel a lot of pressure to do red days right now to hit my. Florida goal with all the traveling in between, def doing one tomorrow- lots of frozen chicken to use up. Leaving for airport at 5pm so hopefully have time for an early Red dinner since we wont get home until 1am or so.
Sounds like you're having a brill time. Potential bug aside!

Glad your shoots have gone mostly smoothly too.

Wish I could help you feel better about getting to your goal. But I know what it's like when you have your mind set on something. Sounds like you're doing a REALLY good job of trying your bestest. I'd put money on you reaching it ;)

When will they let you know about Dubai?

Hope you have a lovely last day in Sweden and a good flight home.
Nighty night mate.xx
Cheeky is right, you can't do more than you are to reach goal. And I know what it feels like too to be desperate to reach a goal. But maybe try to look at old pics and look at your new skinny clothes and think of how far you've come!!! You've done fab already!
I think you'll probably lose weight in Florida too, you seem so in tune with the plan, and they're really flexible with menus over there. :)

safe flight home xxx
Thanks for the motivation guys :) home now, not sure when to WI.. Maybe thurs so I can have a detox day to balance out the flying bloating or whatever.
I am just really desperate to get out of the 'obese' range! I turn 23 while in Florida (20th July) and 23 is my favourute age for some reason, so I'd like to just be 'overweight' by then! But will be in Florida so want to reach before hand :p also want to be noticeably less fat by then; am at the stage where I am starting to motixe thigs myself but no-one has actively said I look like I've lost weight *sigh* :( I feel like by that mini goal it will be more noticeable.

Nervous to WI as I expect a good loss but sort of feel bloated... Have done much more exercise than normal- walking, swimming, pedalo, more walking! Usually just sit on my arse editing all day but have been much more active!

Managed Red today! Phew :) nearly caved and went for EE because I fried some leftover spaghetti for G with our lunch and it looked sooo good, but resisted!

Just got in half an hour ago so will make this quick. Last day in Stochkholm was lovely- went swimming in a lake, walked in the sun around the water, saw a wild bambi deer! So cute! Set up some time lapses and played "spot the deer/rabbits" on the 90 min bus to the airport- 4 deer and 6 bunnies :D


B- natt ff yog and fruit
L- early lunch- chicken with onions and red peppers and spinach and cheese (hexa) left quite a bit as felt full fast :O
D- early dinner as we had t leave at 5pm for airport- same as lunch, leftovers (hexa2 and b1)
Snacks- some crisps when hungry in the eve (maybe 5 syns), minimilk (1.5), bananas, apples, cherry toms, peach, 2 alepn light's (b2).

Will try and do a detoxy red day with lots of fluids tomorrow, havent drunk as much while in Sweden... Nothing in the house really so might be tricky though.
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Feeling weird today. Felt SO productive yesterday- spent the whole flight and train home editing a music video (work) and then today just... Feel so flat and lazy. We took some anti-histamine's last night because we were bitten to shreds on the lake photoshoot, slept awesomely but the drowsiness continued all day!

Not really sure what day I'm on today, maybe red, maybe green... I'm guessing I will get hungry soon. I couldn't find much info on brie being a HexA? Anyone know? I found a thread saying it could be a HexB ONLY on Green day's... So not a HexA? :/ Either I'll syn it (around 5 syns for 30g I think) or I'll count it as a HexB on Green, depending on what I want to eat when I next get hungry (I know I will since I've not had any satisfying meals today! Mainly home made soup and the odd fruit snack)


B- Muller light, banana (had no provisions in! Later had an activia and a banana after doing a shop)

L- HexB wholemeal roll with brie (either HexB2 if Green OR 5 syns if not) spinach and a dollop of Jam (1) so yum! Wanted another though :( filled up on homemade soup before hand (onions, pepper, courgette, tomato, chillies, quark)

D- More soup, one scrambled egg with a chopped up frankfurter (2.5/3.5 syns depending on day), a slice of Jarlsberg (cant find Hex info for this but am calling it a HexA anyway!) and some ketchup (1)

Snacks- another activia, apple, 6 mini meringues (1 syn, weighed them and worked out calories)

Drinks- 3 green teas (haven't had them as much recently- forgot :| must get back on them!), 1L squash + 3 pints (no idea how the two convert between but had 3 pint glasses worth and a litre bottle!)

Feel good for having a detox Success Express sort of day, flushing things out, lots of fluids and veg, but at the same time have really been craving a proper meal and not been very satisfied all day. I'm going to try and hold it off until tomorrow, have a Thursday WI to see how things are going (has been ages since I weighed in :S 2 weeks possibly? So I bloody hope it's a great number!) then tomorrow will have a more relaxed day.

