Step 1 Sole Source Starting tomorrow wish me luck!


Full Member
Hey I'm starting tomorrow and I have 2st 11 lbs to loose so that's 39- scary stuff! Have 2 weeks supply bought and really need to do this as I've lost all my self confidence since gaining weight after a baby (he's 1 now)
Have done this diet previously and lost 25lbs in 5 weeks but have gained 11 back in 6 months :-( but I deserve it! Been terrible over Xmas . Is anyone else starting tomorrow and wanting a buddy? X
Hi I started yesterday to and had put on 23lb of the weight that I had lost! How are you doing? I am hungry and waiting for the ketosis to kick in I do remember that the first few days were the hardest! How are you doing?

Theresa x
Well I'm better than yesterday! Day 1 was torture i was in Bed at 7 with migraine almost- couldn't lift my head off pillow :-( been good with my water drank 3ltres yesterday and am up to 2 ish now so can get another into me by 6pm!
The hardest thing for me is getting in and watching my bf eat spaghetti bolognaise n cakes :-( think I'll take a bath and wash n dry my hair instead!
Last time round I found first 2 weeks easy as I was dreadfully unhappy with weight n post natal depression and when I'm unhappy I can't eat . However this time round I'm much happier the only thing wrong with my life is how I look (terrible) even when I was slim I thought I was fat!

How have u been today? The only food I like us shakes chocolate and choc orange And choc mint or oriental soup. Had 2 tetra and a soup already but I'm 5.8 so I can have 4 packs if I need to xx
Day 3

Woke up with dry mouth and unbelievable thirst! Was up and out at 7am and at work now. Still not had a shake ! Finish work at 1pm so just brought a tetra 2 bottles of water and a can of coke zero!

Had a quick jump on scales and have lost 3lbs but normally by day three it's been much higher like 5/6! Trying not to b discouraged as also I'm due my time of the month!

My next social event that can't be missed is on sat 2nd feb so that would give me 4.5 weeks on here without cheating as long as I can do it.

Started to realise how much food has been a reward in my life (after a hard day , to cure boredom, to substitute for going out when I can't get a baby sitter) and also I enjoy the social side and cooking so feel like I have soooo much time on my hands now!

Need some good new books and some good box sets to watch!
it is harder isnt it when you are a returning cd - this is my second time here and though i lost weight last time i never reached my goal - gave up half way through it. im nearing the end of my first week with the WI on monday - and like you guys i have had the headaches etc but out the other side now.keeping my fingers crossed for all of you xxx
Good Luck!

it is harder isnt it when you are a returning cd - this is my second time here and though i lost weight last time i never reached my goal - gave up half way through it. im nearing the end of my first week with the WI on monday - and like you guys i have had the headaches etc but out the other side now.keeping my fingers crossed for all of you xxx

I'm on Day gets easier. I just have to remember to not fall off as getting back on his so tough.

I have about 2.5 stone to lose. I think this has been my best restart in six months. I'm on day 5. Since my first VLCD 2008 (got down to a bmi of 22.5), I've made it back to a bmi of 25 a few times and am now 28.5. :(. I want to get back to 133 lbs (9 st 7) bmi 22.8.
Hello I lost 9lbs in week one

However I'm really poorly had tonsillitis since Sunday and been in bed majority of time! Not eaten all my products and can't drink water as pain is bad!
Feeling slightly better today but ca advised maybe eat some food too like scrambled egg or chicken salad whilst ill xx
Yes on day 12 today, glad you are feeling much better and are still on it! Good luck back on getting back on just products! I am doing ok, had two events this weekend which were hard but stuck to it I am areally determined to get the remainder of my weight off this time and really try to maintain my weight! I will try to keep up with your posts to see how you are doing!Take Care x