Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

*week is killing me, feel so crappy! Hopefully I feel better tomorrow as I am filming in he evening and then super early the next morning, eek.


B- two bananas and activia

L- turkey burgers with hexB wholemeal bun, bacon and half a hexA melted cheddar. Side salad, fried onions and peppers and grilled courgette for SF. Did the burgers on the george forman grill rather than in the hallogen oven and they were much nicer and more moist! +2 for ketchup

D- two sainsburys BGTY cumberland sausages (1), scrambled eggs with other half hexA1 cheese, bit of leftover bacon, roast carrots and peppers. +1 for ketchup, +1 for honey on carrots

Snacks: hexy bowl of choc orange shreddies, curly wurly (6), 2 activias, few mouthfulls of extra light whipped cream (1)

Syns: 11 (will probably use the last 4 on chocolate!)

Period making me sooo hungry/snacky. have pooped loads today though woohoo! LOL.
Sorry you are feeling grotty :hug99:
Shoot just wrpped at 10.30pm and have to be up at 5am for next shoot :'( it is mdnight now so just 5hrs sleep!

Red day today with 8 syns, wont be able to WI in the morn so will have to be Friday. X
Here are some kitten pics nabbed off my facebook and inst*gram (why does it bleep insta out with stars but not fb? :S) No idea when I'll get around to viewing the DSLR shots, but we've taken lots! He's quite the poser.

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Soooo cute! Can't get over how he sleeps on us, ADORABLE!

OMG look at the kitties :D Even I'm powerless against them ;)
Hehe I have never stopped playing pokemon :p all half dozen of the games! I have a male friend who is 28 and still plays them though so that makes me feel a bit better LOL.

Yesterday I think I lacked on superfree a bit and today probably will too :/ yesterday was SO non stop. Woke up, showered and re-arranged lounge furniture to use the big wall as a studio background, went shopping to get kitten more chicken (his tummy got better but the worsened when we put him back on science plan), got back from shopping (was starving on way back so ate a punnet of grapes and a pack od sweet chilli chicken for lunch, guess grapes do count as SF!) then set up lights and cameras in time for friends arriving for this reshoot, spent an hr coaching them on how to perform,realised we had old scripts so had to make loads of calls then faff around printing (somehow screwed up the printing so many times! Wanted to print both sides to save ink, ended up messing it all up :rolleyes:) finally shot the bugger via cooking for them all then dropped them off home and got to bed at midnight. Couldnt sleep for AGES then up at 5am for todays shoot... Mental! Feels like ages since I just took a second to breathe... Mental to think most people live like this daily with 9-5 jobs :|
Dinner yesterday was leftover bolognase with iceburg lettuce.
Shoot has been going well so far, am makig a promo video for a painter. We shot her doing a small study of her composition as he sun rose over the Thames- the light was so beautiful!
Had breakfast of scrambled eggs and salmon at a cafe and now we are off to her studio to shoot her creating a very detailed silk screen print of the study. Phew.
Will have to WI tomorrow morning I guess... Period is still pretty heavy, and havent been drinking enough while busy :/ hopefully a decent losd tomorrow, have been so good! Am dying for a treat so will have something nice tomorrow methinks, a cheeky EE day at our unlimited sushi place after 2 weeks of Red. ;)
Managed a Red day while out shooting :D yay! Ended up being a 16hr shoot, I am so overtired right now and practically shaking from caffeine intake LOL.

Red: Lots of snacking rather than meals, but overall didn't eat much considering how active I was today...

5am: banana and yoghurt

11am: Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with ketchup (1) (at a cafe- no SF but did ask for no butter etc and didn't eat the toast it came with :))

2pm: Two small 25g packets of beef jerky (=3 syns), a punnet of grapes, an alpen light (half HexB1), activia 0%, Curly Wurly (6 syns, starting to really love them!)

4.30pm: Another Alpen light (other half HexB1), an apple, a hard boiled egg, some iceburg lettuce, salad cream light (1)

9pm: banana, muller light, half a custard cream (ate the middle stuff and half of one of the biscuits so less than half really, calling that 1 syn)

11.30pm: Bowl of Chocolate shreddies with strawberries sliced in.

