Summer Body will be mine!

Sadie Sunshine

New Member
Hi everyone, I have just found this forum. I started Exante 2 weeks ago (tomorrow lol) and I have lost a stone and 2 pounds so far. Very pleased with that and have been doing very well but feeling a little munchy tonight so thought I'd start a diary here to keep me accountable. I have between 2 and 2.5 stone to lose depending how I feel when I get there and I hope most of that will be gone by, first of all, the end of June when I have a long weekend away and then a week away in July.
I want to feel good about myself
I want to wear nice clothes and not just what fits.
I don't want my children to be ashamed of me.

So that's all from me, I plan to post daily for my own records so you'll be hearing more!
Hello and welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start x
Hi and welcome. You've had a fab start and I'm sure you'll be at goal in no time!!
Hey, sounds like you are doing great so far!
I know what you mean about the munchies, but stay strong, it's worth it x
Thank you everyone :) Feeling really strong today so I've had a really easy day. Toffee caramel shake this afternoon, shepherds pie for dinner and I'll have a bar in a wee while. 6 miles walked :)
Wow.. did I read that right? You have been on it for 2 weeks and you have lost over a stone already?! Wowzers!!
Well I'm still here and trundling on. 6 miles a day would be about average for me, I have 2 big bouncy dogs who need loads of exercise lol. Managing to stay mostly 100% with occasional extra protein if I feel the need but I try not to do that. Certainly no extra carbs no matter how much I might crave them! I'm pleased with my progress so far and the positive mental attitude, long may it continue.