
I'm living out of my suitcase in a hotel in the Middle East for the next 2 weeks, I'm really struggling with finding foods to eat for lunch.

Breakfast is ok, I have 1 slice brown toast 1 teaspoon peanut butter and a banana.

Dinner I'll have either grilled salmon or a small chicken breast with steamed veg, no oil or butter. But lunch is a nightmare and I end up raiding the mini bar snacks and wasting my points on unhealthy options.

I snack on fruit during the day but I'm a week in and feeling hungry. I'm off to the local supermarket later which does carry some WW products just wondered if anyone could give me some help on lunch ideas.

Thank you :)
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what about a pitta 3pp with salad and a turkey slice which would work out to be about 4pp.

can u get turkey bacon there....3 slices = 2pp so u could mae a low cal bacon sandwich :)

i tend to bulk my lunches up with veggies dipped in hoummous
Great idea! Thank you :) yes I can get turkey bacon which I love, though the turkey slices are processed..yuk! If I eat any more veggies I'll turn into one! Still it's only 2 more weeks.
i love turkey bacon - but i don't eat pork so thats never gonna happen for Veggies are good for you ;-) but i know what you mean.....i am like that with bananas....they help me get through any hunger pangs....which can be quite