Syns: 12

Am going to WI in the morning, kinda excited/nervous for some reason... I guess because I had an STS on Monday (though * week showed up unexpectedly that day!) but also because I've been SO good and not had ANY carbs (green/EE) for over 2 weeks now so I hope I get a nice number :snoopyhouse:

Shoot went well but I can tell editing will be a nightmare as she's very picky and it has to be done fairly fast considering I have to spend the next week on the reshoot edit for my aunt's company (think I mentioned that our external hard drive corrupt and lost all their damn footage? Travesty! Reshot it with some friends yesterday eve)

Kitten and Lil' Juan have started playing now! So cute :D and kitten (still unnamed!) figured out the 6ft tall cat fort that Lil' Juan has had as his throne for the past year :p Lil' Juan is not impressed that the kitten has taken a liking to his fave pedestal LOL :p

Hey matey!
Bloody hell, sounds like a very busy couple of days. Well done on all those red days too. No carbs?! Are you insane?! ;)
Good luck for WI in the morning. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

For the kittens tummy, have you tried slowly mixing his kitten food in with the chicken? They can't really go straight from a bland diet, like chicken, back on to regular food. It's got to be gradual, like you would do putting him on a new diet. Also, remember to avoid dairy products with him :)
If you need any advice just send me a text or something. I don't mind at all :) And I have plenty of vet nurses and vets as friends who I can easily pester too.

Any ideas at all for his name?xx
Thanks Cheeky! We did sort of introduce the science plan back in about 50/50 withchicken but perhaps it wasnt gradual enough? We started giving him another dry cat food and the chicken instead as the vet mentioned it might be that science plan disagrees with him. He doesnt seem to want to eat the other dry food though, only the chicken... Do you think we could try integrating some chicken kitten pouches instead? Or would dry food be best?
G recons he had a better poo yesterday... It is hard to tell as we have two kitten litter trays (lounge and upstairs in bedroom) and Lil' Juan's big litter tray in the spare room- kitten has started using that so it gets burried by LIl Juan... Kitten isnt great at burrying :rolleyes:

As for names we like he idea of of giving him a nerdy film reference... Have been thinki g Star Wars (actually just typed 'we LUKE the idea...'' loool) so we were thinking Chewbacca (Chewie for short), Obi Wan (kinda matches Lil' Juan), Jabba (I think that would be cute LOL even though it is a butt ugly character) and then had a couple of other ideas: Scampi (as he scampers about), Itchi (means 'one' in Japanese, as Lil' Juan's name is actually 'Little one') or Neo as it is an anagram of One also :p uns with the theme.

Ok, gotta be brave and WI now..m feel like death! Am so snotty and achey and period is back and fjfjfldldn not lookig forward to WI now, lol.
Sts :( ah well, at least how crap I feel this morning lowered my expectations to about that. I feel so achey, filming is quite a work out, so hopefully I'm retaining water from that and the cold I have. -5 on monday pls? ;) LOL
I have so much work to get on with but will hopefully still have a treat meal out somewhere... Though tomorrow we ar potentially going to two family parties: G's neice's first birthday and my uncle/cousin whatever's 50th surprise do. Not sure we will make it to the later as it is all the way across town and overlaps with the first do a bit...

I want suuushiiiiii!
Aye 50/50 of the food is too much. Teeny amounts and eventually get him on to whatever food in about two weeks time. Their tummies really can't cope with big changes and he was a bit young to come away from his Mum. So he might have an iffy tummy for a while. And of course he wont eat the dry food over the chicken, he's not stupid ;) But he will eventually get hungry enough that he will eat the other part of his food.
Dry is better overall, especially for his teeth :) And a diet of just chicken may cause him to become constipated - imagine a diet of pure protein! Not bottom friendly ;) So yeah, very slow re-introduction of whatever food you want him on :)

My vote goes for Chewwie !!

Sorry about the sts! Hopefully you'll get the -5 on Monday lol. xx
Managed a Red day while out shooting :D yay! Ended up being a 16hr shoot, I am so overtired right now and practically shaking from caffeine intake LOL.

Red: Lots of snacking rather than meals, but overall didn't eat much considering how active I was today...

