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Does anyone use supplements, and do they work?

I take a (cheap) multivitamin each morning since starting the diet, just so I can be sure I've got the vitamins and minerals I need.

I've also started taking water tablets as I know most of my wobble problem is water retention. (although reducing salt in my diet has probably helped with that too)

And I've been trying holland and barrets acai berry. I can't say that this one seems to make any difference (except on my pocket) but maybe it is responsible for my reduced appetite? I've got another months worth of pills left so I'll keep going and then see what happens.

So, what, if anything, do the rest of you use, why, and does it work/is it worth it?

I started taking Physillium husk as I read good things about it swelling and making you feel full, I took it for a week and all it did was bung me up it was supposed to colon cleanse too, I ended up taking a couple of laxatives so I could actually go to the toilet !! So wouldn't recommend them, I do take a weight management tablet which contains Fucus which is a sort of seaweed its supposed to help your metabolism, I have taken them since Jan as they are only cheap and I am a bit afraid to stop taking them in case they do help, I don't suppose they do any harm but can't say whether they actually work or not !!