Susie's 2022 campaign

Hey Team - sorry for the radio silence, I just felt a bit boring just moaning on about health issues - and my food isn't exactly diet fodder either lol. I find it difficult to read the forum posts on my phone and my legs hurt if I leave them to hang down if I'm at my desk, so I haven't been doing much at all on the laptop.

But slowly the legs are improving, thanks to the wonderful nurses coming in daily, and I'm trying to manage the painkillers so I'm not constantly zonked out but they cope with the RLS - can't tell you what a major bonus that has been, not having it!

Just got a real boost this afternoon, got an offer of 6 weeks freelance work from my old charity woohoo! Also heard that my flight to NZ at Xmas has been cancelled so i will get a refund, although it'll take 3-6 months to come through - but it's money I really need, so things are doing ok on the £ front.

My tenants have given notice because their house sale has completed but thery want to stay on until they do all the renovations, so there's no urgent rush to find new tenants.

So, lots has been happening! Hope you're all well, and I'll try and catch up on your posts ovder the next couple of days xxx
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Hi lovely. I’ve not been on much for a while too. Great weight loss, well done hun. Great news about the freelance work too. I’ll message more when I’m feeling better x
Meant to say, I've picked up one new habit - when I can't sleep at night I get up and clean something, rather than watching TV or reading - so the house is a bit cleaner lol.

Also spent a few hours working, to clear the decks a bit and get ahead on my timetable, and I feel a lot happier now - written two case studies and emailed through for checking and sign off, and emailed five more. The new role will involve about 20, so there will be lots to do in a short period.

And tomorrow Andy the handyman comes to change all the bedding - I have to share a (now) funny story with you. I was feeling pretty low, my legs were leaking fluid like you wouldn't believe, all over the bed, sheets, towels, etc, so I put the spare duvet on top of it all, and thought that'll do for now. I was sitting there, feeling horrible because my legs were so sore, when a flea jumped onto my leg! EEEK! it was only then that I remembered that one of the cats had been sleeping on the spare duvet - and both cats had suddenly got a full on flea infestation that I was trying to deal with in a herbal way (which wasn't working)!!!!

So not only did i have wet soggy bedding, but it was also flearidden - and you know you start scratching immediately at the sight of just one flea, I felt like i was covered with them ewwww! I burst into tears and thought, it can't get any worse than this - and then Stella, the youngest cat, who has cystitis, jumped up next to me and PEED on me. In bed. Twice.

Oh My God. i just couldn't believe it. It wasn't her fault, it's part of the cystitis that she just has to try and wee anywhere she can the poor love.

Since then I've had to put up with the duvet because there is only that one bed, but I sprayed it several times with a highly toxic indoor flea spray stuff which pretty much dealt with the fleas. The cats are now on a full on drop treatment for fleas - and I've bought all new bedding, mattress, mattress cover, mattress topper, electric blanket, duvet and sheets - and all the old stuff goes outside tomorrow to be taken away by the junkman WOOHOO. I'll give the bedroom a good vacuum as well, make sure there's none of the bluighters hiding in the skirting boards, get the bed made up and then it can turn back into my sanctuary. It's gonna be soooooo great!

Andy is going to do a whole lot of little jobs for me, which will also help lift my mood, and i'll get him to price up the new kitchen too.

So the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter YAYE!
No wonder you have neen feeling down, that really is dumping cr@p on top of misery.
Nothing like lots of new bedding to make you feel better. Ooo i love new sheets
The bed is made YAYE! Took me an hour because I kept getting puffed out but it's done and I can't wait to climb in :).

I also got three new duvet sets on Amazon Prime today, massive discount, ended up being £30 for the three. All 100% cotton, which I love, so might have a good clean out of the old ones!

Just had a good chat with my old boss about the work they want done - sound like the project is mine, as long as we can agree a pay rate, which should be decided tomorrow - and start Monday!

And the handyman was great, such a nice man, and happy to price up the kitchen and bathroom. He brought Will, a young helper, with him who managed to fix the car windows (the electrics have gone and they wouldn't close properly so rain has been pouring in these last two months), and they even drove down to the garage and borrowed some jumper leads to charge the battery up with! Will is a garden expert, so that'll be in good hands once the weather improves.

But for now the little jobs (coat rack up, fly screens on, portable desk assembled) are all done and I'm one happy bunny :).
I have been trying to stay off amazon on prime day because after initially doing all the online shopping in initial lockdown I've managed to be good and pay down all but one credit card - but the clear balances are taunting me (think of all the gadgets I could buy - the ninja food thing that is a slow cooker/pressure cooker/air fryer all in one had £70 quid off but I have nowhere to put it and need to be sensible. I'm hoping it was a lightning deal or sold out by now to make me behave.

It's good the handyman fixed all those little jobs and did those bits with the car dead battery (i don't drive but my oh does and the amount of cars we've had with battery issues is unreal - the current one is behaving but the last one we got stranded some interesting places)
Sounds like a productive day Susie, well done on getting the bed sorted
Morning all

Well apparently my legs have got some weird infection not recognised by the senior nurse, who came by to assess them today - so it's a referral to the Tissue Management team to figure out a plan, because they aren't healing at all.

Otherwise all good - the new bed is BLISS! The new mattress is a bit bouncier than the old one but it's lovely, as is the deluxe uber thick comforter :).

And bizarrely I've lost 4lbs - no idea how. I've been living off ready meals and chocolate!
Oh no, i hope they figure out whats going on with your legs soon.
Hope they figure out what is going on with your legs soon.

BONUS!!!! Love a freebie.

I stayed away from Amazon this week too but I really do need a nutribullet now so will have a look and see what deals they have later on.
Evening all - hope you're all keeping well and safe in your little respective bubbles. I realised today that I've been effectively shielding since March! The only way to go though, I'm not exposing myself to germs for all the tea in China.

All is good with me thanks - still no answers on the legs, just trying different treatments, so I'm sure it will get sorted sooner or later. Work started on the pantry today - two chaps are bashing a hole through from the kitchen into the shed next to it to give me a bit more space, so will put the washing machine and dryer (when I buy one) in there, plus all the cat stuff. The handyman and his helper who are doing the work are great, really cracking through it, so bit by bit I will have my new kitchen :).
Yep just keep going with the treatments to find one.
Its great you can get all the work done and be at home to monitor it
Morning all

Another couple of mad days - I've won the two month contract yaye, so that'll keep me busy until Christmas, and help the bank balance!

Also having a slight difference of opinion with the district nurse office, there's a new woman there who thinks I should be cleaning my own wounds (yuck - so not doing that) - so I've got the GP to sort it out, hopefully!

Otherwise, same old here. The utility area is finished, apart from plastering and painting. It will also need an extractor fan once I buy a dryer but that can wait for now - so will give the washing machine a go this afternoon, cross fingers there's no leaks! The dishwasher is also in place now too in the kitchen, so that will also get put through its paces tomorrow.

Stay safe xxx
Its mad the way the nurses and GPs all have different opinions. I know they have to prioritise the service where its needed most but a little bit of clarity and consistency is needed.