Struggling so much :(


Im stuck in a bloody rut and I just cant stop binging!!!! I think because I dont have the 'pressure' of staying to track for a good weight loss because Im not seeing my CD consultant, Im just thinking oh bugger it, no one knows your eating so its ok!!!
But its not!!!
I get so bored and Im a deep thinker, thinking too much into everything, get worked up so easily and then turn to food!!!!
It sucks, I still have 5 stone to lose!!!!!!!

GRRRRRRRR *sorry for the rant*
Listen, it feels like that sometimes. I'm kinda over the really bad stage now and it's just a way of life now. Keep in your head why you want to lose the weight and why you don't want to be overweight. You deserve to be slim and healthy. And your the Only one who can do it... Good luck x
think about why you want to be at your target and what that will feel like. better than now?
Oh sorry youre having a hard time , it must be difficult when you have been used to checking in with somebody
Do you have someone who could weigh you weekly so that you know someone else is going to track you
what about weighing daily and logging it on here for us to see , that helps me sometimes

Apart from that im not sure what to say , I have fallen off this wagon too many times to count for anything from one day to a week

I have to employ so many diversionary tactics to stop me eating and Im finding new temptations every day that I have to avoid

Its so difficult when you get stuck in that rut.
i know how yor feeling hun dnt be too hard on yorself and just start afresh tomoro. you can do this and so can i. im starting afresh tomoro.i wanna lose 5 stone b4 my hols in aug.i really find it hard before my time of the month too which is why ive had a really bad day jst gonna let it go and be determined tomoro.good luck hun dnt give up x
Chin up hun forget today, tomorrows a new day. Ive strauggled today and yesterday due to tiredness not sleeping, keep going u can do it xxx
Oh gosh, I've struggled so much this week. I just have to re-start each day and hope for the best! Evening is the worst for me. If I had stuck on track tomorrow I would be weighing 11st something for the first time ever but..... buggeration, food keeps getting in my mouth the *******. 11st 7lb will be going from obese to overweight. Why the hell can't I focus!

Today was a new day, tomorrow is another!
I went through a period of this , I would be really good all day then at about 10pm lose every bit of resolve and dive in the cupboard and ruin a whle days good work and this would go on day after day

in the end i took 2 days off, a sat and sun as they are my hardest days anyway and then restarted, on the monday , I found that the food id eaten over the weekend made me feel fat and bloated and althogh pleasant for a brief time , really not worth the feeling after , so it was really quite easy to jump back on and get back the feeling of being light and in control again

sometimes you need to remind your brain how awful you actually feel when you overeat
I had a chippy last night and 1 Fererro Rocher. After being PERFECT all day. Didn't even really want it. It was there. Felt ill all night and was not worth it. I'll now put on around 3lbs of water weight and feel bloated and crap and need to get back into ketosis. NEVER again....
this thread is such a relief to read!

I am really struggling with my urges to binge right now. All i can think of to stay away from food when i get home from work is have a shower, get in my PJs and go to bed . Not much of a life to lead is it :(
We're only human, I go through this every few weeks, but I'm not making my self feel guilty, I know if I eat s one thing more substantial today I'll probs put weight on tomorrow and I'll be disappointed, so I'm having tuna and prawns, I know I shouldn't but it's better than pizza and chips lol