Starting again. 7 weeks until Christmas!!!

Morning Ladies

How are you all? I'm still JUDDDING and loving it. Did struggle a bit last night but got up to 1740cals with some of Bills Cadbury choc eclairs. They were yummy but I didn't half feel guilty ;-)

I'm having an in between day so that's a 1200 cal day then back to a 500cal tomorrow.
I'm going to get weighed on Friday or Saturday as I'll have been doing it for a week then. Think ill leave it til Saturday as I'll be having a 2000 cal day on Thursday and not sure how that would show on scales on Friday (which is a 500cal day ). Hope that made sense to you all ;-)

Got a day at home today as I've got a friend coming this afternoon for tea and a natter , so Bills gone to his dads on his own. Done all the ironing, ours and Bills dads, this morning so having a well earned moment with my iPad .

Every year the ladies committee do a comedy show to welcome the incoming Lady Captain. It's hard work thinking something up and then weeks of rehearsing then making a fool of yourself on the night in front of the whole ladies section after a Dinner.
This year we are doing Widnes Golf Club does Strictly. Some of the ladies are dancing with blow up dolls dressed as men but I'm being one of the judges, either the nasty one Craig Horney Devil ( Revel Horwood ) or Bruno Ravioli (Tonioli). Can't decide which one but think Bruno will be the funniest. Watch this space !!!!!

Hope your UD is going well Becca. You go for it girl and enjoy all of those calories ;-)

Like you Sian I hate the dentist so hope it's all over for you by now with no nasty treatment needed. I understand about not being good on a weekend after WI on a Friday so do what's best for you ;-)

Nikki and both ok ?

Speak soon my good friends

Luv Ang xx
WI 271.2....havent really followed plan but think lost at least pound from last week...havent compared yet...thanks for all kind thoughts...hugs to all of you xx
Where is everybody ????????

I'm here.... Been off plan for to long.. Kick up butt given to myself and today I'm back on plan....

Marks nan was sent home yesterday, she lasted 11 hrs before taken back into hospital.. She bolted the door so no one could get in.. Pressed her panic button and refused to speak to let them know all was ok.. Unplugged her phone. Refused to let evening carer in.. Refused the meals on wheels. Accused the first carer of trying to poison her... And the hospital thought she was well enough to go home...

I'm doing my first meal tonight from the hairy dieters cook book.. Lamb hotpot.. And tomorrow it's Spanish style chicken

Happy Wednesday everyone

I'm here! I posted my reply on the wrong thread....
I'm being really good as of this morning!
Hope everyone is ok! X
Hello my lovelies

How are we all? Sorry for the last few absent days, haven't done anything huge but just don't seem to have stopped.

Sian, that's sad about your nan. Hope she's ok and safe again now.

Ange, how are you getting on lovely? I had a sneaky peak at the scales the morning and I've gone down 2lb since Sunday which is more than I lost in 3 weeks on pro points :). Hope it keeps on that way. I'm on my second fasting day today and doing ok. I did have a few hunger pangs this morning but just had a huge salad so ok now .:). I just keep reminding myself I can eat what I want tomorrow and not have to think about weighing, tracking, counting or anything.

Well, me and mum have booked a weekend away to Cricket st Thomas one of the Warner hotels. It's not il July but am sooooo excited. I love warners its so nice and relaxing

Sue, Linda, Nikki, hello :). How are you all getting on?

Lots of love xxx
Aww that sounds so nice Becca! I would love to take my mum away! I'm thinking of taking her to the theatre in London for a few days! She went to see mama Mia but I think she would like something else!
I lost a pound this week...not much but half a stone in two weeks added to my 6lbs last week!
It's so cold here today. It's Graham's birthday tomorrow so were going away to the lakes this weekend! If you ever fancy going to the lake district for a few days & want a nice hotel I recommend windermere suites which is where we're going! It's so lovely!!! :D
Hello my lovelies

How are we all? Sorry for the last few absent days, haven't done anything huge but just don't seem to have stopped.

Sian, that's sad about your nan. Hope she's ok and safe again now.

Ange, how are you getting on lovely? I had a sneaky peak at the scales the morning and I've gone down 2lb since Sunday which is more than I lost in 3 weeks on pro points :). Hope it keeps on that way. I'm on my second fasting day today and doing ok. I did have a few hunger pangs this morning but just had a huge salad so ok now .:). I just keep reminding myself I can eat what I want tomorrow and not have to think about weighing, tracking, counting or anything.

Well, me and mum have booked a weekend away to Cricket st Thomas one of the Warner hotels. It's not il July but am sooooo excited. I love warners its so nice and relaxing

Sue, Linda, Nikki, hello :). How are you all getting on?

