SummerField will be SLIM!

I'm on Day 2 and I'm doing well, found first day okay but must confess when I saw my mushroom pasta dinner - er is that it??
Combined with spinach leaves and found this site for inspiration / ideas.

I nearly had a little wobble at lunchtime today, was so hungry! But resisted, filled up on water and had a bar for lunch - lemon and white choc- yummy!

Playing netball tonight so I'll have a mealpak with cauliflower / broccoli and seasoning

I can do this! xx
Day 3 - I'm finding this hard am I the only one?
Im having a shake or porridge for breakfast
soup and bar for lunch
mealpak for dinner and veg.

Tempted to cheat today but I stuck with it - was really hungry this afternoon, but kept busy

Pleased I've completed this far - so when am I going in to ketosis?

Day 6 almost complete! Must say I'm soooo impressed I've got this far, everyone else keeps saying they aren't hungry, I am, what am I doing wrong?? I drink plenty (always have done) so not that?
Im looking forward to Wednesday morning weigh in for motivation x
A good and a bad day...1st weeks weigh in LOST 7.4lb!!
then had a bit of a binge in the afternoon :-( wish I hadn't :-(
line under it and restart tomorrow x