Total Solution Steeleee goes back to square one.........

Day 8 -> DONE! :) Sooo happy with my loss this week, can't wait til I'm out of the 30's, doesnt seem so far away now! 1st9lbs to go! :D Today was busy, walked to my diss placement again today so another 2 mile walk :) Not as knackered as I was after last thurs doing it though! So that must be good! Although it was sooooooo boiling walking back today, thought I was gona pass out, and didnt take any water with me, oooops! Lol! Bought some ice trays which turned up today and have just put them in the freezer, so can have some nice freezing cold shakes tomorrow :) Was thinking ice tea too... although I only have peppermint tea, not sure what that would taste like cold..... lol!
Day 9 (yesterday) -> DONE! :) Forgot to post! hehe :) was on the beach all day yesterday doing uni work..... was lush! Got a very burnt shoulder now though...... :-/ cloudy today for the first time in about a week, but I wanted to go back to the beach!lol! Ohhh welll..... will post later about today :) Hope you all have a good day! :)
Wow well done on your loss. That's incredible xxxx
Hi Steelee. You are doing really really well. You just have to stick to the plan now and the weight will melt. WELL DONE on fantastic weight loss.

And what kind of uni course involves spending a day at the beach???!!!! I want that one!

Day 10 -> DONE! :) Bought an ice cube tray this morning so been having my shakes with ice since, and they are YUM :) They taste like McD's shakes (especially the strawberry!) because they go really thick & frothy if theres ice in the shaker too! And I put loooads of ice in, and by the time I'd shaken it all together the ice had melted, and there was double the amount of shake, but still just as thick, and freeezing cold! Nomnomnomnom :) lol! Made peppermint iced tea today too..... never tried iced tea, but with the weather being so lush I don't fancy hot drinks..... don't know what it'll taste like.... and don't know if I made it rght, but will find out later lol! Just waiting for my icecubes to freeze again so I can have some nice n cold :) Anyway.... lol, other than that the days been pretty rubbish :-/ but never miiiind! Gona go do some diss work now methinks, not on the beach this time haha! :) Hope everyone had a good day! :) x
Hi Steelee well done on the weightloss - it is so strange you mentioned adding ice to the strawberry shake - I was thinking the same thing now I know it tastes good I am going to try that - so thank you :)
I love adding ice, makes it do much nicer xxx
I just use a shaker cup thingy, £3 online, its fab! :)
Day 11 -> Not done :( :( :( Have eaten so much rubbish today its unbelievable :( day 10/11 is always the worst for me, first time round I was fine, but this time its all gone wrong :-/ Will start again tomorrow....
Maybe you need an indulge day once a week. If you know you have that once a week you might find if eased to stay on track 6 days a week
Off plan again today..... need to get back on it tomorrow if I've got any chance of losing afew lbs this week! Only 12 days til my brothers wedding now, can't see me losing much more before then :-/
Back on it today..... I'm gutted I was off for 3 days, just got so stressed with uni work and stuff :-/ only 10 days now til my brothers wedding, so I'm sure I can stick for 10 days...... Doubt I will have lost anything this week though :(
Hi Steeleee. I had the exact same problem at the beginning. I HAD to eat. I broke the diet several times in the first two weeks. I decided to add a meal one night a week and that really really helped. I could look forward to it, plan it and it totally satisfied my craving and my need to indulge myself iykwim. I fell out of ketosis last Friday - after six weeks - what a mess. It took two days to get back on it. I am back in ketosis now and feeling good and motivated again..

I KNOW its hard. I GET IT. But you are GOING to lose this weight. Life is full of stress and difficulty and those things will be easier to deal with when you are slim. When slim you can add "exercise" as a coping mechanism.

RE: Nibbles: Remember that those little bits of something do matter - that life is much easier once you are in ketosis and eating anything right now will prolong the DON'T!!! Its not much - to go two days without food - its not that much at all after all the years of indulgences. Thats what I tell myself anyway.

Plan to eat again next weekend. Plan something you really like but v high protein and low carb. Start buying the ingredients. Then stick to the plan til then. Enjoy the pain - its your body losing weight.

And please look for support here. We are all in the same boat.

Steeleee, Where are you????

I'm heeeereee :D *waves* :) Lol, I thought I'd posted for yesterday, but I forgot..... :) S'pose I'd better could yesterday as day 1 again (groooaaaannn....) But day 1 -> Done :) lol! I even had a soup!! I sold most of them, but kept afew veg ones, so had one with bouillon for tea lastnight :) Day 2 now, can't see me weighing this week because after the weekend I'm sure to have put some on :-/ might just weigh next week before the wedding methinks! Hope everyones ok! :D
Ohhh I just had banana custard!!!! :p I didn't really.... lol.... I nuked a banana shake in the microwave for a minute & it came out all yummy and custard-y :D