Spotty's Road to Slimdom

Well done SD - over half a stone in 2 weeks is ace. The hurtful remarks are awful to cope with, truly well done in not reaching for the bad stuff xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all -

Thanks for your messages. Yeah, half a stone in a fortnight isn't bad huh? Just hope it keeps going! Still got a way to go!

Really don't want you guys thinking badly of my OH, it was all said in the heat of the moment and without a very thorough understanding of the diet... he has apologised and feels awful about hurting me. I have no hard feelings against him. There will always be adversity, and in many ways I am on his side - I 'want' to be fit, defined, toned, do more exercise, see results etc... I just don't want to overload myself just yet - not while I am still in the tough Induction bit.

I've got to remember that me doing this diet is hard on him too - our food bills have gone up, and my breath - frankly - stinks! Not to mention the fact that (on the bad days) I have had bad tummies and been in a grumpy mood.

Anyway - really appreciate all your help. I know the people on this board understand, and it is probably best that I try and keep the majority of my dieting grumbles over here... partly because it's hard to understand if you aren't in the 'zone' and also because I don't want to be a boring girlfriend that talks about nothing except diets and losing weight all the time. I have been a bit guilty of that in the past, and want to stop the cycle.

How is everyone's Friday going? Any nice plans for the weekend??

SD xx
This certainly is the place to get all your grumbles out.
I'm moving my baby boy to uni tomorrow and possibly replacing him with a kitty lol. Other than that OH is working so it'll be a quiet Sunday. How about you, any plans?
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Agree this is a good place to discuss things - DH was doing atkins with me and he still didnt really want to discuss it!

Lol lisa - kitties definitely easier to amuse than kids!
I agree. I ramble here about diets and it stops me doing it irl! lol!

This weekend I went for 30mins electrolysis yesterday, going the the opticians in a bit for new glasses and contact lenses (exciting stuff!), then I'm off to meet a mate to take her son to the body piercers! hehe!

Apparently I'm a responsible adult when it comes to piercings and tattoo's! :p

Tonight I'm looking forward to my indian take-away, and tomorrow I shall mostly not be getting off the sofa!

I'm also off work on Monday and I've booked myself in for another 30mins electrolysis, and then I might go to the cinema! :D

Phew...thats me done! lol!
Hiya SD,
Half a stone loss rocks! It's worth the puppy-chow-breath isn't it? ( sorry, but I am SO glad to hear I am not the only person suffering through THAT!) :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

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Afternoon SD - how's your weekend going?
Hi girls!

Weekend going good so far thanks. I'm in a really grumbly mood though so feeling very sorry for anyone that gets in my way - in particular my other half. Poor sod. Not sure I feel like this, got nothing to be in a grump about, guess its just one of those things. Anyone else get mood swings?

On the upside, my "new diet, new you" Atkins book arrived today, along with my new Atkins carb counter. No more excuses for mis-counting carbs!

Also ordered some fresh Ketostix and you'll be happy to know I'm in ketosis! Only just, I am pink not red/ people, but its something! Yey!

Hugs to all x
Hi SD, I sympathise with the mood swings. I was an absolute mare the 1st 2 weeks, but feeling much brighter now. Plus I've had time of month and not supposed to have them as have implant in, so that was a bit of a shock last week and think it might have something to do with hormones being a bit tempremental?

Anyway, well done on the loss and hope you have a better week emotionally next week, it will pass soon love x
Good arvo everybawdy!

Hope you're all having wonderful Sundays :)

Still going strong on Induction. Nothing very special to report, except that I made my first MiM yesterday. Had to guess measurement of flaxseed cos don't have measuring cups (is there an equivalent of tbsps?)

Wasn't much of a fan but was impressed with the texture, will keep experimenting. :)

Oh, and the Chocolate Brownie Atkins bars are just evil. Far too yummy, going to have to massively limit myself!

So far...

3 egg omelette with half tomato, slices of cheddar, smoked bacon and mushrooms
1 cheddar babybel
1 choc brownie bar

Going to OH's parents for dinner tonight. Roast lamb and cabbage for me :) Going to be tough saying no to carrots, parsnips and gravy. Eek. Should have saved my bar as a reward really. Bum.

Wish me luck!

SD xx
Dinner was scrum... Stuck to lamb and cabbage and sat patiently while they ate their crumble and custard. Smelt gorgeous but my goal smells better! :D

Night night one and all! Monday tomorrow. Booooooo. Lol.

SD xx
I usually went with the 5 heaped teaspoons measurement of flax for my mims! not very accurate, but I did measure it once, and 5 teaspoons looks about the same amount! lol!
Morning Doris, one of my favourite meals is minced lamb cooked with dark green cabbage or kale, YUM YUM
Well done for resisting the dessert! I know Katie always takes Atkins snacks and bars with her when she goes out, for that very reason - next time :)
Evening SD:D. How was your day?
My day was all good thank you :)

Was a bit unprepared food wise so didn't have the best day.

B: omelette with sliced Mattesons Smoked Sausage, cheese and tomato

S: cooked pork chop & cheddar babybel

L: pack of chorizo, salami and prosciutto slices

S: blue cheese and cherry tomatoes

D: mussels with garlic butter sauce, sf jelly and squirty cream

So, nothing illegal in that lot, just not a very protein heavy day... Going to hit the shops tomorrow and stock up on steaks and stuff. Woooop!

Exercise wise, went for a swim tonight which was nice. Might start trying to do more gym based stuff as well, and attempt pilates again. My back issues are aggravated by most exercises (from what I can figure out), but not going to get a sexy toned flat tummy by just swimming...

Really excited about getting some more weight off... The slimmer I end up the more results I should be able to see from the exercise I do... In theory at least :)

OH is out tonight meeting with a promoter guy about launching his new album. A super exciting time for him (and me by default). He's not very famous in mainstream circles, but he is awesome at what he does. That's definitely another reason I want to lose weight... To look good on his arm and make him proud. Don't want to be the pudgy girlfriend always just out of shot. Lol. Look at me imagining being hounded by paparazzi... Lmao... I think I might be getting ahead of myself here... Hahaha!

Hope you've all had marvelous evenings!

SD xx
Morning Doris, sounds good for your OH love, I hope it's a success