I feel like I want to go for a jog or a cycle or something. Did so much cycling in Stockholm- was awesome because it wasn't a hilly area at all and they have such great bike lanes EVERYWHERE! But my area is surrounded by hills so either I have to go back and forth along a straight patch and feel like a dick or I have to suffer the steep hills and probably put myself off cycling ever again. Also getting bike down and up the really narrow stair case isn't fun. I kinda want to go for a jog :O but at the same time 0 energy and my area is so open to the main road... if I jogged across the road I'd feel watched by the traffic or nervous an extended family member might happen to drive by. Have to find somewhere a bit more secluded methinks. Gosh, effort just thinking about it LOL.
I need to find ways to motivate myself... Keeping a food diary on here really motivates me to lay off the sneaky syns. I think if I had a chart system to write down my exercise it would motivate me to fill it in.

Super nervous to WI :( I think this is one particular one where I'll be really crushed if it's not epically good, as I tried so hard in Sweden and the previous week had averaged a +1 from Dubai... *sigh* there's a chance I'm due on soon enough to affect it also, but we'll see. Always full of excuses, me!
Fingers and toes and everything else crossed for WI :D Sounds like you've been really good while you've been away and a detox day too. You'll rock it, I'm sure!

I live in a really hilly bit too, but we have an old overhead railway that's been turned in to a foot/cycle path (the Trans-Pennine Trail) that's relatively flat once you're on it. That's great for cycling! I almost had a bike custom made last year but the guy stopped replying to my emails so I let it drop. Then I got a car :eek: I would like to get one in the future, when I have some spare money! I miss cycling :)
Totally understand about not wanting to run on a main road, I'm lucky coz there's loads of parks and woodland and stuff by me, which is where I sed to run before my knees packed in. It is a lot of effort finding places to exercise, esp when you live somewhere busy. Sounds like you want to be out doing something though :)

Aww you'll be 23?! SO young ;) :p Do you know what you'll be doing on the day yet? Hope it's something awesome!

Getting in to the overweight category is an awesome feeling! Seriously hope you get it before you go away. Major celebration one that one :D xx
Yeah am so excited that I am getting obsessive again :p I'm done with being obese! It is such a nasty word :/
No idea what will happen on bday but as we will be in theme park land hopefully will do something fun! My dad is quite good at organising bday things.

I love cycling! It was such a joy in the sun in stockholm, I really wish I lived in a flatter area where I could cycle to the cinema etc but it is like uphil the whole way for like half an hour :/ way too lazy to even work my way up to that lol!!
-5lbs!!!!! WOOOHOOO!! That's for a week and a half (10 days) though, but YES! That's what I wanted :D I was bargaining with myself before I weighed in saying "I should be happy with a 3." but actually I really wanted a 4 or 5 so I'm sooo happy :D
That puts me at 16st 6lbs which means I am 3lbs away from 4 stone award/club 20 :O and 4lbs away from being out of obese and into Overweight BMI :D eeee!
Just have to face the possibly 2 weeks of weight loss f*ckery from *week within my 2.5 weeks to reach it, so it still could be rocky yet... But I'm psyched to be so close! Am going to stay extra good to reach it before Florida (which, if I do reach it, will undoubtably push me back into the obese catagory lol! :( sigh, haha)

Anyway, off to cinema soon to catch the last showing of The Purge. Has been AGES since I went!
P.S. why won't my ticker update on here when it has done on the ticker website? :S it has suddenly frozen recently :(
Had an unplanned celebratory lunch out today between films. We only ate out once in Stockholm as it was so expensive- a very basic posh pub grub meal cost us £45 for two :S so it was really yum today! There is a new american diner style restaurant next to our cineworld and we shared an oreo milkshake OMGGG so nice :D I had about 1/4 of it- it was pure icecream and oreos! I will call that maybe 5 syns.


B- nat ff yog, banana, blueberries, splenda

L- at diner: grilled bbq chicken cheese melt (hexA1 + 5 for bbq sauce marinade/etc and side, +3 for skin) with side salad (+1 for tiny drizzle of dressing which I asked for on side) and side of mexican veg (1/2 hexb1 for a few kidney beans and other half for extra cheese on the chicken)
Asked for less oil used and they said they dont (think) they use it because it is grilled :)

D- salad of spinach, cucumber, tomato, red pepper, chicken breast and low fat mozzerella. +1 for dressing

Snacks: 2 alpen light's, activia 0%

Drinks: 2L squash and a lilt zero so far, might have a green tea soon and will probably have another litre of squash too.

