Spangly's tough love slim and save bootcamp!

Good stuff. I'm definitely finding the 100% easier. Did it that way the first time and then faffed around with a few attempts at dealing with minor gains. This time I haven't deviated at all and definitely works for me. Not sure I was quite so positive when I went out for lunch with colleagues and downed my water and coffee an hour ago. But it didn't kill me and was good to get out of the office.
Hi guys. I've been MIA for a little while due to hubby being in hospital. I'm hoping he'll be home early in the week. Ended up having to eat something off plan the day we brought him in as I was starving and hadn't eaten that day. Am now trying to get back into ketosis...
Hope your hubby is ok, weasey. Good luck with getting back into ketosis.

I've been all over the place this past couple of weeks. Good thing is that my size 14 jeans still fit, and in fact are getting loose, so I haven't completely backslid... but am a long way from my gung ho, totally focused, self of a few weeks back. I am trying to see this holistically though - and not swoop up and down, but accept that there are tides in my motivation and it's normal for it to ebb and flow a little. As long as I am not out of control I feel content with that. This is a much better place than last year, when I was veering from vlcd to epic carb blowouts. This is "normal" kind of - which is fab.

I just need to WANT to get back to the size 10/12 me enough to make it happen - and I can make it happen. I just seem to have so many other things competing for my attention at the moment - and that's ok. Rome wisnae built in a day (as they say).

I do expect I will be back in the zone pretty soon though... wanting to finish this off before Christmas really. My MIL and her partner are coming down this week so that means abstinence at the weekend might be challenging... but I will get there eventually.

And I feel ok about going to the reunion, even though I'm not back to my svelte self. I feel like I'll scrub up ok!

Hope everyone is doing ok, whether 100% or wobbling about a bit like me. Have a fab day!
Sorry to hear about your husband weasey. Life certainly doesn't stop and give us a break when we are trying to do this, does it.

Spangly - you sound as if you are in a good frame of mind - nicely balanced.

Weekend was hard going. Lost another 1.5kgs so I that kept me motivated but I am impatient. I think I've been remembering how quickly I went through sizes but I think that happened more in the later stages of weight loss (when each pound is bigger percentage of the total) so I've calmed down a bit. I also could have eaten everything in sight. Somehow a bar and a cup of tea and 3 back to back cookery programmes pulled me back from the ledge. TOTM is due so just holding on but the thought of real food is so compelling right now. I'm down almost 3 stone and over half way to my Christmas goal. :) I won't give up now
Sorry I haven't been around much recently guys. My hubby came out of hospital yesterday and is on the mend now thank goodness. It's been an interesting week for me. I was already geeting into some bad habits before he went in - particularly around my eating patterns. When I was large I used to quite often not have breakfast (it would make me feel sick) or lunch (not hungry and probably too busy at work). By the time I got home from work I was starving and would eat anything in sight to fill me up as soon as possible. Throughout the diet I taught myself to eat 4 times a day and I had breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. It worked reeally well. Once I'd reached goal I carried on with this pattern of eating. Eventually I moved to eating small meals 5 times a day and this really worked for me in maintenance.

In the last few weeks work has been really busy and I started to get into the situation of not having breakfast or lunch (too much to do). Whilst I was still eating the right things I was eating it all in the evening and it did not feel a healthy thing to be doing. Once my hubby went into hospital it was even worse. I would get really hungry and end up eating something in the hospital cafe. Nothing terrible but definitely not something ow carb friendly either. In one way I can be pleased that I didn't use it as an excuse to eat everything under the sun. But it is definitely the case that I stopped looking after myself and putting my needs higher. Why do I accept it as OK to have meetings booked fromm 9am to 4pm and just have to hope that one finishes a little early so that I can eat a pack? I need to re-commit to myself, my health and my eating pattern as being more important. I have started today with eating the right things and spreading them out appropriately.

I have also done no exercise (apart from walking up the hospital stairs two at a time!) since my hubby went into hospital. The eating and the lack of exercise have definitely lead to some weight gain - haven't weighed yet so I'm not sure of the damage. Back to my roller derby training tomorrow and a re-commitment to my eating plan and it'll all work out ok.
Hi everyone

weasey - glad your hubby is home and recovering. Interesting to note how the old habits come back but awareness is half the battle and I'm sure you will soon be back with your good habits as your usual routine comes back. Enjoy the roller derby training.

I've had a mixed week. Still stuck to it 100%. My sister and her family came and we went to the pub and I had sparkly water whilst they ate. I know some people couldn't do it but I find it OK - the eating part of the evening is a smaller window than people imagine - and it strengthens the Beck resistance muscle. Only tricky part was a real urge to eat whilst procrastinating at work. Never good with time consuming and boring tasks and usually punctuate them with biscuits.

