Summerslim13's diary


Full Member
Hey everyone,
I posted when I first started Exante, but have not recently posted. So far I have lost 1st and 11lbs; I am feeling much more happier and more comfortable within myself. It's amazing how much weight loss can change you. I dieted in the past and got down to 10st7lb from 16st but bad habits led to me creeping up to 13st7 over two years. I am trying to adopt a different approach this time; once I get to goal, I will be cooking all my food from scratch. I am a big fan of fish, so I have been browsing the web for recipes; I think I will be printing them off and creating a binder. My main aim is to eat clean, wholesome foods. I decided to create a diary now, as I believe I need some accountability when I move on to maintenance.

Nice to meet you all!
Hi summerslim,

well done on your loss so far! Keep it up:)
Thanks Simi! I am feeling really motivated! Losing is the easiest part, maintaining is the hard part but I'm trying to be optimistic. Good luck on your journey!
Well I weighed this morning and the scales have moved again! Really happy about this! I can't believe how quickly the weight has come off and how much happier I am feeling. Not much planned for today, but I will probably be browsing for healthy recipes - it seems I'm addicted!
Well done! I'm obsessed with cooking shows! It dosent bother me that I cant eat I just enjoy watching food being made!:)
I agree Simi! I love watching programmes and looking at pictures; I have saved several food blogs to my favourites.

This afternoon, I began thinking about life after Exante. At the moment, I feel strong and resolute however I know motivation easily falters. After I lost massive amounts on Cambridge, I remember thinking I will never get that big again; although I did not regain all the weight, I still gained way more than I was happy with which led me to Exante. I cannot guarantee that I will maintain my weight this time and make good choices all of the time, but I know I will try my hardest to make healthy choices and not fall back into bad habits. Things have changed dramatically since I first lost that huge chunk of weight; I have discovered the art of clean eating and was eating wholesome foods before I turned to Exante for quicker weight loss. I know that I am conscious about what goes into food and will avoid processed food; it is not that difficult to cook a quick, healthy meal.

That is not to say, I will never eat chocolate or less healthy foods. I would be lying if I said I had no desire for them or could substitute them with healthy equivalents, all the time. I know only too much of the dangers of setting harsh rules in stone. Instead, I will teach myself moderation; I would love to be able to have a pack of biscuits in the house and not feel tormented knowing they are there. I would love them to last for weeks on end, having no impulse to eat them all; I would love to choose dates/carrot sticks as an alternative to those biscuits. Of course there are times when health conscious individuals succumb to eating an entire bag of crisps or box of chocolates; the difference is that those moments are far and few.

Just a little thought, but I thought it would be good to post it here.
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Well, I have had a good day today! I drank 3.2 litres of water, 2 cups of coffee, 2 vanilla shakes and a toffee bar. May try and drink some more water, as I am feeling thirsty. Aiming to have an early night today, as I am feeling really tired.
Well done and keep it up! I'm having my half veg soup and bar now as I've been busy all day - then I've got half a vanilla pack to have too ! :)
Thanks Simi:) I felt tired, but I can't sleep! Wow you must have been very busy; it is good that you have managed to keep to plan, despite being so busy. Hope you have a great night x
Weighed this morning and the scales have moved again, which is good; I usually don't lose for a few days after weigh in. Not much planned for today, but I will go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful weather before I am back to work tomorrow. Feeling optimistic and in a great mood this morning.
Well done! It's a fantastic feeling when the scales move (in the right direction!) stay positive and enjoy the walk it is lovely weather :)
Thanks Simi, I do hope you enjoy your day too.

Afternoon! Well I went for my walk and it was really nice; it is still chilly outside but it is very sunny. Still addicted to researching recipes and I've found some wonderful food blogs which I have enjoyed browsing.

Whilst the weight loss has made me happier, there are still over areas in my life that I would like to change. I am quite shy and have always had confidence issues, making it very difficult for me to make friends. I have never been popular and only have a small handful of friends. Many of my past friendships have failed, due to us often drifting apart and losing contact; sometimes I feel so lonely and really wish I had a best friend. I don't really keep in contact with the people I met at University; we didn't really associate outside of Uni and our relationship was purely work focused. Fortunately I am really close to my Mum; we spend a lot of time together and get on really well. I am truly grateful that I have such a good relationship with her, but I do wish I had more close friends. I rarely see my friends and although we get on really well, I feel as though we have never been on the same wavelength and I have never had that full connection. In times of trouble, I would never turn to them but would turn to my Mum. That is not a criticism of them at all; perhaps it is a criticism of myself, as I never allow myself to develop close bonds. The older I get, the more I worry as I feel I am at that age where it becomes increasingly difficult to make long lasting friendships. I would say my weight has been one of the factors which has contributed to my loneliness; whilst I was never bullied at school, I never had many friends and I do believe this was because I was overweight.

Often I feel as though I am merely existing; I do not feel as though I am living life to the fullest. I am not ungrateful and extremely thankful for all the opportunities that have come my way; I do realise I am fortunate, but sometimes my inner unhappiness is so overwhelming. I would have said before that I am just greedy when it comes to food, but as I sit and type this I am beginning to think that I am an emotional eater. Sometimes I think I eat to fill the emptiness and loneliness; other than work, I spend quite a lot of time at home and I really do think this may be my trigger. I eat because I am bored and because I feel lonely.
Just about to have my final pack of the day; I have had 3.2 litres of water but I still feel really thirsty. May have some sparkling water, along with my final shake. Really enjoyed my weekend; it was nice and relaxing. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow though; hopefully the week flies. Feeling a bit better than earlier, but still feeling a bit down. I suppose tomorrow is another day.
Don't be too hard on yourself summerslim ~ I'm also an emotional eater but being on this diet has today changed the way I feel about food, I no longer run to the "goodies" cupboard for a sugar fix as soon as something goes wrong. I just feel I don't need a sugar rush to make things right (you've probably guessed I have a very sweet tooth!) I know it's only day five but I really feel differently about food. Hope your mood lifts - just remember how much you have achieved:)
Thank you so much! I have always had a difficult relationship with food; I just hope I can conquer it this time round. Often I wish I could just be 'normal' and eat intuitively like others, but I realise I will have to work on my attitude with food for life. There is no magical cure; I have always been overweight and so I realise this is going to require a lot of mind work. Having said that, I am so pleased with my accomplishments; I feel much better than I did when I started. I will just take it one day at a time.

Thank you so much for your support; I really appreciate your motivating posts!
Morning! I weighed this morning and the scales have shifted again; I am feeling really good about that. Usually I lose in increments, but I have been losing everyday since weigh in. Hopefully I will have a nice loss on Friday :) It's really quiet in here. Oh well, better get ready for work.
So close to goal now Hun well done!

Have a fab day xx
Thanks ExanteDreamer! I hope you're feeling much better today!

I had such a busy day yesterday, so there was no time to post. Had 2 Vanilla shakes and a bar; my size 14s are feeling very loose which is great. Measured my waist and it is 29.5 inches. I am hoping a few more inches drop off, but I will be exercising once I introduce a sufficient amount of food. Lost a small amount on the scale, so I am hoping I lose 1lb to make it 3 by Friday! The weather is beautiful here in London - wish I could enjoy it, instead of working!

Have a great day everyone!