5am: banana and yoghurt

11am: Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with ketchup (1) (at a cafe- no SF but did ask for no butter etc and didn't eat the toast it came with :))

2pm: Two small 25g packets of beef jerky (=3 syns), a punnet of grapes, an alpen light (half HexB1), activia 0%, Curly Wurly (6 syns, starting to really love them!)

4.30pm: Another Alpen light (other half HexB1), an apple, a hard boiled egg, some iceburg lettuce, salad cream light (1)

9pm: banana, muller light, half a custard cream (ate the middle stuff and half of one of the biscuits so less than half really, calling that 1 syn)

11.30pm: Bowl of Chocolate shreddies with strawberries sliced in.

Syns: 12

Am going to WI in the morning, kinda excited/nervous for some reason... I guess because I had an STS on Monday (though * week showed up unexpectedly that day!) but also because I've been SO good and not had ANY carbs (green/EE) for over 2 weeks now so I hope I get a nice number :snoopyhouse:

Shoot went well but I can tell editing will be a nightmare as she's very picky and it has to be done fairly fast considering I have to spend the next week on the reshoot edit for my aunt's company (think I mentioned that our external hard drive corrupt and lost all their damn footage? Travesty! Reshot it with some friends yesterday eve)

Kitten and Lil' Juan have started playing now! So cute :D and kitten (still unnamed!) figured out the 6ft tall cat fort that Lil' Juan has had as his throne for the past year :p Lil' Juan is not impressed that the kitten has taken a liking to his fave pedestal LOL :p

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What a cutie..... do you have a short list of names
Thanks Cheeky!! He is on his own today whike we are at family parties and he has figured out how to climb onto the kitchen table where we've been hiding LIl' Juan's adult dry food which he seems to like so no doubt he will scoff thay today while Lil' Juan eats his chicken :rolleyes: *sigh*

I think we are swaying towards naming him Gizmo after the Gremlins movie! :D Inlive Chewie also! Other ideas we had are Scampi, Pingu (the penguin animation), Kirby (video game)

Am a bit tipsy!! Have come from G's Niece (Ellie)'s first birthday party, hell and NO healthy food so figured instead of eating loads of queiche and pringlea I'd just drink wine instead as I'd have a better time too LOL. We are on the road nownfor an hour and a half or so to get to my dads cousin's surprise 50th bday. Sad that I will sober up before I get there :( had forgotten how awesome alcohol was! :p
Had 4 glasses of wine, they were plastic cups about 2/3rds full so perhaps less than a standard glass of wine. Anyway, f*ck it, am probably going to have more.when I get to the next party too :p
Last night went for unlimited sushi as a treat and probably had about 30 syns. Asked for no mayo and went for low syn carby options but did have a few treat bits like fried battered pumpkin, a few pieces of veg/prawn tempura, miso soup, etc. Was so nice! Have had two weeks of being tight and had a bloody sts so am loosening the reigns this weekend then will be making speed soup tomorrow.
I plan to.drink my way through today and.have something light for dinner. Had some cake icing but luckily dont get hungry when drinking so hopefully will balance out the calorie intake a bit :rolleyes:
That's odd that he likes the adult food more. Coz kitten food is higher in fat/calories and should taste better. It should be Lil' Juan nicking his food!! Silly kitties lol.

Aww man, Gizmo is SUCH a common name ;) I'm still with Chewie.

Sounds like much alcohol will be required today lol! I always forget how awesome alcohol can be coz I really don't drink very often. It can be pretty damn fun! How do you not get hungry drinking? I get proper munchies! I had maybe a tripe whisky last week or whenever it was and halfway through was craving a cheese butty :p i never crave sweet stuff when drinking, always savoury. Whereas normally I'm a sweet person.... haha yeah I know ;)

