Spangly's tough love slim and save bootcamp!

2lb off for me this week. Bit miffed about that but soldiering on. :rolleyes:
Feel absolutely sick at the moment and terrible. Got home last night to my husband telling me my youngest had fallen off a bench in the garden and hurt her arm. She was distraught and I wanted to take her to A and E but he persuaded me she was crying wolf. I feel so sick now because I persuaded him to take her to A and E this morning (he didn't want to) and she has a broken arm!!!!

I'm a mixture of: guilty that I didn't take her last night, guilty that I'm not there for my baby, angry that he wasn't supervising her in the garden, angry that I didn't trust my own instincts, really sad that I gave her ibuprofen and encouraged her to go to sleep (which she did, bless her)

So so so so upset. I know accidents happen but I am so annoyed with my husband about this. He was so adamant she was making it up. So angry. NOT going to use it as an excuse to slip up diet-wise but so annoyed.
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Oooooh poor baby!! I hope it heals soon! That's such a tricky one but really nothing to be gained by beating yourself up over it... What's done is done! And definitely not work sabotaging all the good work you've done on your diet so far... What would that achieve? X
Oh so sorry to hear that. I hope she is OK and comfortable. She wouldn't have managed to sleep if she was in pain and she is getting treated now.

I also was struck by how brilliantly you articulated your feelings even while you are in the midst of them. Not everyone could do that. The tricky part is verbalising them in a constructive way - I'm rubbish at that bit and have traditionally stuffed them down with food so that I can continue to 'play nice'.

It must be so hard to be at work when you just want to head home. Take care and be kind to yourself. We are all doing the best we can.
Aw hope your wee one is ok. I'm sure she won't be traumatised by the wait and that's the main thing. Bet she can't wait to show off her plaster cast x
So sorry to hear about her arm. You could beat yourself up about making the wrong decision last night. Or you could give yourself credit for insisting on her going to a&e today. Also, don't be angry at your other half - he's just trying to do his best too - we all make mistakes. If she had been fine then you wouldn't be angry at him - you would have been annoyed at yourself for making a fuss. Whoever is right or wrong doesn't matter - as long as you both care and you are both trying to do the best thing. It's the caring and trying which count.
Poor you and your little one, what a shock. I hope she heals quickly. My youngest spent 2 months in a full leg cast last year after breaking his leg bouncing on the trampoline I felt just awful, he hadn't fallen off it he was just bouncing. The guilt I felt that it had happened. Is totally normal as a mother to beat oneself up over these things but it is not anyones fault these things happen and childrens bones will generally heal pretty quickly and well.
Well done on the 2lb loss that is 2lbs off so you weigh 2lb less than you did last week so the scales are going the right way. You are doing so well.

Clinquant - not sure when I will get to Boots, I have it in my head that I want to go first thing in the morning before I eat/drink anything but that is tricky. I am the kind of person that when I used to go to WW meetings I didn't eat/drink anything all day because I had this fear of having something inside me before weigh in. Hence I love a good old naked weigh in first thing in the morning! Although don't worry I will go to Boots in my clothes!

Am feeling very wobbly and that it is going to take forever to get to my goal again but if I cheat now it is only going to take longer so I will keep on going.
Well, I have to say that my daughter is THRILLED with her (purple) plaster cast, and feels very special and got a certificate for being brave etc so I feel much more sanguine about it all today. Also a LOT of the other children in her class have broken bits and bobs so she's not alone and got loads of sympathy and tlc when she went back to school yesterday afternoon. Phew.

I'm in a good place mentally right now, but not enjoying sns to be honest. I'm sticking with it, but am hearing the pull of HFLC (high fat low carb) and other similar regimes... just. want. real. food. lol. What I think I'm going to do is wait another week, see what's happening scaleswise and then re-evaluate. What I don't want to happen is that I build up such a mental resistance to doing packs that I end up bingeing. I really don't think that will happen as I'm securely in ketosis, but I've let it happen in the past because of allowing myself to feel "deprived". Mind games! I think at the moment I'm holding it at bay by reading loads of new (to me) books/blogs/websites on HFLC and reminding myself of the whole science behind insulin resistance/saturated fat/hunger/satiety etc. Good to have the head space away from "real food" for a while to do a refresher.

Skinny I also feel discouraged from time to time when I think about how far I still have to go. But the thing is, the time will pass whether we choose to do this or not. The difference is that if we stick with it, once the time has passed, we will find ourselves closer to our goals than we were.

(Note to self: read, mark and inwardly digest own advice!! :D)

Have a great day, everyone!
Glad your little one is feeling OK. It's almost a rite of passage!

I'm liking your last paragraph. I have got back the confidence of knowing that this will work if I stick with it and if I do I can predict exactly where I will be at Christmas. I know it won't be easy but when we are a few weeks down the line we will only care about how we feel in our clothes and what we weigh - not what we ate this week. I sometimes get frustrated that I have messed up so much that I can't just eat healthy food but I know I am doing the right thing for me right now. Lots of time to experiment once I have dealt with the fat.

