struggling, support needed :-(


Evening all

Im on day 4 of SS+, and struggling today so much, i feel like giving up. im not even sure why, i dont feel hungry i just feel like i miss food so much today and have mad cravings.

i really really want to stick to this, has anyone got any words of encouragement? apparently the first 4 days are terrible will this get better :(

Amy x
Go to bed rather than cheat¡ it gets easier i promise n just think of ur loss at end of week i lost 13lbs
Go to bed rather than cheat¡ it gets easier i promise n just think of ur loss at end of week i lost 13lbs

I agree, I had lots of early nights when I first started. I lost 14 lbs in my first week - stick with it!

thanks guys, i will absoultly not cheat, im so hoping for a great loss as well. will be going to bed in a minute, this diet and 2 bambinos really take it out of you xx
Your missing the habit of food, it will take a while to kick this - stay strong, distract yourself keep going :)
Definitely stick to it! Go to bed and hopefully you will wake up feeling better tomorrow, I'm at the end of day 4 and haven't felt hungry at all - the past 3 days were hell though! You will get through this! x
i really hope it does. day 5 today i feel terrible. like im drunk. i haven't cheated once and drinking the required amount so why do i feel worse today than day 1? any advice ladies (and gents) x