A slightly disappointing 0.8 kgs loss today but I know short of a bit more water I couldn't really have influenced it further. I have lost an inch of my waist and hips in the past week though and lots of clothes in the wardrobe are almost close to fitting. Hopefully a better loss next week. If I'd looked forward to week 8 at the beginning and seen that I've lost 38 pounds and stayed on plan I would have been delighted.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.
Glad everything is going well with you Clinquant. The weight will catch up with the inches...

I know what you mean about it be fine sitting the whilst other people eat - I've done lots of that during the diet and I found it surprisingly easy.
Hope your hubby is ok, weasey. Good luck with getting back into ketosis.

I've been all over the place this past couple of weeks. Good thing is that my size 14 jeans still fit, and in fact are getting loose, so I haven't completely backslid... but am a long way from my gung ho, totally focused, self of a few weeks back. I am trying to see this holistically though - and not swoop up and down, but accept that there are tides in my motivation and it's normal for it to ebb and flow a little. As long as I am not out of control I feel content with that. This is a much better place than last year, when I was veering from vlcd to epic carb blowouts. This is "normal" kind of - which is fab.

I just need to WANT to get back to the size 10/12 me enough to make it happen - and I can make it happen. I just seem to have so many other things competing for my attention at the moment - and that's ok. Rome wisnae built in a day (as they say).

I do expect I will be back in the zone pretty soon though... wanting to finish this off before Christmas really. My MIL and her partner are coming down this week so that means abstinence at the weekend might be challenging... but I will get there eventually.

And I feel ok about going to the reunion, even though I'm not back to my svelte self. I feel like I'll scrub up ok!

Hope everyone is doing ok, whether 100% or wobbling about a bit like me. Have a fab day!

Hi Spangly!

How are you doing? I had a slip up last week - so completely agree that sometimes motivation ebbs and flows a little, kept trying to get back to it but just didn't have the willpower. Think i've got back on track now *fingers crossed*. Hope all is good with you and you've had a good weekend. There's still plenty of time before Christmas, you can do it :)

H xx
Still here and still losing and 100% but been feeling really grumpy and resentful this week. Think it's partly the darker nights and noticed that everyone has been feeling out of sorts and hungry. I have still been finding ways to treat myself without food but it takes a lot more effort. Although I have managed social stuff while doing this diet I have found myself refusing invitations if I feel vulnerable to cheating and while it is the right thing at the time, I do feel like I'm missing out. It will definitely be more motivating when I start fitting into smaller clothes. I can remember that so clearly from the last time but I think it only started happening after four months and I have a bit to go before that stage. I guess every day gets me a little closer and I am 3 stone down after 9 weeks. There is no other diet that would have done that. I feel healthier and am starting to build in a bit of exercise in again. Yoga is certainly easier with 5 inches less round my stomach.

I will keep on going just needed a whinge. :)
Hello! *waves*

Just to say I'm coming back... I think!
Hi Phoenyx. What I meant was "I'm back" as in "I'm back - just - and finally brave enough to stick my head around the door" rather than actually being on a vlcd at the moment. How are things going with you? Are you sticking to plan?

I am giving myself a break until January and then may try Cambridge for a change. I think having to physically go and see someone each week might help me to stay accountable. And there's also the element of "doing something new" which usually helps me. I'm weary of sns, to be honest. I have really struggled this year.

But next year is another story! I just thought it wouldn't work to try to do vlcd in the run up to Christmas. I know I did this time three years ago - that's when I was losing the original weight with Lighter Life - but I'm trying to be honest with myself about where my head is and not set myself up to fail.

How's everyone else doing?
I'm going strong at mo. it's day 4 so early days, but I've had so many restarts that ended before now, I'm feeling quite positive. I'm away for a week over Christmas and I'm not planning on staying on a vlcd. So I will also be a jan restarter...if you're (and my) heads in the right place, perhaps we can support each other into ketosis!!! :)

Good to hear from you tho. I love minimins, dieting or not its a lovely place for support.
That would be fab, phoenyx. I'm definitely restarting in January so would be glad of your support.

Have been MIA recently as I've had a bit of an epiphany. i'm not really ready to share right now but will do in a few weeks probably.
Hi, clinquant! Great to see you.

Of course, now that I've said I'll be back in January I've been asked to host a departmental lunch, and have also been booked on a coaching day which includes refreshments and meals. Gah!! LOL. I will find a way round both I'm sure...
Hello! Good to see you again. I'm starting on Monday next week. Good luck!
Right I messed around enough in 2013 after a successful weight loss from October 2012 to March 2013. I have put on far too much weight to mention, am disgusted and ashamed of myself but I am here reporting for 100% duty, I have done it 100% before and I am not going to fail. The discomfort I am feeling at this size and the shame of having to buy bigger clothes is awful. So Day 1 of 2014 is my new start, forget the fail of the last half of 2013 and concentrate on new beginnings.

Anyone with me?