Have sat in all day waiting for the washing machine repair man who couldn't come. Tried to be positive and think I needed the rest and I have got loads of leave. Off to choir now for a good sing.
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Hello, everyone! Can I still be a member of this group if I'm having a meal instead of one of my packs? I've posted on the main forum about carb count in packs. I may be clutching at straws (and I know I need to be patient!) but I just don't feel "right" this time and wonder if the carb count of four packs is too high for my body? I'm going to do a week of three packs plus a no carb meal and see if that helps. This isn't just about the pounds coming off, it's about feeling that nice "chilled" ketosis feeling, which I kind-of have, but not as much as I'd like.
Soangly - of course you can be a member - it's your thread! I'm doing the protein meal - I just don't talk about it on this thread in case people don't want to hear about it... You've not been that well and your bloatedness and slower weight loss recently could be your body dealing with that. Also, it could be the carbs - generally if you're 60g a day or lower you should be fine. So having 4 spag bol packs a day could cause problems for some people. Swap to one protein meal a day if that makes more sense. This is all about what works for you.
Hehe I know it's my thread technically but having been so gung ho at the beginning about no food talk etc i feel a bit like a traitor to the cause. Having said that, i think it's good to have a place where everyone is focused and to that end I won't be actually discussing the small protein meal. You are possibly right that having not been well has probably thrown my body off a bit as well.

Anyway, the aim is still as ever to get back to goal weight, however i get there!
Absolutely fine with me. To be honest, although I am doing just packs I don't find food talk unsettling. What I find more difficult is when people list a whole array of cheats and are constantly starting again and then lose more than me!! That sort of thing messes with my mind (although to be honest they are usually in their twenties, can get away with it and I'm probably just jealous)

From your point of view it is definitely worth a try and if it means you can sustain this longer then it's all to the good. I may make the same decision post Christmas and I want to learn from others' experiences. We have to make this work for us all individually.

Hungry and 'Friday Treat Deprived' today but I'm soldiering on. Can't get to my group for WI on Sunday so I think I will take an interim weight of my scales plus 1lb which seems to be the usual difference. A few sausage skin outfits are looking much more wearable and I'm hopeful that a dress I want to wear for my choir concert next week will fit by then.

Just remembered I do have a chance to dip into my SpaceNK goody bag if the deprivation feels too much. :)
Well, I must be doing something right as I'm two packs down so far today and not hungry AT ALL. Possibly a combination of a low carb high fat meal yesterday lunchtime combined with a charity 'walk and wheel' (ie pushing my hubby in his wheelchair) between two local towns this morning. Feel loads better. Bloating gone and no munchies. PHEW. Maybe I just needed some exercise?! Anyway I'm not complaining.

Got my size 14 jeans on (eventually caved last weekend and got them out of the attic as I was so sick of wearing the same two pairs of trousers). They actually feel comfortable this weekend: they were a bit snug last week.

Still a long way to go to get back into my size 12s, but feel I've turned a bit of a corner.

Hope everyone else is doing great. I'm only doing the low carb meal during the week as my other half thinks it will stall me and so he disapproves!!! ;-)
Sounds really know this works and has been brilliantly sucessful for you in the past .........don't overthink will be back up to the loft fishing out all of your skinny clothes before you know it........
So my not very official weigh in, of my scales plus half a kilo, shows a loss of 2.4 kilos. :D I am incredibly happy with that. Strange how if we are 100% we can't really influence the numbers from one week to the next yet we still delight in the big loss. That's over a third of the way to my Christmas target. My OH's birthday today. I have bought food for him to have a good breakfast and dinner but I'm not going to risk my progress by joining him. Going to go out and see some exhibitions in the afternoon but overall a lazy day.

Glad you are feeling more positive Spangly. I did think to myself this week that I had started to feel normal - less tired and mentally foggy - for the first time since starting. I think it probably takes that long to adjust. I think some exercise if not too intense, definitely makes a difference. I can almost feel that my body has got over the shock of this and is just getting on with shedding the pounds.

Have a great Sunday everyone.
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Wow, that's a fantastic loss, clinquant!! Weeks like that make it all feel worthwhile.

I'm feeling sorry for myself today because my youngest, as well as the plaster cast, was running a temperature last night and so was up and down all night poor thing. I'm shattered. Also I misjudged my remaining packs (have just put a big order in) and have to manage on tomato soups and mushroom soups until my packs arrive, which will probably be Wednesday. i'm such a numpty! But I couldn't put a big order through until I get paid and misjudged what I had left, ie no variety. Ack! This is reminding me of my oh-so-sage words to someone about how I try to think of the packs as medicine, not as food. Well, quite!

Hope everyone else is feeling a bit more buoyant than I am today. However, I must add that the complete lack of hunger has continued, which is a huge relief. Maybe it just take me a while to get properly keto-adapted?
Wow, that's a fantastic loss, clinquant!! Weeks like that make it all feel worthwhile.

I'm feeling sorry for myself today because my youngest, as well as the plaster cast, was running a temperature last night and so was up and down all night poor thing. I'm shattered. Also I misjudged my remaining packs (have just put a big order in) and have to manage on tomato soups and mushroom soups until my packs arrive, which will probably be Wednesday. i'm such a numpty! But I couldn't put a big order through until I get paid and misjudged what I had left, ie no variety. Ack! This is reminding me of my oh-so-sage words to someone about how I try to think of the packs as medicine, not as food. Well, quite!

Hope everyone else is feeling a bit more buoyant than I am today. However, I must add that the complete lack of hunger has continued, which is a huge relief. Maybe it just take me a while to get properly keto-adapted?

I had a go through my packs today too to see what I have left. I've used loads of my favourites so need to start experimenting with the other packs. I only have 2 packs a day so they are lasting ages!