

Dave's little girl
Some of you may have seen the big campaign to encourage everyone to stop smoking in October. Its called Stoptober. I am going to be using Stoptober to get my eating habbits in control. They say it takes 28 days to form a habbit, therefore if I can stop my spur of the moment eating, my boredom eating and my loneliness eating for 28 days I should be half way through the battle.

I am going to try so hard to make this work, I am so overweight and out of shape its unreal. I just tried to do an hour fitness DVD, I got 15 minutes through it.

Anybody with me?
Sounds like a good idea but don't try to run before you can walk. 28 days is a good focus, divide it into small daily bites and build them up to see how far you can get. In fact I think I have just talked myself into doing the same thing. Good luck!