Syns: 15

Tomorrow is a friend's bday, people gathered to drink, and also a mini reunion of film school friends, more gathered drinking! Not sure if I will drink or not as I dont really drink unless to get drunk, which takes me like 30 syns+ and I wanna be good! We'll see. :rolleyes:
Film review: The Purge 7/10

I've been avoiding horrors for some time recently because I'm a wuss and get scared at night :p but I liked the concept so gave it a go!
The film is about a future in which America has set one day a year where crime is legal; even murder. For 12 hours you can kill or steal or whatever without punishment. The idea being that with this day in which everyone purges their aggression and violence, the violence the rest of the year is dramayically decreased.
It was creepy! The family followed are the creaters of a security system made for the purge day, and the troubles they face when their young son disables the lock down to help a homeless man who is being chased by a group of young villains wearing scary as f*ck ventriliquist like masks. He main villain was excellent! I was so excited by how awesomely cast he was- he was smiling and laughing and polite and F*CKING SCARY and TOTALLY psychotic- it was awesome! Really well written villain. The rest of the cast at the start was pretty awful but ince the horror side kicked in they were all pretty OK. The film was full of cheap expected moments "imma kill u *slowly as hell lifts knife, gets gunned down from behind*" that happened numerous times, so predictable lol. But there were lots of ezciting twists (also most of which you could see coming) that made it interesting. It was pretty cool! And the masks made it really spooky, they did a bunch of rather spolky scenes with the masked people just sort if staring with this creepy smile and stuff, I thought that was well done.
We caught the last showing but think it was quite entertaining for horror lovers; not too scary but I did shut my eyes a fair bit :p

Film review: Man Of Steel 3/10

Ok, I can see how some people would love this (mainly men) but for me it was way too overpacked with action- non stop wannabe 'epic' fights/battles/explosions/crashes/etc, it got to the stage where it was just... Dull? How much of invinsible people throwing each other through buildings can I really take? And then the final death scene was really lame LOL. I felt nauseas from the 3D as it was all shakey camera with fast movements.
I liked the first half, the drama side, the concepts... wish there would have been more focus on the childhood part and less of the overkill fight scenes.
P.s. I usually love comic adaptations such as the Crow, the x-men films, batman trillogy, but this just sucked to me! I was really bored at the end!
Yeah, you wanna try watching Man of Steel in 3D with vertigo ;) I have to say I loved Man of Steel and feel they did an excellent job of the re-boot. And I hated The Purge LOL!

OMG at the 5lb loss!! That's almost half a stone!!! Jeez! I am so incredibly jealous right now ;) But also very made up for you!!! That is excellent work mate :D xx
Haha we.have POLAR OPPOSITE views on everything :D
But you liked Pitch Perfect so that's all that matters ;D

Thanks mate, am going to be good ad gold to try and beat * week to hit my mini goal now :) hopefully having hit that I'll be too paranoid to eat anything dodgy in Florida and get back into Obese lol!
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Got plastered last nigt, oopsie! Went to a friend's party and then a film school mini reunion and then clubbing.


B- fruit, yog

L- speed veg soup, hexA cheese, chicken chunks

D- turkey meatballs (much less than usual so only one HEXb for the olive oil and breadcrumbs, lots of yummy leftovers!) with spinach/salad

Syns: 25 for vodka and when gettinf water from a chicken shop on my way home had a single bbq rib which was epically good. Barely any meat on it but gooey sauce. Best thing I've EVER had omnomnom! Maybe 4 syns? Was really little on it.

Two sets of plans today but no drinking so will try keep it low syn! Need another detox day to make up for yest!

Meeing two old school friends - one was my best friend for a year when we were 13 and she moved to china; they havent got facebook or anything there so this is literally my first contact with her in 10 years! She is here for her honeymoon, will be so bizzare! I barely remember being 13 as it was the year I moved to dad's house so it is all blocked out. Then off to Pride to meet Eliza and a couple of others who aee especially in town for it :)
Another nice day! Camden is... All the necklaces and such, and the clothes now that I can fit a 16 :D will go back soon to shop!

B- fruit + yog
L- SF soup, leftover turkey meatballs (hexB 1+2)
D- nandooos! Had a salad with feta (hexa) a few olives (+2?) chicken (skinless), and a paprika dressing (+2? Was tomato based hut xould see a bit of oil), it didnt fill me however and I had enough stamps on my nandos card that was about to expire so had another half chicken :O free! Took skin off.

Snacks- apple, nibble of friend's chinese in camden (1/2 for one piece of s&s chicken) (very proud of self for reaisting ALL the amazing greasy food I saw there today!!)

Syns: 5. Phew, just about cancels out yesterday's vodka syns.

Kept it red despite out of the house for lunch and dinner- BOOM!