started developers last night great start!!!


Full Member
well i have only done foun dation fro 12weeks as i started a week behind everyone else in my group anyway went into week 13 on thursday but started developers class last night and have lost another 4lb in 4days so happy. and im also in the 11stone now bmi is 30.4 so im nearly just fat and not obese wahoooo jumping around the room in my size 14jeans really happy.

had a great weekend tried this little jacket on in new look that was a size 10 in sale never thought it would fit oh yeah it did. didnt buy it though im waiting till i have reached my goal. mum bought me a shirt though took a 12 and 10 into changing room tried 12 first and it felt really comfortable so just bought that one its strange going clothes shopping. still cannot get my head around looking at smaller sizes but at same time i look at what size i was and think thats huge. so i cant win.
Thats fab hun well done, can I ask what the difference is between developers and foundation?

Emma xXx
there isnt a difference really foundation is a set 14 weeks of abstinance where as developers is the groups that carry on abstaining from food after the 14weeks because they have more weight to lose. but there is no set time you have ton be doing it you can do it from a week to aslong as you need its up to you then you go onto rtm when you are at target weight.
Oh cool thinks :) I'm just nosey have a long way to go yet!

Well done OM! That's brill! I've got my first developer's meeting tonight - haven't had a weigh in for about 10 days due to the change in meeting days - so I am hoping desperately that I have had a good loss. Will check in later!!

Is it just me, or are you finding being in Developers gives you a renewed focus? For me, it's like Foundation was all about the fourteen weeks, and you're doing it as a set time commitment, but when you hit Developers, you are doing it for yourself - and it makes it all the more exciting that you are taking control and choosing to carry on...?

Anyway - well done again, and keep us posted on your losses! :)

Good luck with your developers meeting ladies!! I finish foundation on 17th December so I dunno when I will have my first developers meeting!!! Eeek!

B x
I finish foundation on 29th Dec and then I start developers on Wed 7th Jan!! I am so excited about going on developers. Ill not be working towards my 14 weeks but to my goal weight. Do you still have a 2 hour meeting and what do you go over in class?
I'm not sure - I know it becomes an hour and a half instead of two... and there are no DVDs (although these are stopping anyway)... but not too sure.... will let you know more after tonight... I'm a bit of a sad git - really excited about getting the new textbook/workbook (assuming we do get one, I hope so!!!)

Hi gals

There was no real structure change from Foundation to carried on exactly as it had before.

That is how it was for our group anyway. The group may change, as some will leave and got to RTM, and other classes may be merged if necessary - otherwise, it was business as usual - come in, gab, weigh/shop, then CBT and TA for an hour or so.

Hope that helps. :)

What what what? Recipe book!? WOW (*cough* what for?) lol

Had first developers meeting last night - lost a mindblowing 5lbs - was SO SO happy... we got given a yellow book that doesn't have much info in, and a big yellow scrapbook which is very exciting! :) I am one of those 'stationery' monsters - you should see my penpot! - that LOVES getting new books, pads, etc... it was one of the deciding factors on doing LL in the first place! ;) Kidding - ish...

:) xx
Congratulations Anna

!!Great. There's no stopping you now !!
