Starting 26th Sept

Yea I have always been the same as well... I have always eaten more in the evening than day... can go all day without eating...

How about you try int fast... as I'll be doing that once I come off this as well... works really well...

Eat 4-8 only drink water rest of the time

Will accelerate weight loss
Can you do the intermittent fast whilst on TS or doesn't it quite work like that?
I guess given the ingredient spec probaby not a good idea to cram 3 shakes or meals in such a short time.
I don't think it makes much of a difference once you in to keto...

As your body will take fuel from the fat... and 200 cals every so often is not gonna make a difference
Ok thanks. Will bear intermittent lifestyle in mind later. For now will persevere trying to get more than a couple of days TS in.

Thanks for your support, much appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Take care x
When you feel like you slipping just remember why you here... and read the success others have had... and think of it like it's not for long... 6-8 weeks and you could have lost 25%