Step 3


New Member
Hi everyone,

Hoping someone starting today and can help me or should I say help and support each other. As my BMI over 50 I have been advised to start on step 3 however I insisted I did not want a meal so Im having to do 4 products a day and 2 pint skimmed milk. Has anyone else done this, wondering if have less milk has not a milk fan ...... but dont want to do it wrong at beginning. if anyone can help support as starting at same time would be brill and if anyone can talk from experience of milk amount of products a day for bmi even better.

look forward to hearing from you

How about cottage cheese? Or would that be too much like real food? Cottage cheese is a great diet product: low in fat, high in protein, and actually quite nice (or so I think :) )

My CDC also told me that should I wish, I could replace my milk allowance (I'm on Step2) with a 0% no sugar yogurt. She said it wasn't really the rule but that if it helped with the food cravings, then it's better than caving in and gorging on naughty food :)

I don't blame you for not wanting the milk. I hate milk on its own. Have you tried adding it to your shakes instead of drinking it separately?

Good luck on your weight loss journey :)