Lots of love xxx

What are Warner holidays like as I often look at them but wonder if it would be full if over 60's age group...

Cricket at Thomas is just down the road form me
Aww that sounds so nice Becca! I would love to take my mum away! I'm thinking of taking her to the theatre in London for a few days! She went to see mama Mia but I think she would like something else!
I lost a pound this week...not much but half a stone in two weeks added to my 6lbs last week!
It's so cold here today. It's Graham's birthday tomorrow so were going away to the lakes this weekend! If you ever fancy going to the lake district for a few days & want a nice hotel I recommend windermere suites which is where we're going! It's so lovely!!! :D

Well done x
Afternoon Ladies,

Thought you'd all decided to pig out and left me on my own ;-). Welcome back !!

Oh Sian I feel for you and Mark . It's hard work trying to look after an elderly relative especially when they are losing it a bit.
As for Warner holidays me and Bill have done quite a few. I think it depends which hotel you go to to determine the age group who go. Some really are like being in a geriatric unit but saying that most of them are very lively and good fun. We have a few friends and neighbours in their 40s who go regularly and enjoy it so I think it depends what you're looking for. They really are good value for money and the entertainment is always good

Well done Nikki, another pound off. Enjoy your break in the Lakes, hope the weather picks up for you

Hi Becca, this JUDDDING is ok isn't it. I'm on my 3rd 500 cal day today and making tomorrow a 2000cal day as Laura wants to make a cake for my birthday on Saturday so that'll be a 2000 day too ;-) Well done on your 2lb loss !
I love Warner breaks but never been to any down south. You'll have a ball just you and your mum.

We were looking at going for our anniversary, as we do every year, to Alvaston next week but Bills dad got took back in hospital today so it's a good job we didn't book it.

If I don't post much over the next few days its because we'll be hospital visiting again

Luv Ang xx
I hope bills dad improves soon!
Sorry Sian I was reading quickly I apologise for getting mixed up!
I'm having jacket potatoes and chilli for tea :)
Hope everyone is okay
I hope bills dad improves soon!
Sorry Sian I was reading quickly I apologise for getting mixed up!
I'm having jacket potatoes and chilli for tea :)
Hope everyone is okay

No need to apologise lol...that has made me chuckle...

Well I am cooking the lamb hotpot I have worked it out to be around 40pp for the whole dish.. Not sure if that's right or not but seems very high, might do it again using chicken..

It was high when I worked that one out but I cut it down to about 26 I think by using less meat & lamb steaks instead of a leg xxx
It was high when I worked that one out but I cut it down to about 26 I think by using less meat & lamb steaks instead of a leg xxx

I used shoulder fillet and cut off all the fat.. I decided to only have a few pieces of meat..and loads of the carrots and onions. Really enjoyed it though...

Hope you had a good day Nikki. I've just got back from a 3 hour dance lesson / practice so am pooped too. A quick hot chocolate (WW) of course and off to bed.

Night everyone

Speak and arch up tomorrow xxx
Hi ladies, day off today so out and about with my son and meeting up with my daughter for soup and a roll...sounds sad but delish lol.
Ang?becca, I am really interested in this JUDDDING stuff. Will read up on it this evening I think.
I am looking into doing a bit of hula hooping as at the minute I am struggling to find any exercise that doesn't aggravate my back. Finally cancelled my gym memebership and it may sound daft but it made me feel really emotional. I have always trained , always been part of a gym, just really upset that everything i have tried to do to keep fit and strong has gone out the window due toa cr4p back! Sorry for being a sap.
Ang, looks like you are back in for a hard time of it hon, not much any of us can do for you on a practical level but on an emotional one we can be the strongest thing ever..
Becca good to hear you are standing strong on the MIL front. I will drive up and have your dog, it may end up in my pond but beats nasty old women lol. Anyway on this women of the world unite type post , I had better shoot off and get dressed cos I am sat here in a very, VERY unflattering Xmas onesie, (hubby to blame he bought it lol) and I need to get dressed to go pick up the kitchen raider that is my boy. I am going to have to brush up on my skill on here (you may have actually guessed I am no threat to Bill gates) and post some pics soon. Hope you all havea great day, my Thursdays are pretty much the highlight of my week so I know i will. Speak soon. Sus
I've got a onesie! It's from next & I love it! So warm & cute it has ears....
It's Grahams birthday today so I'm gonna make a cake this afternoon!
Hope everyone is okay today :)
Soup & roll sounds good to me haha.
Lots of love xxx