Starting on Monday!

Hi everyone im starting SnS on Monday. Its my very first crack at a vlcd and any kind of meal replacement bt im determined!

Had to think of a target weight when i was registering on the SnS weight tracker and that kinda caught me by suprise ........ Dont really have one, just want to feel like me. Iv aimed for around 12st which sets my loss at 80lbs.

I thought about doing lipotrim bt was really sure. Has anyone done it and how does it compare? Iv had a good read through the forums and there are some fab tips. My biggest struggle will be giving up my beloved pepsi max!!!!!

Cant wait to get started! :)
Coke zero is a life saver, I miss the variety of drinks far more than food. Good luck x
I think i will be the same. Iv heard that you can drink some ribena plus too so thats good aswell. Im goin to try the first week with out the fizz then coke zero will def be my treat lol!

Thanks hopefully this time next week il be reporting a great loss :)
Best tip I can give you is WATER! Also stay strong during the 1st week because its hard but it will soon become second nature.

Good luck! X

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Thanks guys :) i think coke zero will def be my saviour. Good for a wee treat. Stocked my fridge full of water. I work in a school so its my last week off this week. Hopefully il be used to it all by the time i go back to work xx