I'm so very jealous of your unlimited sushi! Sounds so nice :D

Hope today isn't too rubbish and you get through ok.xx
I like Itchi! :D

Sorry to hear you haven't been well and had the sts, hope you are all on the mend now? Hmmmmmmmm, I might not be psychic but I am sensing perhaps a headache tomorrow :giggle:
Haha- the headache was last night before bed (left early as I got a bit heafachey) but this morning I feel fine! Strarving though as it has been 24hrs since I ate more than a couple of bites of something!
I ended up having a blast at the second party- drank looots of wine, blew my syns but not too bothered :p had a GREAT chat to my dads cousin who had recently lost 7st, finally chat about weight loss IRL without boring someone lol! Was so good... ANd she said "you're surely at target now??" haha!
I felt fab last night, everyone was complimenting me :D and I wore that size 14 polka dot corset like top that I love with a skirt I fashioned out of a new dress that I have shurnk into, but thw top half was too frumpy and I didnt like the shape so I cut the skirt off and sewed in a hem- love the skirt! Felt really good, danced my socks off and now I am going to have a hardcore day of editing and soup clensing of all my syns LOL.
I am going to have a big syn free fry up first as I am famished, then will soup it up for the rest of the day hopefully!
Sooooo I think yesterday I had around 2 bottles of red wine :rolleyes: worked out that I had about a dozen small glasses (like party cup size) so probably about two bottles, which is around 1200 calories give or take. I also had a few big chunks of icing from cake (skipped on the sponge) which was maybe 100cal, and breakfast was fat free yoghurt, kiwi and banana... So considering that's all I ate the whole day, I recon I had around 1600 cal, which isn't too awful for someone 6ft ;) maybe I'm kidding myself here, but I'm hoping it doesn't screw up tomorrows mid-week WI too much... If anything though, I think the sushi the day before will :(

Today I had a fry up (bacon and scrambled eggs with one leftover sainsbury's BGTY cumberland sausage, 1/2 a syn, and 2 syns of ketchup + half HexA of cheese) and made a big batch of delicious vegetable soup for the rest of the day.

I just MFP'd the soup to work out how much the whole thing would be calories wise, and it's 600cal for the batch which I recon is about 6 portions! That's pretty epic! Also, it came out SO NICE! I think I always screw soups up by adding loads of sh*t like too much balsamic, worchester sauce, herbs and soy sauce before I've bloody tasted the thing :rolleyes: this one came out very creamy and is leaning towards a carrot flavour, but is really nice!

As I said in above post^ I chatted to my dad's cousin yesterday who has finally shifted her obesity, she has lost 7st in total now. I asked her what plan she followed and she said the 5:2, we were discussing it for some time as I'd been thinking about throwing some of that mentality into the works to see if I can shift the last 1.5st a bit quicker... So I recon if I made low calorie soup like this it could really help me out! She said that she always buys stuff with the calories on as it's easier, drinks a lot of coffee and 40cal hot chocolates, but she hadn't heard of MFP so I recon this could help with the low calorie counting days a lot- I really have no idea the calories of most of the stuff I eat!
I'm going to do some research first but today is definitely a cleansing day after the past couple of highhhhh syn days, hopefully can balance things a bit.

Off to do some editing now, slacking today :(


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I'm glad the second party was fun. And it really is good to speak to people IRL about dieting :D
Sounds like you looked pretty damn hot ;) And YAY for the compliments!!

Your soup sounds really nice! That's something I've never gotten any confidence in and I NEED a recipe to follow to make a soup. Odd coz I can throw all sorts in to a pasta thing or a chilli or casserole. But soups? Nope!
And now is good soup weather so I should probably have a go. Oddsock gave me a really nice spiced sweet potato soup recipe tho, that's really nice and filling and warms you up good style ;)

Hope you've had a good day today and I didn't distract you too much from your editing with FB/texts lol. Don't be blaming me :p xx
Haha welcome distractions! I didnt get started with editing until 4pm in the end :rolleyes: hehe. I got it done though! 2nd project done, was a quick one but have had much hassle along the way. 3rd project is a long one.

Food wise I ended up having a double hexy bowl of coco shreddies and chopped banana, a mug of the soup either side and a muller light. Not quite as soup oriented as I wanted but I was so hungry all day, probably because I was running purely on booze yesterday!
Nervous about WI in morn but despite expecting a gain, am still hopefull that I might get a surprise couple of pounds off :rolleyes: though wont be gutted if it's a small gain or sts. Took all I could muster to not have a curly wurly today... Have been so chocolate.craving this week which is very unlike me, but * week ended yesterday so no excuses to top up on the billion syns I have had this weekend :p
P.s. Think we are calling kitten Chewie/Chewbacca after all as we test run Gizmo and it didnt feel right... He is a stubborn little wookie! ;)
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