Stuck in a rut :(


New Member
Hi all :) I'm new here! Ill find my way around I'm sure.

i have been on and off weight watchers a couple of times and have no motivation :(
i was on it before I had my baby boy (who's 9 months old now.....gone sooo fast) and I lost over a stone but I'm struggling to be able to motivate myself this time. I can't afford the groups anymore so going to do it from home.

I think joining here will inspire me :) I just need some advice on what people find easy to cook with a baby, I feel like I don't have time lol so resorting to junk.

Also any fitness DVDs that are gentle lol?

Thank you all . Sarah xx
Hi sarah, I enjoy stirfrys, like you I would be rushing round for others then would just grab rubbish for me as was always hungry and didn't allow time for myself, stir frays only take about 15 mins tops, u can add what ever meat you want and I always add a bit of garlic and chilli for a bit of a kick, have you tried to make the 0 points soup?, I make a batch and stick it in freezer then just reheat when needed, u can add pasta or have it on a jacket to add some points, hope this helps a bit x