Sunday....perhaps time for a new diary?

I did 21 pts yesterday maybe 20?aiming for the 18 mark today. Fingers crossed for both of us on Sat/ Friday morning for me. I'm at the gym as we speak. It's TOM and I feel so fat and bloated!

Must not loose faith.

Are u away this week again?
Doing a bit better point wise today. I will hit 20 because I want salmon for dinner.... perhaps I can have a smaller piece and have it with zero point vege instead of potato? Even if i make 19 I will still be happy.

Doing good Bren..

I've had a terrible month so far, completely off course!! Am going to change to calorie counting for a while & upping my carbs from 20 to 75g max per day... need to switch it up a bit am getting bored!!
Yep know what u mean! I CC'd for half a week just for the change then made an appt with a WW consultant (one on one it is) costs a little more but who cares. I haven't managed a Fast Start week this first week but rather my normal points allowance. I might try the fast start a couple of days or again for the week next week?

I know it will work, just got to stay focused! Also TOM has really bloated me these past few days when I've really tried...

No i'm here, just struggling to get online, boo!
I will make a concerted effort to get online on saturday if not beforehand.
I think I'm about a lb up, so need to get that lost for saturday.
are you any closer to your house move?
Hi Bren, how you doing?
ok, so i'm struggling badly, yet again.
i dont know why but i seem to sabotage myself before i've even started.
like today i had had 1200 cals by lunchtime....i bought myself this pasta pot thing from the supermarket which was all labelled, so i knew full well how bad it was for calories before i even started!!! but i still bought it and still b****y ate it!!! argh!
i think i am going to have to take drastic action tomorrow.....its pay did so i think im going to have to go and have a shop and buy healthly stuff ONLY.
i need to have a good few days and get myself back on track, cant beleive i'm only 2 weeks away from my target date.
so annoyed and disappointed in myself. my ticket isn't even a quarter of the way there!
i dont even know if I can bear to weigh in on saturday either?...
ditzeeblonde - yes my self sabotage is mostly certainly getting earlier (lunchtime) and later (right before bed). its not easy to break either!
Sorry I havent been on much, no time, I'm jumping on on my iPhone when I can!

Alex WI and get back to it, set a new date, but at the same time don't loose complete sight of your horse show one. You can do this! You just need to take some pressure off with a long term date perhaps, like end of November to be at goal?

Linz, time for all of us to write everything down that passes our lips. This is a new way of living not a DIET! We all want to change our lives for good and not just in the short term.

As for me, busy and hanging in there. I gained 3/2 lbs and am working on kicking them. Also having a weekly WI with a one on one consultant for WW. Costs more but if it works? I had a tough week and wasn't exact to plan, but lost 1.6kg! Reassessingy goal for holiday to whatever I get down to, still going to aim for 4kgs in 6 weeks xx
hi bren,
so my birthday night out with the girls is 13 weeks today and the horse show 2 weeks away. so they are my mini goals.
i'm with you and linz in that i need to write EVERYTHING down.
we can do this.
today was a hot hot hot day so I ended up eating an icecream, but i don't feel too guilty - went for a long walk on the beach.

The occasional icecream with a walk on the beach if life Alex and you are entitled to that, even if you are trying to loose weight. WW consultant mentioned that it should be a diet as that means you need to keep up that method when you are at goal and you dont. So best is slow and steady.

I agree Linz, join up to that website and track everything.

I have had an awesome day out a the football about 27pts... and I'm only allowed 21. I did walk and ride a little today on the bicycle earned about 2 pts I reckon. So thats 4 or 5 over. I will earn them tomorrow hopefully at the gym.

As for my up to 21pts tomorrow after my half arsed atempt at 18pt Fast Start week...?!! Going to aim for 20pts knowing that the extra 1 I probably use anyway.!

Just getting organised for work tomorrow morning. Hope you have all had fab weekends.

Well I just am so busy at the moment, school is really hectic with reports and exams looming. Not to mention dealing with the everyday dramas of my students.

I'm sticking to my points and using my bonus points earned, actually I need to earn 5.5 before Friday and really the doesn't look possible. Hoping for a loss on Friday evening, not going to have a sneaky look early either.

Linz are u back in the groove?

Alex how's things going in preparation for the show?

Bren x
no prep needed really as only spectating this time.

taking the baby to his first outing on the 17th though.

just can't seem to get in to the swing of things. I weigh more now that I did at jan 1st. I just don't seem to have the willpower to stick to anything.

hmmm.......don't think I can do this "dieting"'s to general healthy living and exercise
Thanks Linz, my fingers are crossed. Still nervous I'm over by about 5pts for the week and hoping that I can get up early and get to the gym in the morning??!? great to hear you are back into the swing of things. How come you are on 50gm of carbs and not 20?

Alex how do you think you two will go at the show? Oh and what's your horses name?

That's brilliant!

It's 5.30am and I'm at the gym for 30mins! WI this evening at 6, fingers crossed.

5pts... that shouldn't have any bad affect should it??

Have upped my carbs as I was diagnosed with high cholesterol & need to drop my fat & thought it best to up my carbs a little!

So far so good... have dropped 9lbs since monday & only 1lb over posted weight so feeling good.

WOW that's fast. Gordon Bennett!

Go you! xx