Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

*Shanny* said:
I'm too lazy to go on the pc to look now. This iPhone is stressed out at the moment lol

How much is P&P sal ??

Not sure hun, haven't got that far yet!
Hmmm never heard of them, but then I haven't seen my CDC for ages, and new products have been brought out. Great Things is doing 810, she might know. What flavour was it?

They've had them for a while (3-4 years ago when i initially did the diet) But with the new packaging i thought hey why not (they were a bit too strong for my taste buds)

Just tried the yogurt coated lemon, there's also apple-strawberry and if i'm not mistaken some other citrus bar. 202 cals it says cambridge 800
enlightenme2 said:
They've had them for a while (3-4 years ago when i initially did the diet) But with the new packaging i thought hey why not (they were a bit too strong for my taste buds)

Just tried the yogurt coated lemon, there's also apple-strawberry and if i'm not mistaken some other citrus bar. 202 cals it says cambridge 800

This might seem a bit dim but where are you are you in the UK? Looks like these are Australian? From what I can gather from googling them.
enlightenme2 said:

I've just looked on the UK website and they're definitely not UK bars so if you're based in the UK I have no idea how your CDC is getting hold of them?? If you want my CDC is a friend so I can ask her?
enlightenme2 said:
No, I live on the French riviera, however, my CDC gets her stuff shipped direct via UK

Ah that explains it then. We don't have them here but they do in Australia, New Zealand and on the continent. I noticed your picture had French writing on.

I'm jealous I want lemony bars!!!!!
They ARE YUMMY, crunchy, coated, flavorful... heavenly but with 202 cals a bar, i wasn't paying attention coz she usually gives me extra stuff from what i order, to taste and what noy, and i thought yum, let me have a closer look... Yikes 202 cals, cut that little bugger in small pieces and stuck it in my freezer. Mandarin is sooo good too

apparently designed for the 800 plan, but having them anyway... good change
They ARE YUMMY, crunchy, coated, flavorful... heavenly but with 202 cals a bar, i wasn't paying attention coz she usually gives me extra stuff from what i order, to taste and what noy, and i thought yum, let me have a closer look... Yikes 202 cals, cut that little bugger in small pieces and stuck it in my freezer. Mandarin is sooo good too

apparently designed for the 800 plan, but having them anyway... good change
So y don't we have that flavour then?? They are very high in kcals thou.

I couldn't just eat one a day lol I adore lemon foods. Lol
enlightenme2 said:
They ARE YUMMY, crunchy, coated, flavorful... heavenly but with 202 cals a bar, i wasn't paying attention coz she usually gives me extra stuff from what i order, to taste and what noy, and i thought yum, let me have a closer look... Yikes 202 cals, cut that little bugger in small pieces and stuck it in my freezer. Mandarin is sooo good too

To be honest the extra 70 calories don't matter. So long as you're only having one a day. Anything under 800 cals is considered a VLCD. The big thing you need to check if you're doing SS or SS+ is that there isn't citric acid in them, this can knock you out of ketosis.

I am sooooo jealous!!! I'm ordering some lemony bars from Kee tomorrow!!!
To be honest the extra 70 calories don't matter. So long as you're only having one a day. Anything under 800 cals is considered a VLCD. The big thing you need to check if you're doing SS or SS+ is that there isn't citric acid in them, this can knock you out of ketosis.

I am sooooo jealous!!! I'm ordering some lemony bars from Kee tomorrow!!!

haha, nope, quite "ketosis" friendly, as I'm not a chocolate lover, I was never ordering the other bars - she did have me try the new cho mint bar which is def lovely... so she said, well have a couple of these and let me know what you think. I could definitely see where it could be problematic eating just one!! I'm in love here :D
i'd love some different bars. i love the mint bar the best of all then the peanut one. i wonder why they don't just do the same thing for everyone.
Wow, just had a look at the kee products, they've got loads of stuff!! could get lost in all of it even. I know what you mean great things! one of the reasons I don't do shakes is because at that intense level of shakes, my lactose intolerance kicks in big time! They have the lactose-free but it's just not the same. Their soy-based products, however taste great.
It's very strange isn't it? I mean they clearly work fine for everyone else why can't we have them????

Shanny will you let me know what they say about prices? Oh and check them for citric acid, you never know.... I've turned into a citric acid fanatic I check EVERYTHING lol, even my cottage cheese!