Started recently, saying hello!


Hi everyone!

I've started on Exante, Working Solution and I've been on it for just under a week. I say on it but I've slipped up a couple of days due to just having a really hard time with life. You know how it is! I've done well today so I'm dead pleased with that but just hope I can keep it up even when I'm feeling not so good.

I think one of the hardest things is the evenings when I've had all my shakes (I ordered a shakes only bumper pack) and I start to head to the kitchen and look in the cupboards for a nibble. I'm not used to being strict with myself at all though I know I need it right now. I think I just need to get into the swing of things and see this way of eating as a 'definite' rather than a 'maybe'. For now, anyway.

I've come here hoping for a bit of mutual support. :) I'm just over 13 stone and I've got a long way to go as I'm only little in height! I used to be quite small and I felt it suited me so I'm dreaming of getting back there but not rushing myself.

Looking forward to taking part in this board. Anyone have any good things to do with the strawberry shakes? I love all the other favours jazzed up but a bit stuck with those...

I'm new to this too. I'm doing TS for a bit, and then switching to Working Solution. Have you weighed in yet? Bet that will keep you motivated.

Good luck
Hi and thank you!

I did have a sneaky peek one day last week and I'd lost a pound so down a bit.. I was hoping for more but now I'm ok about it, at least it's down and it's motivated me to carry on and stick to the diet to hopefully see a little bigger result next time. :)

Your plan sounds good to start with TS and move onto WS.
Wanted to be a good free zone for a while so I would break my bad habits. Bloody starving right now though!! My stomach actually hurts!

Must be nice to see 1lb come off. As long as we're heading in the right direction it's all good I reckon :)

I'm on working solution and tend to split my calories between two meals so it doesn't feel so bad. I have chicken and salad for lunch and then something in the evening with my partner.
End of week one and I lost 8lb.
Stick with it and you should be ok. We're all here if you need a sounding board. Good luck.